
That boycott is an excellent idea. We can have a contract salesforce in place the following week and see better results immediately. DO IT!

Anyone else notice the corporate clown on here threatening w a contract sales force? See, the thing is, if this corporate clown was having such great success- I don’t think they’d find themselves on cafe pharma … do you?

Yep I see the clown. and also the fact that the clown says “go ahead, WE will replace you w a contract sales force” tells me they’re up top. So keep speaking bc corporate is reading

Ha ha I was thinking the same. My guess is upper management as this person sticks out like a sore thumb.

You want to know what really stands out like a sore thumb? This douche canoe that keeps posting and responding to their own post every 1-2 minutes. The time stamps don’t lie! There is NO WAY there are that many people on here to respond 21 times in the span of 30 minutes after 11:00 at night. Every minute on the minute. Not to mention all the 7 am posts that follow the same pattern. Consider yourself exposed. What a sad and depressing life you must have. Please get some help.