Pain Start Date?

My recruiter did as well. I guess it will depend on when you interview and when your competition interviews. They won’t be able to make a decision until then. What if your competition doesn’t interview until Friday? I have no idea. This process seems bizarre to me.

What’s everyone’s take on this job? I think once it gets chronic pain it’ll do well but I’m not so sure about post surgery. Efficacy data is not that impressive. I don’t think this will touch opioid market share unless it’s for someone with a history of addiction

What’s everyone’s take on this job? I think once it gets chronic pain it’ll do well but I’m not so sure about post surgery. Efficacy data is not that impressive. I don’t think this will touch opioid market share unless it’s for someone with a history of addiction
tornadol and opioids owns the post op market

tornadol and opioids owns the post op market
may be a flop as new entrants non opioid have layed off sales reps within a year of hire. Good luck. High risk. toradol owns post op pain market post op agree esp a dollar a push and acetaminophen IV and Pacira injection difficult competitors. Hospitals will look at GPO and pricing factors and Suzana may be difficult. Just saying.

Lets set the record straight for all the people speculating. The salary range was not bait. Its based on current salaries for similar positions at the company and because of new salary transparency laws, thats how they factor them. Range for the PTAM positions are 150-175k. To make over that (which wont be much over) you have to bring something significant to the table (many years of pain exp, account mgmt, DBM, etc) If you have less than 15 years of account management, no pain etc, don't count on 175k.

Lets set the record straight for all the people speculating. The salary range was not bait. Its based on current salaries for similar positions at the company and because of new salary transparency laws, thats how they factor them. Range for the PTAM positions are 150-175k. To make over that (which wont be much over) you have to bring something significant to the table (many years of pain exp, account mgmt, DBM, etc) If you have less than 15 years of account management, no pain etc, don't count on 175k.

you lie! Posting says $200k, that’s the bait. Now you say 25 - 50k less. That’s the switch.
Stop the justifying.

What’s everyone’s take on this job? I think once it gets chronic pain it’ll do well but I’m not so sure about post surgery. Efficacy data is not that impressive. I don’t think this will touch opioid market share unless it’s for someone with a history of addiction
post op pain market is owned by toradol and when needed opioids and the comparison studies with Suz is not good and insurance will push generic.

This will be really hard to get on hospital formulary with minimal so so data. What physician would take on the work to get this through the long process of P&T?? Ain’t happening! Minimal data, likely $$ compared to generics in the space, and new class of drugs. Maybe in a couple years it will be used there but not during launch. The pay is great, but the daily grind will be so rough until there is more data

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