Pain Start Date?

I agree, this opportunity is going to be amazing. Instead of getting on here a bagging on it for the people who made will launch 548. Why don't you try to have some class and get in on the next round when they launch for new indications coming out 2026. Obviously you were seen as a top candidate so and Vertex has proven to launch drugs well and be extremely successful. I am truly excited for the future here.

Blocks showing 72hr opioid free and bringing in an oral pill with SPID data that’s not much better than oral apap. This is a difficult market I’ve got a ton of experience in hospital pain market and surgical mostly IV. I asked ASA that treats pain and he was a sceptic based on the studies. Said they would probably not use up front better options and that would push to surgeons which hate treating pain. If there is success with this drug it will be post op when patient moves to PO meds. The only way this goes is not expensive in hospital and makes the money on retail.
I so agree. Anyone who has been in the pain or hospital space before with any medication knows this is not going to be used there. Not early on and not with that data that is available. Maybe many years down the line. Who will Rx this until then and until the price goes down? A PCP? Thats a big maybe, that’s if it’s eventually covered. Hard sell for a very so so pill that is not even equivocal to an opioid. Vertex sounds like a great company but they have never played in pain The hospital route seems like a very terrible strategy. Also the pill isn’t even available yet and no pharmacist will consider this until there is stronger data. Ask and Dr is they would fight to get approved for their use. Access is hard enough in offices, this will be no different the pressure will be so intense with all eyes on every move before and during launch . If you are not in need of a job, think long and hard. Was a hard pass the more and more I really thought about it even though the base was great. All the money in the world doesn’t help get you through a day in the field with this as your only product

All the talking here has helped me make a decision to pass on this. I come from infusion world and this is new space to for me and I am glad to hear other people call out what should have been obvious all along but I got hooked from
salary posted. If it seems to good to be true it always is

All the talking here has helped me make a decision to pass on this. I come from infusion world and this is new space to for me and I am glad to hear other people call out what should have been obvious all along but I got hooked from
salary posted. If it seems to good to be true it always is

What state were you interviewing in?

All the talking here has helped me make a decision to pass on this. I come from infusion world and this is new space to for me and I am glad to hear other people call out what should have been obvious all along but I got hooked from
salary posted. If it seems to good to be true it always is

If you make career decisions based on CP, you’re really clueless.

I so agree. Anyone who has been in the pain or hospital space before with any medication knows this is not going to be used there. Not early on and not with that data that is available. Maybe many years down the line. Who will Rx this until then and until the price goes down? A PCP? Thats a big maybe, that’s if it’s eventually covered. Hard sell for a very so so pill that is not even equivocal to an opioid. Vertex sounds like a great company but they have never played in pain The hospital route seems like a very terrible strategy. Also the pill isn’t even available yet and no pharmacist will consider this until there is stronger data. Ask and Dr is they would fight to get approved for their use. Access is hard enough in offices, this will be no different the pressure will be so intense with all eyes on every move before and during launch . If you are not in need of a job, think long and hard. Was a hard pass the more and more I really thought about it even though the base was great. All the money in the world doesn’t help get you through a day in the field with this as your only product
I walked away final interview knowing pain space and pill lainch in hospital = difficult and way they are hiring tiny territories gonna be interesting and risk layoffs and realigning later when reality arrives. Good luck everyone.

Blocks showing 72hr opioid free and bringing in an oral pill with SPID data that’s not much better than oral apap. This is a difficult market I’ve got a ton of experience in hospital pain market and surgical mostly IV. I asked ASA that treats pain and he was a sceptic based on the studies. Said they would probably not use up front better options and that would push to surgeons which hate treating pain. If there is success with this drug it will be post op when patient moves to PO meds. The only way this goes is not expensive in hospital and makes the money on retail.
I see layoffs in the future when SUZ doesn’t do as well as hoped. I have 20 years pain sales and docs are not excited about this. The studies even conclude the drug does not do that much better compared to opioids and that’s at the highest SUZ dose. It is an exploded ibuprofen. Good luck. I hope honestly it goes well for everyone but will be a difficult sale. And small tiny territories. Why did they do that? Larger territories prove better production with access. I can see people in circles in small territories. Pfizer did that. It doesn’t work any more.

I so agree. Anyone who has been in the pain or hospital space before with any medication knows this is not going to be used there. Not early on and not with that data that is available. Maybe many years down the line. Who will Rx this until then and until the price goes down? A PCP? Thats a big maybe, that’s if it’s eventually covered. Hard sell for a very so so pill that is not even equivocal to an opioid. Vertex sounds like a great company but they have never played in pain The hospital route seems like a very terrible strategy. Also the pill isn’t even available yet and no pharmacist will consider this until there is stronger data. Ask and Dr is they would fight to get approved for their use. Access is hard enough in offices, this will be no different the pressure will be so intense with all eyes on every move before and during launch . If you are not in need of a job, think long and hard. Was a hard pass the more and more I really thought about it even though the base was great. All the money in the world doesn’t help get you through a day in the field with this as your only product

I agree with the above, it will get some use just because it’s not an opioid, and PCPs and internist are scared to death to Rx any opioids at this point. But yeah, the hospital thing seems like a really misguided effort at launch, and obviously the efficacy is nothing to jump up and down about. I suspect actual sales will be way below projections, that’s a pressure pot that nobody needs.

Agreed! Focus on hospitals is ridiculous given that the initial indications (abdominoplasty & bunionectomy) are OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES!!!!! They should be focusing on Plastics and Orthos They may need inpatient hospital coverage later with additional indications but they’re going to blow the initial launch with their idiotic approach.

Agreed! Focus on hospitals is ridiculous given that the initial indications (abdominoplasty & bunionectomy) are OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES!!!!! They should be focusing on Plastics and Orthos They may need inpatient hospital coverage later with additional indications but they’re going to blow the initial launch with their idiotic approach.

They should have hired more pain reps and focused less on hospital reps. Hospital reps without pain experience won’t get anywhere with this drug. Hell most of them lost their hospital access because of Covid anyway!