
LOL...Can't wait to hear this sob story...just hang on another year or ten... sales are sure to go up, we employ the nicest people you can imagine..The arrogance and cluelessness of Peter and Company is nothing short of astounding.

You mean that we will be treated to drama earlier than expected? And to think that I thought i would have to wait until November 26th to start making popcorn to witness the continued finger pointing shit show. Hmm..well.. Happy Tuesday, I suppose. Please tell me that VP idiot will be sent on his way. Extra butter, please!!

I listened to the call and was embarrassed. The spin of the % growth was borderline pathetic but the top line revenue number of $1.9mm in sales says it all. And the 'warning' that Q4 could be worse due to the use of the copay program? So we have that to look forward to. Geez

I listened to the call and was embarrassed. The spin of the % growth was borderline pathetic but the top line revenue number of $1.9mm in sales says it all. And the 'warning' that Q4 could be worse due to the use of the copay program? So we have that to look forward to. Geez

bahahahaha Dave Fabri messes up another company. I love it! Screw that narcisstic phat phuck!!! Love seeing his failure. Ksrma bitch!

I listened to the call and was embarrassed. The spin of the % growth was borderline pathetic but the top line revenue number of $1.9mm in sales says it all. And the 'warning' that Q4 could be worse due to the use of the copay program? So we have that to look forward to. Geez

Fabri will save us. Dave is stellar leader.

I listened to the call and was embarrassed. The spin of the % growth was borderline pathetic but the top line revenue number of $1.9mm in sales says it all. And the 'warning' that Q4 could be worse due to the use of the copay program? So we have that to look forward to. Geez
I have an interview with this company! Should I run from this job. Concerned it won’t be around in three months! Is it hard to make bonus!

I have an interview with this company! Should I run from this job. Concerned it won’t be around in three months! Is it hard to make bonus!
We'll be around, but it depends on the role. If it's a Home office role, know what you'e getting into. It's a top down driven company. Who's on first? The struggles we're having are leading to a lot of finger pointing and whispering already and nobody has the answers-which is really only what Peter wants to hear-which changes based on who he talked to last They are all really nice people but every one of them are there because they know the other person-not because they are qualified. It seems counter-intuitive but person x is connected to person y, but not person z, so person x is nice to person z but is blaming him/her for the problems. Not the their face though-because we're a "nice company." It's a mess and it's not going to get better. The stock is tanking and the board is asking some hard questions.

If it's a sales role-know what you're signing up for and what changes are pending. It's a rental role and may be changing due to lack of delivery. The payouts have been at plan but that's going to end because of the finger pointing inside.

The pressure on the reps is unbelievable, we are expected to sell a drug that is not much better than Flonase at 1000x the price.
Managed care and lack of real data plus confused CEO equals trouble.
They always blame sales, not managed care or marketing.

Monzons kids aren't the only ones who must be smoking weed. Add to that list anyone who think that this company is going anywhere but on the auction block. There seemed to be some support at the $10.00 per share level, but now they broke through that today. No telling how quickly it falls going forward. Merry Christmas, Peter!!

the best part of Peter Pan and Tinker Bellzon is they cane into Sun Pharma like they were Clint Eastwood and Lee VanCleif

And man they thought they were the Pharma kings!

And the India contingent sent them out like Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny

And then they land at Optinose
