Funny stuff. Does anyone really think the CEO and President work on comp plans for reps! Not their job! I had concerns about comp and went to my AVP. (The people who own the plan) Sounds like the same 2 divisions have all the free time for this blog while the other 5 are out working!!!
Funny stuff. Does anyone really think the CEO and President work on comp plans for reps! Not their job! I had concerns about comp and went to my AVP. (The people who own the plan) Sounds like the same 2 divisions have all the free time for this blog while the other 5 are out working!!!
Terminate Nacho Abia, Todd Usen, Sales Ops Dick, Randy Clark and Nild Freakin Ericson!
Get them out of the company now!
Well I still work here and I see the issues as plain as day. Why can't management? The slippery slope is hard to recover from. I am not looking forward to the NSM at all. I use to. Winning awards and going on stage was a little recognition for my years hard work. This year I will again be on the stage. I will be hanging my head on how a once great company could be dragged to this depth. My paper is on the street. I did not want to do that but it has come to this. I know all the top people that will be leaving in the next 30 days but I doubt management will even blink an eye. It saddens me to think my value and your value as sales people are thought so little of. I guess that's life in a big company. Goodbye my friends and Goodbye Olympus.
Dear OCA Sales,
We don't give a shit if you stay or go! Either way we will sell our products to hospitals, we have designed it this way. We illegally bought Gyrus/ACMI to remove all Urology competitors from the marketplace, (we know Storz is almost non existent.) After that was completed in Caymans, we began slicing your pay and giving ourselves raises every year. Now with the DOJ up our asses for close to a billion, and all the pending litigation, we won't pay you a dollar over $94,000, according to a 2 million $ territory. That comes out to about 5% in your pocket and 95% in ours. FUCK OFF and resign, but know this, no amount of bitching on this site will do squat to change your situation at OCA.
Sales Ops Dick!
Have a nice day, and happy selling this week!
You have to be almost clinically retarded to stay working for Olympus.
What is wrong with you dumb fucks that continue on working for those schlubs?
Do you have no self esteem or self worth? Call a recruiter, update your resume, and CHANGE your life for the better. Olympus is evil, and we both know it.
Olympus is yesterday's news. They have moved from a B+ player to a C player, in 5 years or so.
They really aren't worth expending energy on. Especially now that their bipolar portfolio is getting snuffed from underneath them.
What will they have left? Digital scopes are the only things that drive the 190 towers. The 190 system is way over engineered, and overreacts to hemoglobin, and turns magenta and orange when there is blood in the field.
Clinicians hate that shit. That is why health systems utilize Storz & Stryker where possible. As soon as another player enters the cysto resection field, Olympus will die off into nothingness. Everyone knows that, but just doesn't vocalize it.