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Why the grinding halt and radio silence? Things were moving fast in May to early June. Then there was the announcement of the FDA acceptance for the next indication and delayed start date. I get that things have to be reshuffled due to region and territory additions, but the lack of updates and secrecy from managers is pretty concerning. Two people in my area have accepted offers elsewhere and I’m about to do the same. Something fishy is going on…

Why the grinding halt and radio silence? Things were moving fast in May to early June. Then there was the announcement of the FDA acceptance for the next indication and delayed start date. I get that things have to be reshuffled due to region and territory additions, but the lack of updates and secrecy from managers is pretty concerning. Two people in my area have accepted offers elsewhere and I’m about to do the same. Something fishy is going on…

Exactly! I am in the final stages with another company and was trying to hold out for this one. I haven't heard anything after reaching out twice! Not sure after this lack of communication!!

This company smells Phishy
Could take Phorever to hear something
Phar be it for me to say
Pheels like a scam
Pfunny thing is, I don't care
I'm sure they're a Phabulous company

They are hiring DM’s right now and that DM will reach out to interview candidates for his/her team. Be patient….first wave of start dates is Sept. base is amazing!!

No... a lot of DMs have already been hired. The communication should be much better. I get this is a start up but the DMs should have much more communication with those they gave verbal offers to.

Weird time right now. Stock down to all time lows but our PA group continues to pump out material about how good Terrie is, how woke we are, how innovative we are, etc.

Meanwhile, nothing going on to get field sales in position.

What gives?

Weird time right now. Stock down to all time lows but our PA group continues to pump out material about how good Terrie is, how woke we are, how innovative we are, etc.

Meanwhile, nothing going on to get field sales in position.

What gives?

What I’m hearing is that the VP can’t decide on whether to stagger launch the sales force with the first wave September, second in December, and third in March of next year. Or just hire all territories at once in January next year.

What I’m hearing is that the VP can’t decide on whether to stagger launch the sales force with the first wave September, second in December, and third in March of next year. Or just hire all territories at once in January next year.

Well because of his lack of decision making and communication, I have to rescind my offer as I was still interviewing during this time. Just accepted another offer and signed written contract same day. I was looking forward to joining this company but now knowing when a potential start date is had me concerned. Best of luck to those that will be joining!

What I’m hearing is that the VP can’t decide on whether to stagger launch the sales force with the first wave September, second in December, and third in March of next year. Or just hire all territories at once in January next year.
I really hope they are not going do this to people who accepted their offers and then also accepted the extension to September start date. That really would be seriously disgusting. And probably grounds for “ loss of wages” lawsuit.

I really hope they are not going do this to people who accepted their offers and then also accepted the extension to September start date. That really would be seriously disgusting. And probably grounds for “ loss of wages” lawsuit.

I initially accepted an offer back in May for a July start. Then was contacted by HR to revise the start date to Sept 12. Haven’t heard anything since from HR or the hiring manager. I’ve turned down other offers because this had the best salary and package, but in hindsight I’m starting to regret my decision because of lack of communication and what I’m reading on here. Before I do anything hasty, I’m going to reach out to my HR rep and hiring manager and see if things are still on track. For those of you in a similar position, I urge you to do the same so that management knows that this deafening silence leads to speculation that there are problems with the company’s plan to launch.

I initially accepted an offer back in May for a July start. Then was contacted by HR to revise the start date to Sept 12. Haven’t heard anything since from HR or the hiring manager. I’ve turned down other offers because this had the best salary and package, but in hindsight I’m starting to regret my decision because of lack of communication and what I’m reading on here. Before I do anything hasty, I’m going to reach out to my HR rep and hiring manager and see if things are still on track. For those of you in a similar position, I urge you to do the same so that management knows that this deafening silence leads to speculation that there are problems with the company’s plan to launch.

Sounds like you're doing the right thing. Get clarity from Phathom HR on your offer and start date still being 100%, and listen closely for any hint of uncertainty in their answer, that will tell you a lot. In the mean time, keep looking for other opportunities, go with who will pay you NOW (even if a bit less) and not a promise for later. Recession is likely right around the corner, and yes it probably won't impact established pharma co's with solid revenue streams, but a startup like Phathom could be having difficulty raising additional capital with a tighter money supply (less lending) now a reality. Look around, tech companies are now slowing their hiring efforts. Google just reduced (layoff) their workforce to streamline operations, and many other technology companies are starting to do the same. Easy money and easy jobs are over. Be wise, best of luck!