Peerless - worst distributor

Can't wait for the cage match this Thursday between PB and Waterson. If things get crazy my money is on Greg with the win coming via blunt force trauma to the medulla oblongata. But PB is all talk, he's the toughest human on the planet until someone is standing in front of him.
Did Waterson do something wrong? Not shave or tuck in his shirt?

As I read all of these post I wonder if Philary will ever take any responsiblty for anything that happens? Look at the list of good folks that have left, and they all made that decision for one reason they didn't want to work for PB another single day. And what about the really bad hires? Caleb, Jeff, Lee, David. But Philary has never looked into the mirror and owned a single mistake. And he flips out at last years kickoff meeting and this year we get Columbia, why not just do a webinar so we can zone out at home? If would be better than seeing the same recycled powerpoints again.

Waterson made his number the last two years, you ill informed idiot. How does that make him underperforming?
This is 100% true. Waterson was fired after asking for a new contract before moving into a new territory. He knew better than to trust Philary the fraud after seeing so many others including himself get burned in the past.

Yup. If Philary is talking he is lying.
It is no surprise that the Peerless name is garbage after Philip Bowman has told so many blatant lies and treated so many people like garbage. It is a big handicap to tell surgeons and staff that we work for Peerless Surgical.
It is negligent for Arthrex to keep this fraud around considering how much of a loose cannon Philary has proven himself to be. He should never be trusted.

Is a class action the only we will ever find out how much we really should be getting paid?

It is negligent for Arthrex to keep this fraud around considering how much of a loose cannon Philary has proven himself to be. He should never be trusted.

Is a class action the only we will ever find out how much we really should be getting paid?

You would only have to ask the reps one time if they would join a suit, no one is allowed to ask about compensation

Philip made mistakes alright. One of them is not replacing underperforming bitchy reps quickly enough.

I can assure you that this was written by someone who doesn't sell for a living, i.e. office staff. Waterson wasn't bitchy, he like all of us does my have any trust in Philary. PB at his core is rotten. BTW we are all dreading this weekend in Columbia.

If I'm in a wreck on the way to Columbia tomorrow please take care of my family because Peerless and PB won't. Hell, they'll probably charge my wife shipping charges for returning my inventory.

PB, nobody wants to come to Columbia tomorrow and waste a weekend. Nobody wants to sit through sensless training on products we all already know. Your going to lie about our performance, and the future. can't give that CLT job away.

If I were to die on in a wreck on my way to Columbia tomorrow please take care of my family because we all know PB and Peerless won't. Hell, they'll probably charge her for shipping back my inventory can claim it was in my contract.

And Philary, we may be live posting from this wasted Saturday meeting just for you so you can see the contempt. Except for Greg, he'll be relaxing at home, watching as CLT circles the drain

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