The entire Sales Force was suppose to be rolled- in to Optinose on April 1 st. These messages started coming from CEO, Tom Gibs, Dave Fabbri and let us not forget our dear Contract Employee at Syneos around June 1, 2018. They are even doing an expansion of 20 territories.
Peter got up in front of three Districts and when asked the direct question, “ So everyone on the contract withSyneos will be rolled- in starting April 1 st.?” He said yes, not only in Austin last week, but numerous times, at other meetings. The give-away should have been the date ( April Fools Day) because David and Tom said the only changes from an HR standpoint would be Admin, Trng, Exp Rpts, etc. We all would keep our cars, I- Pads, Laptos, etc..
That was Feb 6 th at a reception in front of about 40 reps.
Said we would all have a call today with Syneos to work our details. Here are details;
Peter lied through his teeth.
Today’s call was 5 minutes and everyone was told managers would call everyone to let them know if they were safe, or if they had to re- apply for their jobs. No criteria or metrix for decision. DM said it was done all by HR and they had no input. Show ya right!
They tried scheduling interviews for tomorrow to cover their tracks. How can you interview for a job you were told was yours starting April 1 st and you have no clue, why you were let go.
Bottom line:
1) Peter, run this by Regan ( PRC)
Misrepresentation with reliance by representatives who could have been looking for jobs months ago if you would have been honest is actionable in a court of law. ( repeat after me. Some territories are being looked at based upon their performance and whatever else you can make up, because several in each District were not the low performers. You might be considered for consolidation and/ or other candidates).
2) Your misrepresentation by your entire Upper Management and RBL constitute a conspiracy to commit a fraud based upon their reliance of your misrepresentation of facts.
3) I think we can enjoin Syneos too ( since they allowed Optinose to pull the strings and not be forthcoming). They have the deep pockets and mislead the entire Sales Force.
4) For those of you that were retained, good luck. Ask yourself the question, “ Can you trust another word that comes out of their lying mouths?” How is that for “ Fearless conversation.”
You will never be able to trust them again, because trust is a fragile thing. You see, it is earned, not given.
If anyone who was displaced can figure out how we can connect off this board, I would be happy to facilitate a conference call and discuss our possibility of a “ Class Action Lawsuit.” I know several law firms who have handled cases and have already reached out to discuss. If we band together and when the subpoenas start rolling in for depositions if folks who were retained to give their statement, I think they will wish they had never been such a dishonest company.
Save any correspondence ( text, e- mail, etc. where you been told we were all being rolled - in).
By the way Peter, have your “ Legal Begal” explain the “ Bright Light Rule” to you. The truth is an absolute defense, so don’t bother with your libel allegations re: this post.