Petition to fire Todd Usen

Is this PSS Urology company doing as well as people are saying?
Some people say its non existent, others seem really angry about it.
Can anyone provide honest feedback, without all the anger?


Peter Crowley & Randy Clark need to be terminated!
They have done nothing but lower morale and increase the TM vacancy rates.
Hows the stock buyback program going SOD? We all know that your stock isn't going up from increased medical device sales. Olympus is headed into the ground.

Major Management Restructuring needed now!

Randy, Todd need to go, ASAP! Cutting Reps' commission to make your profit margins look better is catching up to you. You've hired amateurs, like Pete, who can't secure new quality products or get anything approved. Low morale and low sales are nothing you should be proud of. You have created a culture of anti-sales and anti-sales reps. You have also beat down RVPs so they won't speak up any longer.

The board of directors needs to grow a set of balls and terminate Hiroyuki Sasa, as he is complicit and a man without morals. After firing Sasa, Todd Useless, Randy Clark, Nils Ericson, Peter Crowley, and many of the AVP’s & RVP’s need to get canned. It’s time to clean house, or this is all she wrote. The current criminal regime has ruined Olympus. Get them out now!!!! Now!!!

Fuck you Todd Usen. We know your driving the ship ashore with your fear mongering. Its starting to bottom out and you'll be the first thrown off. SMF!

You act as if Usen owes you or any other rep/mgr anything. He was hired to be the hatchet man: cut expenses, cut comp, make sales & bottom line appear better than they really are.
Beyond that, he brought no talent or fresh perspective. (He’s a terrible leader, one of the worst I’ve seen in my 20+ years)
Olympus crossed the “big medical company” threshold a few years ago but it was fully instituted with the new regime. It’s accept it or leave. (A lot of talented reps chose to leave which is unfortunate but understandable.)
Suggest you do the same or you’ll continue to be miserable. Or buck up, wait these guys out as they won’t be here a lot longer.
Life is too short to “hate” who you work for.

Todd and his men came all good reps left and now who’s left? ADP, Paychex, and Enterprise Rental reps waiting out their 2 yr start in medical to then move on.

#ChurnAndBurn #NoPayNoPlay

Todd’s a start but he’s not the BIG problem, Randy Clark is!!!! He’s pathetic!!!! Time for us to put the pressure on to get Tokyo to listen and remove Randy ASAP!!!!!

Todd’s a start but he’s not the BIG problem, Randy Clark is!!!! He’s pathetic!!!! Time for us to put the pressure on to get Tokyo to listen and remove Randy ASAP!!!!!

Things have hot rock bottom at Olympus.
Randy & Nils need to be fired by Tokyo tomorrow. Biggest waste of space ever!

Are any of the reps enjoying their jobs these days?