Pay increase from pcp to cv?

Yes, most of us are. We now have specialty sales on our resume, but aren’t making specialty pay. I’m a producer and my area will miss me with that area goal looming. I’d rather Novartis just pay me within their own range for the job title I have than have to move on, so Novartis needs to address this particular elephant in the room.
Novartis doesn’t need to address it, you do. If you think you are worth more money, go get it hotshot!

This is the shitty management view that has led to piss poor performance and a company rife of mediocracy. If a company is going to be shitty with wages, why work hard? Rest and vest baby!
You’re an idiot. You agree to accept the pay that you were offered. Now, you complain about it and refuse to “work hard” until you are given a raise that you didn’t earn. If you believe that you are worth more, go get it.

You’re an idiot. You agree to accept the pay that you were offered. Now, you complain about it and refuse to “work hard” until you are given a raise that you didn’t earn. If you believe that you are worth more, go get it.
So, when internal candidates get promoted, you don’t think they should get a raise to the salary band of their new position? That doesn’t seem like it’s in line with our company “values,” which are at best, a bad joke at this point.

So, when internal candidates get promoted, you don’t think they should get a raise to the salary band of their new position? That doesn’t seem like it’s in line with our company “values,” which are at best, a bad joke at this point.

News flash - the salary bands OVERLAP. Someone can be at the high end of sales specialist salary band and become a senior sales specialist and they may be at the same salary which falls in the lower band of the senior specialist salary. If there is an adjustment it could be very small if anything at all. People have been moved from specialty to oncology with no increase in pay and sometimes even a step down as far as their title goes. If you were hired in at a salary that is at the higher end of your grade band and it overlaps with the lower end of the specialist grade band there may be no increase. Does this finally makes sense to you?????

News flash - the salary bands OVERLAP. Someone can be at the high end of sales specialist salary band and become a senior sales specialist and they may be at the same salary which falls in the lower band of the senior specialist salary. If there is an adjustment it could be very small if anything at all. People have been moved from specialty to oncology with no increase in pay and sometimes even a step down as far as their title goes. If you were hired in at a salary that is at the higher end of your grade band and it overlaps with the lower end of the specialist grade band there may be no increase. Does this finally makes sense to you?????
NEWSFLASH! Most of us aren’t even IN the band for the job we are doing, we are well below the minimum wage in the band. Does that make sense to you?

NEWSFLASH! Most of us aren’t even IN the band for the job we are doing, we are well below the minimum wage in the band. Does that make sense to you?

I’m not the person you were responding to, but I’m wondering what pay bands are you basing this off of? The current pay ranges for CV jobs are:
Territory Account Associate: $97,600 and $146,400/year | Territory Account Specialist: $97,600 and $146,400/year | Senior Territory Account Specialist: $118,400 and $177,600/year | Executive Territory Account Specialist: $130,400 and $195,600/year;

Are you not at $97k?

NEWSFLASH! Most of us aren’t even IN the band for the job we are doing, we are well below the minimum wage in the band. Does that make sense to you?

no one is keeping you here. Go find another job where you are valued and paid accordingly. Most of us have worked hard and spent lots of years getting to our pay band. It shouldn’t be handed over to someone with no experience or tenure.

I’m not the person you were responding to, but I’m wondering what pay bands are you basing this off of? The current pay ranges for CV jobs are:
Territory Account Associate: $97,600 and $146,400/year | Territory Account Specialist: $97,600 and $146,400/year | Senior Territory Account Specialist: $118,400 and $177,600/year | Executive Territory Account Specialist: $130,400 and $195,600/year;

Are you not at $97k?
Now you’re catching on.

no one is keeping you here. Go find another job where you are valued and paid accordingly. Most of us have worked hard and spent lots of years getting to our pay band. It shouldn’t be handed over to someone with no experience or tenure.
I’ve also worked hard and spent lots of years to get to the pay band for the job I’m doing. I’m just not being paid in the band for the job I’m doing. I agree someone with no experience or tenure should not be hired to do a job within this pay band, but I have plenty of both, as do the majority of formerly “PCP” reps in my region. We should be paid within the band and according to tenure and experience.

I’ve also worked hard and spent lots of years to get to the pay band for the job I’m doing. I’m just not being paid in the band for the job I’m doing. I agree someone with no experience or tenure should not be hired to do a job within this pay band, but I have plenty of both, as do the majority of formerly “PCP” reps in my region. We should be paid within the band and according to tenure and experience.
Sounds like your skills are not worth the amount that you believe, bucko.

I’ve also worked hard and spent lots of years to get to the pay band for the job I’m doing. I’m just not being paid in the band for the job I’m doing. I agree someone with no experience or tenure should not be hired to do a job within this pay band, but I have plenty of both, as do the majority of formerly “PCP” reps in my region. We should be paid within the band and according to tenure and experience.
Any former pcp reps who just got promoted aren’t real specialty reps. The fact you chose this primary care job means you couldn’t get a better job in the first place. Be grateful you get to call on Cardiologists now. Use this experience and bounce to another company to get your raise. Novartis won’t give it to you!

Now you’re catching on.

No need to be a smart ass. I haven’t been following the whole thread. Also, those are “expected” amounts - not guarantees. Well, if you weren’t even making $97k, then I think it’s safe to assume that you do not have the experience that would normally qualify someone for this job, Be grateful that you have the job and get to put it on your resume. You can leave in a year or two and make a lot more money.

no one is keeping you here. Go find another job where you are valued and paid accordingly. Most of us have worked hard and spent lots of years getting to our pay band. It shouldn’t be handed over to someone with no experience or tenure.

1) You're a fucking drug rep, you have no clue what hard work is.
2) I agree people should go grab the bag (its out there), but your defense of Novartis is bizarre. They lose money when people quit, and its not an insignificant sum. Kicking someone up a few bucks to make them happy keeps them around and engaged. Pushing them out means paying to train their replacement.
3) Nobody needs an economics lesson from a self-absorbed dunderhead whose only comeback is "quit if you can do better".
We'll all quit eventually, senior management will see to it. The ironic thing is you're probably a stockholder & you think its funny that they're pissing your money away.

You’re an idiot. You agree to accept the pay that you were offered. Now, you complain about it and refuse to “work hard” until you are given a raise that you didn’t earn. If you believe that you are worth more, go get it.

Ok you boot licking r*****. What do you think this is, a non for profit? Only a full on r***** looks at the constant layoffs and the constant fuckery with out bonuses and payouts and goes full throttle. This company gets the effort it pays for. That is exactly how capitalism works.

1) You're a fucking drug rep, you have no clue what hard work is.
2) I agree people should go grab the bag (its out there), but your defense of Novartis is bizarre. They lose money when people quit, and its not an insignificant sum. Kicking someone up a few bucks to make them happy keeps them around and engaged. Pushing them out means paying to train their replacement.
3) Nobody needs an economics lesson from a self-absorbed dunderhead whose only comeback is "quit if you can do better".
We'll all quit eventually, senior management will see to it. The ironic thing is you're probably a stockholder & you think its funny that they're pissing your money away.

The worst part about all of this is that the organization does not give a fuck if you stay or if you go. They waste money here like they print it in the back warehouse on a daily basis. Senior management is under qualified and completely out of touch with the reality of the environment that we live in now, Everybody’s MOA, is to simply not rock the boat, check every box possible, cover your ass, and justify your job on multiple levels. Let’s not forget to not pay the reps. That’s the Novartis way.