PAH Team Turnover is..

Let the story be told if you are so confident on RD's leaving....I have never met so many disgruntled reps wait and disclose after the fact like they had a clue in the first place....Hell, I can tell you who is leaving after they resign....GFY!

Look to see which RD DID resign. There will be more in the near fiture. I am only letting you know what will happen and in this case you can easliy find out DID leave....OPENINGS, OPENINGS, OPENINGS!

AND, many of us ARE disgruntled. This place blows.

Straight answer- because the SRDs and the VP of Sales and Marketing have their heads up their a$$. They are all yes men with no original thought. They are essentially Big Biotech monkeys. KY calls all the shots- business approach, tactics, the consulting firm used accross all business units, etc. Burton and the monkeys can only shake their heads yes and hope for the best. Wuest isnt his own man. He has been riding Burton for years. Gunn is a pofessional but he is playing it close to the vest in an effort to ascend to another position. The newest SRD promotions speak for themselves. Joel was too immature for the position, but Burton didn't recognize it because KY wouldn't let him recognize it. DW is lost in the 80's and has 0 leadership ability other than to bully and badger. His lack of ability to build relationships with employees and customers should be a glaring spotlight on his weakness, but it isn't because he came from Amgen. It is a shame... last one out of the CP business unit please turn the lights out...what a shame. Burton really screwed things up; he is an incompetent. Look at LEAP!!! WOW

Hey Scott can we have one of your patented "town hall meeting" in May? I'd like to unmute myself and say good bye to everyone. Come to think of it, you can hold that meeting in a phone booth with the people still here.

Hep C down the tubes, GILD downgraded, turnover beyond belief, SB threatening everyone under the sun, DW riding in his Vette or on "the boat", Gunn hiring more big pharma monkeys...why would anyone be concerned about joining this party? Seems like the only recourse is to buy and F'up another company (MYOG, CVT, CORUS) out ITMN, here comes SB and his boys.

Last one out of the PAH division please turn off the lights.


May 2010 Most Stressful Jobs:

1. The guy with the job of telling KY how the division he oversees was just slammed with resignations. This on top of his weekly report of meager enrollments has given him some separation from the rest of the pack of also ran pressure cookers.

2. Firefighter

3. Corporate Executive

4. Taxi Driver

5. Surgeon

6. Police Officer

7. Commercial Pilot

8. Highway Patrol Officer

9. Public Relations Officer

10. Advertising Executive

The most nonstressful job is being a stupid cockbag that was fired and sits at home posting on cafepharma all day cause he will never be hired in the industry again!

Sounds like the waxer needs to slip into his leathers and hammer down the big slab, canning it on his medium sized sled.

SB, please be sure and wear your skid lid over your penis like head, what would we do without your leadership.

How many lives does Burton have? There were at least 20-25 going to Intermune and at least another 20 interviewed or applied. The misery continues.

Trust me, we don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here. Truth be told, we thought it was a slam dunk that most of you under-performers would get hired by Intermune and our problems would be solved. We could hire reps that actually work and know how to sell. INTERMUNE AND THE FDA FUCKED US. Now we are going to have to fire you. Please do the honorable thing and kindly resign after threatening and badmouthing us. You gambled, you lost, now go!

Trust me, we don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here. Truth be told, we thought it was a slam dunk that most of you under-performers would get hired by Intermune and our problems would be solved. We could hire reps that actually work and know how to sell. INTERMUNE AND THE FDA FUCKED US. Now we are going to have to fire you. Please do the honorable thing and kindly resign after threatening and badmouthing us. You gambled, you lost, now go!
