
the best part of Peter Pan and Tinker Bellzon is they cane into Sun Pharma like they were Clint Eastwood and Lee VanCleif

And man they thought they were the Pharma kings!

And the India contingent sent them out like Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny

And then they land at Optinose


manzon waited to see if the India contingent thoughtvhe was VP material and when he wasn’t he ran to Peter Pan like an infant to s breast for milk

the best part of Peter Pan and Tinker Bellzon is they cane into Sun Pharma like they were Clint Eastwood and Lee VanCleif

And man they thought they were the Pharma kings!

And the India contingent sent them out like Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny

And then they land at Optinose


Sun here. These clowns took a$100M profit business and turned it into a $50M loss in 6 months. They quit just as the new CEO figured it out. Would have all been fired had they stayed. Just so you know the "quality" of the thinking you have. Hahahahaha

It doesn't matter what leadership is in place, this product doesn't stand a chance. It's overpriced fluticasone in a fancy device that insurance companies dont want to pay for and doctor's offices dont want to deal with. The basics are enough to tell you it won't work long term.

We're not getting any increases in Rx volume and the $/Rx $s are low because of all the free or reduced charge per prescription. We're trying so hard to drive volume that anything we're getting is just enough to get them going, then they're switching to generic fluticasone. We've been telling Peter/TomFabs this but they don't want to hear it while Monzon and Peter are ignoring the signals from payers. We're a year into this and there's a ton of finger pointing going on with no solutions in sight

Once Gibbs goes, his team is gone. Peter knows he surrounded himself with his 'boys' and counted on them to make it happen. New CCO will come in and heads will roll. Fabbs, Peter/Monzon, Andy, all have to be feeling the heat-even if Gibbs isn't really leaving. If Peter has any spine, he'll hammer someone just to send a signal-whether Gibbs leaves or not.

Once Gibbs goes, his team is gone. Peter knows he surrounded himself with his 'boys' and counted on them to make it happen. New CCO will come in and heads will roll. Fabbs, Peter/Monzon, Andy, all have to be feeling the heat-even if Gibbs isn't really leaving. If Peter has any spine, he'll hammer someone just to send a signal-whether Gibbs leaves or not.

But we know Peter doesn't have a spine. What's he done so far that says he does? This whole adventure is one of his exercises in get-in/get-out. We're all just pawns in this game

LMAO!! And to think I was disapointed when I was sent packing from the Dallas sh*tshow interview process. Seriously feel bad for the reps still there, but not the managers and their boss, some chick, who was as unprofessional as they come.