
No kidding! This gig is easy. I've already exceeded expectations for Q2! Must be hard when you can't hide out in your pod anymore!

It must be easy when you’re in a major metropolitan area, have speakers, have more than 10 GIs in your territory, had providers in the clinical trials, aren’t reliant on primary care with a limited label, etc….

Don’t act like you’re “super rep” who generated all this volume on your own you douchebag. Just wait until we’re actually goaled based on geographic potential vs this one size fits all nonsense.

My heart goes out to all the great talent who won’t make the money. I’ve met so many talented people who unfortunately don’t have favorable variables out the gate.

This next call will be telling…make it right and PAY YOUR PEOPLE or this place will be a revolving door.

To those poo-pooing on the ones who aren’t making the money - go fuck yourselves.

I agree with the above post. My territory is predominantly GI and I have been lucky. I don’t think I’m a super rep, just a lucky one. I sincerely hope they do right by the sales force. It isn’t fair to treat territories the same.

I am fortunate in that my manager is pretty great, however they only have so much control. If Phathom cared to listen I’d say ..

- Pay your sales force their bonus, regardless. Invest in your people in a launch.

- Release all Blink RX data to the sales force daily/ weekly
(none of this waiting til they have 5 unfilled RX’s, it’s too late then)

- Do not mandate weekly team calls, let us sell.

- Regularly seek feedback from your sales force & be willing to hear the good, bad and the ugly then adjust course

- Allow for flexibility in call routing

- Fix Veeva !

- Be patient with RX’s. This is a process.

Upper management acts as though they are all new to Pharma. All territories are not created equally as some in larger metro areas will have a deeper amount of commercial and Specialty Pharmacies that are willing to bypass Blink! I hope whoever is related to the Blink salesperson is happy - they have been a failure since day one and upper management doesn't want to admit it!

Phathom will probably be sold this year, Stringer is hinting at that. The market cap is low and once money gets tight it will be a cheap asset to acquire. It will take lots of cash and patience to get vono to blockbuster status and in 3-5 years there will be 2 or 3 other PCABs on the market. To fight off competition while you are still creating the PCAB market in the US is better done by a large pharma player with deep pockets. Japan shows the potential but Phathom just does not have coffers deep enough to get there alone. My two cents worth.

If you consider s 50% acquisition premium the stock will ball around 15-17 in my opinion, maybe 20 so can make your calculations on the option pool.

Phathom will probably be sold this year, Stringer is hinting at that. The market cap is low and once money gets tight it will be a cheap asset to acquire. It will take lots of cash and patience to get vono to blockbuster status and in 3-5 years there will be 2 or 3 other PCABs on the market. To fight off competition while you are still creating the PCAB market in the US is better done by a large pharma player with deep pockets. Japan shows the potential but Phathom just does not have coffers deep enough to get there alone. My two cents worth.

If you consider s 50% acquisition premium the stock will ball around 15-17 in my opinion, maybe 20 so can make your calculations on the option pool.
The letter to shareholders indicates they want to expand into the gi space potentially

I have enjoyed launching Voquenza. The response has been great. It is extremely frustrating having to use Blink. My success has come by bypassing this nightmare SP. The good news is we are getting close to being acquired by a real GI company. Takeda, Abbvie and a couple other GI companies are looking at us. We could get to blockbuster status in a few short years with the vision and support of a larger company with proper MC support. We all just need to hold on until better times arrive.