Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

If this company treats its employees as horribly as it treats its customers, please take them DOWN!!! They set my mom up with travel oxygen that doesn't work AND even if it was working, would NOT have had enough battery life to get her where we were going!!! If I hadn't double checked everything myself with the manual, she would have been out of oxygen in the middle of her flight!

Don't join this company as a PCC. All the inside staff at the local offices are a bunch of underpaid high school drop outs (CSRs). Management isn't much better and if you kiss enough ass you'll be fine. If you just do your job and exceed your numbers every month but you actually have the gall to speak about the short comings of the company and the support staff then they'll find a reason to fire you. I'm so glad to be done with these idiots!!! When you do your new hire PCC training in Novato, tell Jason Anderson and all the other brain dead dweebs up there that they can kiss my ass!

Recruiters are searching for a Senior Vice President, Sales and Field Operations, which is a filled position according to PPS’s website. So what’s the deal? Has the person filling this position according to the website left the organization or been moved to another position?

pps will go public. they have set in motion a plan to eliminate the local csr position. these positions will be handled by the call center. pcc's will be required to perform more set ups because techs are collecting too much overtime. pps is following the lincare operations model. centers will be warehouses with opo download software. teijan never intended to keep the company but flip it. poured a ton of money into it to make it attractive for another company to purchase. get everything in place, new training, cut down overhead, restructure operations to streamline processes............if you stop to pay attention to what's really going on you'd realize they're doing all of this right in front of everyone. the kicker is that this shift in operations hurts the people who make the company profitable. it might not happen in the next couple years but pps will be the next apria. no customer care but hugely profitable.

fyi, all of the present dm's know about this plan to eventually eliminate the local csr role. talked about it at the last national meeting. they preach and preach about being transparent with company policies and vision. their vision is to make everyone in novato extremely rich. and if you're a relatively new dm get the f*ck out. dm's are not respected by their pcc's at all. you learn to not care about anyone at the company because it's like being at war. EVERYONE WILL LEAVE YOU SO DON'T GET CLOSE TO ANYONE!

Anyone unjustly dismissed from Pacific Pulmonary Services or know of anyone that would be interested in Class Action Lawsuit?

We are interested in finding out if this practice is throughout the company or if it occurs in a specific region.

yes i would very interested. worst place i have ever worked. i cant believe i was in such a hard financial position i had to take the job and be so stressted out and so unhappy. everyone i worked with was so rude, i have never worked with so many unhappy peopal who lived to piss you off from day to day.

i've worked for the company for nearly a year now. have had a couple dm's already. all in all i do like the company. i received an education in medical sales...........that's what i am thankful for. i work with some incredible people who have helped me along the way. that being said i am done with it. if you plan on working for the company as a pcc i would highly recommend talking to other dme reps in the area. ask them.....

-do they do their own opo's
-do they do their own set ups
-are they written up if they are in the center during "golden selling hours"
-do they get paid on medi-cal's
-are they asked to work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m............m-f and sometime saturdays
-are they asked to get all the scripts? ensuring quality of scripts
-do they accept hmo's
-if there is a d/c does it effect their numbers. i.e. goal of 14 for the month and you get 15 set ups......3 ptns died in the month; 12 set ups. you will be written up for not hitting your numbers because people died. just wrong
-are they expected to do opo's for other reps outside of their territory
-do they perform set ups for other reps outside of their territory
-are they hovered over by their dm's who are terrified of losing their jobs
-does it take up to a week to get a cpap order verified, ptn contacted and then THEY have to do the set up
-do md's look at them strange as if you're the new rep who won't last
-regardless of their personal financial situation are they expected to spend $400 of their own money a month for lunch's and treats only to hope and pray there isn't an issue later
-do all of their center managers complain all day long about their job
-are the dm's tenured or new
-do they feel like servants
-is the veteran pcc someone who has been there 5 months

the role of the pcc is tremendous and taxing. you are asked to wear multiple hats every day. you're a tech, a sales rep, patient advocate, team player, whipping boy, hero, villain, god, devil. you're appreciated at times and demonized by your rd or dm for not hitting the numbers. EVERY SINGLE PERSON AT THE COMPANY IS NERVOUS ABOUT LOSING THEIR JOB. i am extremely thankful they provided me with the education that they did. i can't take the driving all over to get a medi-cal ptn set up for no cash. or carrying around concentrators and e-tanks where my kids car seats should be. there are pcc's who make a nice living but they have giant accounts. there is no doubt that a pcc should make over 100k a year but pps refuses to bow to the hmo's price. they sacrifice the pcc's ability to sell by attempting to be the "gold standard of dme companies". while all along the pcc's are suffering while asking the doctor "may i please have your medi/medi patients along with the ppo's". great company, with a strong mission but they handcuff everyone with their refusal to accept large hmo contracts. i would recommend the company as a starting off point in dme sales. trust me, if you apply at any other dme company after working for pps they'll give you an interview. we are overworked, underpaid, but highly trained. it works out in the end if you can stomach the culture.

This is the most perfect interpretation of my day to day activity. they plan for you to be unsuccessful. you will not be successfulbecasue the people are not in place. they dont want to pay the overtime or hire moretechnicians so you not the only marketing, but doing the overnights, doing some of the set ups, all while getting an ear full about how your not doing things right to increase your numbers. use it only as a stepping stone and to gain experience to get in with another company. you will definitly learn what things you shouldnt experience from an employer.

PPS is the most unfair place I have ever worked. You do not get promoted based on the level of education that you have or how good of a job you do. You get promoted based on how much ass you kiss. The good employees get the shaft while the mediocre ones keep getting rewarded time and time again. Job stability is something you will not find at this company!

PPS is the most unfair place I have ever worked. You do not get promoted based on the level of education that you have or how good of a job you do. You get promoted based on how much ass you kiss. The good employees get the shaft while the mediocre ones keep getting rewarded time and time again. Job stability is something you will not find at this company!

I am curious if the Sales Reps position are in the field or office based, can anyone provide an answer?

I am curious if the Sales Reps position are in the field or office based, can anyone provide an answer?

home, office, patients home, car, hospital, dialysis center, pcp, home health agency............anywhere you are told to go..............oh, and you're also a tech so you'll be making deliveries and educating the patients on proper usage of equipment. oh, and you'll be re-testing patients like crazy because the pulse ox is an absurd device that is 100% non effective due to either patient error, battery error, device error etc.......oh, and you will be written up if you're in the office during "golden selling hours" so expect your day to start @ let's say 7:30 and end at let's say 6:30. golden selling hours are 9-12 and 1-5. therefore, you must collect all pulse ox's either crazy a$$ early and have enough time to get in and download before 9, or during your lunch hour, or after 5. so you're cramming 02 set ups, cpap set ups, nebulizer set ups, and set ups for other pcc's outside of your territory before 9, between 12-1, or after 5. set ups can take upwards of 30 minutes. don't forget about the drive time too. plus, you have to go into the centers to get the equipment, fill out the paper work etc.......the real fun begins when you do all this and the patient isn't home. it's so much fun! oops, then you get to drive with your dm nearly once a week! oh joy! so that means you can't do any set ups during that day and if the tech finds out that you can't do it they give you crap about it. remember the toy stretch armstrong? they need to create one with testicles that you can kick all day long. all of this for roughly $40k base salary. say goodbye to your family, personal life or happiness. does that answer it?

I have been working in the D.M.E. for 10 years, I was working with Lincare when I was PROMISED a better working environment with anything I needed to get the job done. I was told the President was very approachable and willing to listen. WHAT A MISTAKE I made going to work for this "two bit sorry excuse for a company". It is a miracle that they are not shut down for all the illegal practices they use. I went to thier "training program" for P.C.C.'s. I knew more in my pinkie than the joke of a "kid instructor" who could not think for himself. They brag how they got their turnover down to 35%. If I were the Japanese owners I would fire all the management in this company and start over. The V.P. of Sales is an arrogant jerk who has NO business in Sales. He does not know what he is doing with his SIG reports. "NEWS FLASH MR KELLY" The relationships that doctors have with the P.C.C.'s are because of the P.C.C.'s not the Regional idiots or DM's or any other person in Management. YOUR PAYCHECKS are a direct result of the work done at the sales level not where you sit. YOU DO NOT CONTRIBUTE at ALL in The Selling process, but you get in the way. This company will never amount to anything. I hope Obama's new healthcare puts business like yours out on the street where you belong. The doctors in my area will not touch P.P.S. for anything. If you worked at P.P.S. tell all the doc's you know to go to Lincare or a company that really cares about their patients. If you are even thinking of a job with this company, plan on being their about three months. TAKE the JOB and TAKE all the money they offer, but know it's a temp job at best.

I was wrongfully terminated from PPS. I had an injury and the doctor took me off work for 4 days. I was told on the 3rd day I needed to go through a third party company to get my leave approved, which it was denied as I was not with the company for a year. I was told on the 4th day I was being terminated as my leave was denied and I had been absent unexcuseably. I dont understand how a doctor note from a hospital stating I could not work was unexcuseable. The lady in HR even agreed that this did not seem right. I want to know if anyone know of any lawsuits against this company pending as I know I will have a great case.

Pacific Pulmonary is a very dysfunctional company and runs like no company I have ever encountered. The company HAS always been plagued by very high employee turnover. One would have to ask, is it the employees or the management. If we are being honest the problems are with management. The lack of personal responsibility at the top levels is like cancer. The company refuses to realize who makes the money for them. It is the C.S.R's, the drivers and P.C.C.'s and all the support people who work long hours pounding the pavement, not sitting in an office looking at reports. I know for a fact that NO one from corporate ever visited our center. The company is not that big and if I owned it I would want to know every money making center out there. The waste of money in this company at the management level is amazing, while they only allowed P.C.C.'s a $400.00 budget per month to do lunches and buy goodies. Lincare has NO budget for lunches other than following Stark laws. I know of one P.C.C. in the Northwest who was top producer and always being pushed by Regional to get CMN's signed (and knew and did not have problem with them being forged) of course she was fired (as she should have been) But regional is still there. It is sad that people always have to worry about their job at P.P.S.. That is not how to run a company. Successful company's make the employees feel secure, you get better production that way. I have NEVER seen a company where everyone I meet hated the company so much. They said good things if a manager was around and when gone it was back to slamming it. If I where the president of the company I would really start to listen or else all this WILL come back and haunt you. To all considering a job, I would really think twice and look some place else.

also wanted to let you know that we are gathering info for blue cross blue sheild to persue an insurance fraud suit against pps!! they have been billing my insurance for a machine that was totally paid for 6 months ago. i have gotten an eob every month for rental services!! that is fraud! the way they do their billing for services and parts is also considered fraud! so you might start looking closer at what they have billed you, your insurance and for how long!

I was wrongfully terminated from PPS. I had an injury and the doctor took me off work for 4 days. I was told on the 3rd day I needed to go through a third party company to get my leave approved, which it was denied as I was not with the company for a year. I was told on the 4th day I was being terminated as my leave was denied and I had been absent unexcuseably. I dont understand how a doctor note from a hospital stating I could not work was unexcuseable. The lady in HR even agreed that this did not seem right. I want to know if anyone know of any lawsuits against this company pending as I know I will have a great case.

Anonymous: you do have a case. And I worked under you most recently. And I was in mgmt with a co. in another industry for 25 years and know that this is not right.

And now I have a better job somewhere else. Find yourself a good attorney; Don't even wait for a class action. There are many good local lawyers who can help you with this matter. It could fall under the "Americans with Disabilities" act.

Breaking News!!!!!!! P.P.S. is at it again, Pacific Northwest losing or firing P.C.C.'s,drivers and support staff at an alarming rate. Management is trying to cover up all the illegal practices by cleaning house again. This is an on going issue due to the fact that the baboons at the top in Novato have no clue (you all know who you are) what they are doing. Next will be the stupid idiot they hired for the D.M. position who could not even make it at Rotech. (you know who you are) who got his friend hired as ops manager (you know who you are). Northwest Regional manager is a complete incompetent idiot (you also know who you are). Idaho is not working out, doctors and patients have no faith in this fly by night operation. Peak Sleep is an utter disaster. Stay tune for more news as it happens.

i agree. word is that some people will be looking into how they get away with rt's educating the patients over the phone. the practice is completely illegal. there's a financial paper trail back to pps showing their payoffs in order for this to be acceptable.

Driver Tech

So what does the Driver Tech job consist of and is it really worth it. I have an opportunity for an interview next week. How much is the pay, and what are the working hours (weekends on or off)? There is an opening in my area (San Andreas) and I was just interested in hearing the pros and cons about it. Everyone seems to be complaining about the sales\service positions in this company but not much is said about the drivers...

Is it a decent job for the pay?