Hey Rep douche, guess what? HQ is now required to provide detailed info on EVERY reportable expense to each doc's offices before it's made available to the public via Sunshine Act. So all your offices are going to see those fake lunches and snacks you submitted for them. You better pray they will cover for you. And guess what else? When a doc get's word that you forged their signature on sign-in sheets and attributed fake expenses assigned to their NPI, he/she has the option to press charges. The best part- zero liability on the DM's side. Good luck Sparky!
From douche rep:
The sunshine act blah blah blah. You are so dumb. We hate you. Sign-in sheets? You are busted.
"The best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress".
Sergeant Hartman