
Okay, I am usually the biggest hater of those complaining usually about micromging...BUT THIS STUFF SOUNDS OFF THE CHART_ IT WOULD MAKE ME THINK A FEW TIMES B4 JOINING THIS PLACE,, PREAPPROVING? WHAT? Good luck to all. OUCH!

No one is close to hitting their goals. The fiscal year ends in March and no one is close to 90%. They had to redo the commission plan because no one was making money and backpay us. Commissions are paid monthly. The jury is still out on whether you can make money anymore. We'll know more at the NSM in March when they announce the goals and comp plan for fiscal year 2009. You are 100% expected to be in the field from 9-5. You are expected to do lunches almost everyday, if not everyday. Minimum of 8 calls entered into Siebel daily and you must stick to your territory rotation or suffer major consequences. At least 2 1 hour appts per day are also expected but very difficult to get. Getting 1 during lunch hour is tough enough, let alone finding time during the morning or afternoon at another office. The big killer with doing all these lunches is that they must be pre-approved in Siebel by your manager in advance of the lunch or you get on the shit list fast. It really sucks when you walk into an office and the doc invites you to go to lunch with him because you know you will catch hell for doing it. They are much more concerned about paperwork and BS like that than they are selling. And we also must follow the pharma guidelines so no golf or taking spouses out to dinner. You also must report in Siebel how much money you spent on the doc for lunch so they can track it. It's really silly.

Is this company making money??? Or are they in the red like a lot of dental companies????

It depends on how you look at their situation. When they were just a distributor, they were making money. But they spent almost $100 mil on Gem 21 and annual sales are less than $50 mil for all of their products so they are certainly taking a hit.

Well that is one way to survive the tough economic times. Sounds like the well documented Dental Debauchary of the 1960's. I guess this is the renewal of the Golden Age of Dentistry.

Does anyone like the NSM? Is he really that bad? Does the pres or CEO see what he is doing to the sales force?

Everyone complaining on this thread are the ones who got fired because they couldn't hack it! Terrible, lazy, dumb reps who like to blame everyone else for their failures. They didn't succeed at this company and they won't succeed anywhere else in their "careers." You'd be hard-pressed to find any company without its faults, and the same people bitching here are going to be the ones bitching about another company 6 months from now. I guess if you think faking disability claims, sleeping with your manager, letting your top account drop to $0 while you screw one of its doctors are good ideas, it's probably a better idea that you go work elsewhere.

Everyone complaining on this thread are the ones who got fired because they couldn't hack it! Terrible, lazy, dumb reps who like to blame everyone else for their failures. They didn't succeed at this company and they won't succeed anywhere else in their "careers." You'd be hard-pressed to find any company without its faults, and the same people bitching here are going to be the ones bitching about another company 6 months from now. I guess if you think faking disability claims, sleeping with your manager, letting your top account drop to $0 while you screw one of its doctors are good ideas, it's probably a better idea that you go work elsewhere.

It was not "H" that made that post. And it was not anyone who was fired. It is understandable though that you want to defend where you work.

Hey, Vince here. I was told to check out this site to see what was being said and really people, no need to trash a whole division due to an unfortunate year. I have no animosity towards Osteohealth whatsoever. I appreciate the opportunities and nice times I experienced there in my almost 6 years. I met many great friends, customers and co-workers alike. It was my time to leave. I was going stale on the whole situation and probably portrayed that in my demeanor and interactions towards the end. I wish the division and those who remain all the best and hopefully they can turn things around to be back on top some day. Cheers !!!

No way Vince would say something like this. This must be Dennis.

One simple question: Why is a company/division that is obviously in the dental segment hiring pharma management? There is no comparison between the two market segments. Only dental tends to sway away from the basics and try something dumb. Pharma companies never hire dental or medical managment. Dental is relationship based, making calls versus sales is flat assed stupid in todays market. Hire good Dental experienced management and watch your sales turn around. If one does not understand the buying habits of Oral Surgeons and Periodontist: THEY WILL FAIL, THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND AGAIN BY THE DENTAL IMPLANT COMPANIES. SEE KEYSTONE FOR AN EXAMPLE.

For a company that only has 20+ sales reps and has almost 3000 people looking at this link tells me there are alot of outside voices being represented. In all honesty have you ever been to a good sales meeting? I doubt if many of you have! I have been to twenty of them and cant really remember one being better than another. I played many rounds of golf at them but from a day to day standpoint they are all the same. Your stuck in a room learning product, see what is coming to the market, see who the new know it all is,find out how your doing market share wise(if you are with a good company), and spend the evenings having a few cocktails. Other than that your away from your family and out of your territory so how great can that be?

I find these post to be amusing. I would say 99% of the responses are from bitter reps who have been fired based on performance or wished they had the product of the company they are bashing in there bag everyday!

I agree with pp...I was actually at the meeting and it was fine- exactly like every other sales meeting. I find it amusing that some people like to complain about anything. If you look at the time of many of these posts- its during business hours. So instead of complaining about entering call notes (which is not a big deal)...start working and spend that extra time doing what you are suppose to do. No company is perfect. Just be happy you have a job and great products.

Such great information; I came on this blog because I interviewed for a postion with OH about 2 yrs ago. I sometimes wonder (it's the sadist in me...) if I did the right thing by NOT taking the position that was offered me. I turned down a 'promised' $110K deal (they never could PROVE the territory could even remotely generate that kind of income, and I know all my specialists in the region and their purchasing levels on GBR products: GEM21 would have had to ooze from the cracks in the sidewalks to make that kind of commission check!) I'm SO GLAD I didn't bite that stink bait hook line and sinker! I'm making 2/3's that now, stay in my home town, travel to accounts when I want to, have had record months for 10 straight months now, and can honestly say I'm living the good life (as much as one can in this economy!) by NOT working for this company. How SAD; now that I'm a little older and I've seen all these 'dental' companies bring in the 'experts' to run them from other industries, they're all the same. Total BS, f*ckwad managers/executives; they all desire the opinions they get on here. Maybe they could apply for a position in Treasury for Obama and TG. They're the only kind of people that would be stupid enough to get hired by the Government!

Seriously, everyone on here complaining and talking badly about people who are just doing their jobs, you are ungrateful pathetic little whiny babies. Do you know how many people would kill for your job??? Oh poor you, you made 100k this year instead of 120k, do you know how much unemployment pays??? $550 bucks a week for six months, and then...NOTHING!!! Do you know how many unemployed pharma and medical device reps are looking for your job right now? People who cant afford their homes anymore, people who cant go on vacation or even out to eat a decent meal? It kills me that you have the nerve to get on here and talk about someones hair or call someone a slut you dont even know outside of the work environment, so uncool and so unprofessional. Im not a kool-aid drinking drone either, but I will say this, right now, with things the way they are you should be thanking the sweet lord that you have a job to get up and go to everyday, complaining about admin stuff and crying about how the NSM and everyone else is out to make you miserable. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a grip on reality, you get a free car, free laptop, gas paid for and make about 100K plus per year!!! For what? Selling a good product line to Doctors, we have good products, we have good jobs, and if you dont want yours then please dont let the door hit you in the ass because I personally have a list of friends who would kill to replace you!

Seriously, everyone on here complaining and talking badly about people who are just doing their jobs, you are ungrateful pathetic little whiny babies. Do you know how many people would kill for your job??? Oh poor you, you made 100k this year instead of 120k, do you know how much unemployment pays??? $550 bucks a week for six months, and then...NOTHING!!! Do you know how many unemployed pharma and medical device reps are looking for your job right now? People who cant afford their homes anymore, people who cant go on vacation or even out to eat a decent meal? It kills me that you have the nerve to get on here and talk about someones hair or call someone a slut you dont even know outside of the work environment, so uncool and so unprofessional. Im not a kool-aid drinking drone either, but I will say this, right now, with things the way they are you should be thanking the sweet lord that you have a job to get up and go to everyday, complaining about admin stuff and crying about how the NSM and everyone else is out to make you miserable. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a grip on reality, you get a free car, free laptop, gas paid for and make about 100K plus per year!!! For what? Selling a good product line to Doctors, we have good products, we have good jobs, and if you dont want yours then please dont let the door hit you in the ass because I personally have a list of friends who would kill to replace you!

You clearly don't understand what has gone on with Osteohealth the last 6 years. For those of us that have been here that long, we know how great a place to work it was and how it has gone downhill since. Why is it not ok to point our major deficiencies in the company? Why is it not ok to question management's decisions? How can you just sit back and say "I'm just glad I have a job"? I think that's pathetic. I am glad I have a job but my job could and has been so much better.

Seriously, everyone on here complaining and talking badly about people who are just doing their jobs, you are ungrateful pathetic little whiny babies. Do you know how many people would kill for your job??? Oh poor you, you made 100k this year instead of 120k, do you know how much unemployment pays??? $550 bucks a week for six months, and then...NOTHING!!! Do you know how many unemployed pharma and medical device reps are looking for your job right now? People who cant afford their homes anymore, people who cant go on vacation or even out to eat a decent meal? It kills me that you have the nerve to get on here and talk about someones hair or call someone a slut you dont even know outside of the work environment, so uncool and so unprofessional. Im not a kool-aid drinking drone either, but I will say this, right now, with things the way they are you should be thanking the sweet lord that you have a job to get up and go to everyday, complaining about admin stuff and crying about how the NSM and everyone else is out to make you miserable. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a grip on reality, you get a free car, free laptop, gas paid for and make about 100K plus per year!!! For what? Selling a good product line to Doctors, we have good products, we have good jobs, and if you dont want yours then please dont let the door hit you in the ass because I personally have a list of friends who would kill to replace you!

Oh my God...you must be one of the new "kiss Dennis's ass" reps. First off, if you are worth half a shit there really shouldn't be any problem getting another sales job making $100K+. You're friends were let go and remain unemployed because they were not in the top 10% and don't have any proof of top sales performance...they should go look for another career. You just don't get it. This job went from $130K to $105K and now the new open territory positions are being advertised on Medreps for $80-$90K...true, go check it out. And with many of our tenured reps. now with the competitors, it will be hard to even make that. So tell me smart ass.....does making $70K sound good to you because that is about all you will make this year. If you have experience in this industry, you would know and see that this company is failing fast. Go ahead and sing your little song and go down with the ship.....I will be waving from the lifeboat with the competitions name on it watching you sink to your water Osteohealth grave....