Peerless - worst distributor


When the hiring party (Peerless) controls the way work is carried out and a product is delivered, the relationship between the parties is employer/employee. If an employer does not have authority over how a party accomplishes his or her work but simply gives requests - the relationship is that of a 1099 independent contractor.

Seems you reps are treated as employees not contractors at Peerless.

Seems you reps are treated as employees not contractors at Peerless.
How the reps are treated is exactly why there are over 500 posts in this thread, it has nothing to do with tax status. It is embarrassing to say we work for peerless and it is sad that he is still around dragging Arthrex's good name through the mud. He is the worst person any of us have ever worked for or even heard of in the medical device industry. He is a proven liar, a manipulator and all around bad person.
How does any of that help surgeons treat their patients better?

How the reps are treated is exactly why there are over 500 posts in this thread, it has nothing to do with tax status. It is embarrassing to say we work for peerless and it is sad that he is still around dragging Arthrex's good name through the mud. He is the worst person any of us have ever worked for or even heard of in the medical device industry. He is a proven liar, a manipulator and all around bad person.
How does any of that help surgeons treat their patients better?
The IRS might disagree, such matters are a huge deal to the IRS.

Reps will more likely be considered employees if the distributor gives them instructions they must follow about how to do the work and provides them with detailed training. Distributors can save loads of money by classifying reps as independent contractors instead of employees. This is why many of them do so even if the reps involved should really be treated as employees under the law.

SO...SO....this matters to the IRS.

Awesome day for chasing the white ball around....even better day not hearing from the psycho. I swear this peaceful week has flown by. I dread Monday like my kids are dreading the start of school

Last day boys, better enjoy it, I know I will. Haven't shaved all week, played golf twice, covered cases and the best part has been no PB. CLT is falling part at the seams, I'm praying for Player to make a push to reclaim

Last day boys, better enjoy it, I know I will. Haven't shaved all week, played golf twice, covered cases and the best part has been no PB. CLT is falling part at the seams, I'm praying for Player to make a push to reclaim

Can't tell you how many times I've heard PB say that he was "brought in to clean up SouthTech's mess" let me ask a's that going for you in CLT? His other claim was that the office was based in CLT because he was taking over eastern NC. I don't see that happening with the constant turnover and subpar sales in the largest market. Something tells me that Player Barefoot is sleeping well at night.

Can't tell you how many times I've heard PB say that he was "brought in to clean up SouthTech's mess" let me ask a's that going for you in CLT? His other claim was that the office was based in CLT because he was taking over eastern NC. I don't see that happening with the constant turnover and subpar sales in the largest market. Something tells me that Player Barefoot is sleeping well at night.

Anther example of PB lying. Not only does he lie to the reps, he lies to himself

To my fellow inmates, as of Monday the only peaceful week if the year is over for all of us. I hope you made the most of it...I know a few of us got together for golf/beers, but on Monday the paranoid psycho returns. I'm a depressed thinking about it

PB's solution to everything is to lie...and by that I mean lie to everyone about everything all the time ...start lying, don't stop the Bowman way
Yup. If Philary is talking he is lying.
It is no surprise that the Peerless name is garbage after Philip Bowman has told so many blatant lies and treated so many people like garbage. It is a big handicap to tell surgeons and staff that we work for Peerless Surgical.

i can't wait until NSM when PB has to tuck his tail in front of Player and all of the SouthTech reps. He's talked crap to Arthrex for years "if you want it ran right give it to me" and now all the lies have come back around. CLT's a wreck and PB will never get eastern NC. To quote PB "you can't have more territory if you can't manage what you already have"
Yup, you have nailed it..

Can you imagine how PB would react if one of his "managers" had the turnover Peerless has in their territory? They would catch the blame like you've never seen, however when it's Mr Psycho those harsh judgements don't apply, he's perfect

He acts just like the Clintons, it's never his fault, he's never made a mistake, and you should say "thank you" for just being in their presence

To my fellow inmates, as of Monday the only peaceful week if the year is over for all of us. I hope you made the most of it...I know a few of us got together for golf/beers, but on Monday the paranoid psycho returns. I'm a depressed thinking about it

The funny part about this inmates post is that it's so accurate. PB views all of us as inamates that he must control at all times. He is afforded the privilege of NEVER coming into the office, taking countless personal days, taking vacations etc. We however have to beg for a single day off and it must be "approved" by one of the puppets in the office. There's a special place in hell for this man.

Wow.... never hear about making a mountain out of a mole-hill? Where did you get your college degree? My guess is the University of Facebook.
He was probably asking what the post was referring to since only an idiot would think anything in this thread is making a mountain out of a molehill. These endless complaints regarding the poor behavior of Philary are all true and valid.

Can't wait for the cage match this Thursday between PB and Waterson. If things get crazy my money is on Greg with the win coming via blunt force trauma to the medulla oblongata. But PB is all talk, he's the toughest human on the planet until someone is standing in front of him.

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