
Sad to think our stock would be doing pretty well if Takeda would stop dumping shares on the open market every day

Thats what happens when you latch yourself on to a sinking ship. Now they are looting us to keep themselves from drowning after over a decade of bad decisions. We obviously didnt have a choice as it pertains to vonoprazan, but still a good life lesson to be learned.

They want out.
We expanding beyond what was warranted in an effort to prime the pump and pump the stock.
The Street knows.

Once we screwed the sales force, we were done.

When you say “we” who are you referring to? Are you part of upper management? By the way I fully agree with your statement. Appreciate the perspective

Serial poster strikes again! Go sell some shit dude. You clearly can’t cut it or handle the pressure of being on your own. I’m 90 percent primary care and I’m heading to Greece. Deuces bitch!

Kind of strange considering we are all shareholders, but seeing us drop is better than seeing us going up. Sucks losing money but nothing would be more world breaking than seeing investors agree with the direction and leadership of the country, at least im not crazy

By the time we come even close to a blockbuster, our patent will shortly expire
True, hats off to the genius investor on this board who acts like he owns the company because he/she owns 200 shares….you bought a company with one drug and 6 years of patent life left, then come on this board and whine to us that the stock is going down. I feel tremendously sorry for you, no hope if youre making decisions like that.

True, hats off to the genius investor on this board who acts like he owns the company because he/she owns 200 shares….you bought a company with one drug and 6 years of patent life left, then come on this board and whine to us that the stock is going down. I feel tremendously sorry for you, no hope if youre making decisions like that.
Lmao yes fuck that guy