Open Letter To Forest Labs Leadership

Wow! It just keeps getting sadder by the day at Forest! The downfall of Namenda and the disbanding of the talent in the former LTC Division was a disgrace. The entire team minus a handful are now gone and the hospital division's launch of Teflaro was a joke! It appears nothing has changed and EH and the other Executive Management team should be fired! Didn't the NFL just clean house! Forest USE TO BE A RESPECTABLE COMPANY BUT NOT ANYMORE! Thank GOD I am not in that shit hole anymore!
Wow! The two long posts couldn't have said it better. And whoever the DM is that posted, you are the reason there is such horrible morale at what used to be a good company. I believe in the Carolinas region there are more reps on leave than in the field. And it's not because they are whiners, it's that they can't stand to work with the idiot DM's who think being a pharmaceutical manager is a real job. Give me a break and go leave another long, pointless voicemail that will be deleted!
Gads this company hasnt changed in years. Still a horrible company and a horrible environment. BTW all of you..nice language..nothing has changed, get a real job instead of pulling samples and reading off a piece of for upper management..joke, always has been..they never got a real job and never will.
Wow! The two long posts couldn't have said it better. And whoever the DM is that posted, you are the reason there is such horrible morale at what used to be a good company. I believe in the Carolinas region there are more reps on leave than in the field. And it's not because they are whiners, it's that they can't stand to work with the idiot DM's who think being a pharmaceutical manager is a real job. Give me a break and go leave another long, pointless voicemail that will be deleted!

There is one main DM (and many that are enablers) to blame for reps quitting and going on medical leave. That is two launches in a row he has personally screwed up because he is a prick.
I now make the same six figures helping foster kids find permanent homes while you be n d o v er and do paperwork. Your mom must be so proud.
And yet you still come back to troll the Forest Board here. Hmmmm. More likely you're still unemployed and dealing with feelings of inadequacy due to your involuntary exit from pharma sales. Buck up, Sparky. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something twice as hard with half the pay at some point.
And yet you still come back to troll the Forest Board here. Hmmmm. More likely you're still unemployed and dealing with feelings of inadequacy due to your involuntary exit from pharma sales. Buck up, Sparky. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something twice as hard with half the pay at some point.

^ loser DM posting, they are a dime a dozen around here.
I may be an idiot and may be a DM, but the OP certainly doesn't work for me. I've long since gotten rid of all the entitled, egotistic & under-performing whiners that held their territories back. Seriously, if you don't like it here you have our blessing to get the 'F out.

No, Your not an idiot DM, your a DICK!! Just wait until you get your ass canned, it will happen. If you think your job is safe because your such a good manager, well pass that joint over here because your a little too high right now. You can be replaced by a chimpanzee, you don't have the "skills" you think you do. Actually, you sound like some suck ass employee that says yes to everything your RM says. You are so disillusioned. If you lose your job tomorrow, who in the world would give a shit about you? What comes around - goes around. Be careful how you treat people, someday you may need something from them. You will be judged by God using the same criteria you judge others by. If you died today, who would be at your funeral tomorrow? Don't you understand that people are important--all of them! Treat them as such. Its easy to get rid of your "under-performers", anyone can do that. A REAL manager will coach and bring out the best in their people. I have had managers who cared about me, and I would bust my ass to show my appreciation. All I can say is that you will never have any good performers on your team because you are not a good manager. No body gives a rats ass about you, because you don't care about any one else but you. You will definitely get thrown under the bus because people know you would do the same to them. If you have 60 seconds to think your last thoughts before you die, then you will know what true terror is really like. Burn in hell you prick.
No, Your not an idiot DM, your a DICK!! Just wait until you get your ass canned, it will happen. If you think your job is safe because your such a good manager, well pass that joint over here because your a little too high right now. You can be replaced by a chimpanzee, you don't have the "skills" you think you do. Actually, you sound like some suck ass employee that says yes to everything your RM says. You are so disillusioned. If you lose your job tomorrow, who in the world would give a shit about you? What comes around - goes around. Be careful how you treat people, someday you may need something from them. You will be judged by God using the same criteria you judge others by. If you died today, who would be at your funeral tomorrow? Don't you understand that people are important--all of them! Treat them as such. Its easy to get rid of your "under-performers", anyone can do that. A REAL manager will coach and bring out the best in their people. I have had managers who cared about me, and I would bust my ass to show my appreciation. All I can say is that you will never have any good performers on your team because you are not a good manager. No body gives a rats ass about you, because you don't care about any one else but you. You will definitely get thrown under the bus because people know you would do the same to them. If you have 60 seconds to think your last thoughts before you die, then you will know what true terror is really like. Burn in hell you prick.

No, Your not an idiot DM, your a DICK!! Just wait until you get your ass canned, it will happen. If you think your job is safe because your such a good manager, well pass that joint over here because your a little too high right now. You can be replaced by a chimpanzee, you don't have the "skills" you think you do. Actually, you sound like some suck ass employee that says yes to everything your RM says. You are so disillusioned. If you lose your job tomorrow, who in the world would give a shit about you? What comes around - goes around. Be careful how you treat people, someday you may need something from them. You will be judged by God using the same criteria you judge others by. If you died today, who would be at your funeral tomorrow? Don't you understand that people are important--all of them! Treat them as such. Its easy to get rid of your "under-performers", anyone can do that. A REAL manager will coach and bring out the best in their people. I have had managers who cared about me, and I would bust my ass to show my appreciation. All I can say is that you will never have any good performers on your team because you are not a good manager. No body gives a rats ass about you, because you don't care about any one else but you. You will definitely get thrown under the bus because people know you would do the same to them. If
you have 60 seconds to think your last thoughts before you die, then you will know what true terror is really like. Burn in hell you prick.

Great reply.
No, Your not an idiot DM, your a DICK!! Just wait until you get your ass canned, it will happen. If you think your job is safe because your such a good manager, well pass that joint over here because your a little too high right now. You can be replaced by a chimpanzee, you don't have the "skills" you think you do. Actually, you sound like some suck ass employee that says yes to everything your RM says. You are so disillusioned. If you lose your job tomorrow, who in the world would give a shit about you? What comes around - goes around. Be careful how you treat people, someday you may need something from them. You will be judged by God using the same criteria you judge others by. If you died today, who would be at your funeral tomorrow? Don't you understand that people are important--all of them! Treat them as such. Its easy to get rid of your "under-performers", anyone can do that. A REAL manager will coach and bring out the best in their people. I have had managers who cared about me, and I would bust my ass to show my appreciation. All I can say is that you will never have any good performers on your team because you are not a good manager. No body gives a rats ass about you, because you don't care about any one else but you. You will definitely get thrown under the bus because people know you would do the same to them. If you have 60 seconds to think your last thoughts before you die, then you will know what true terror is really like. Burn in hell you prick.
Yeah you lost me with the "God" stuff. If you need someone to care and nurture you, go back to your mom's tit cry baby. This is a job, you get paid well to do it. If you suck at it or don't like it here, please leave. Thanks!
Yeah you lost me with the "God" stuff. If you need someone to care and nurture you, go back to your mom's tit cry baby. This is a job, you get paid well to do it. If you suck at it or don't like it here, please leave. Thanks!

Typical clueless DM's response: fear, threat, insult, and blame. It's all right there. Get the hell out and tell these Mo**** Fu**ers their fired!!!
Typical clueless DM's response: fear, threat, insult, and blame. It's all right there. Get the hell out and tell these Mo**** Fu**ers their fired!!!

Typical clueless Rep's response- dearth of self awareness, lack of accountability, surplus of entitlement and glut of whining. It's all right there. It can't be my fault my numbers constantly suck and I'm on PDP, it must be that A**Hole DM!
Typical clueless Rep's response- dearth of self awareness, lack of accountability, surplus of entitlement and glut of whining. It's all right there. It can't be my fault my numbers constantly suck and I'm on PDP, it must be that A**Hole DM!

You are an underpaid prick DM with an oversized ego. You never matured beyond the seventh grade b/c those bullies in the locker room were so mean to you about your tiny penis. Now you strut your 5 foot 2 attitude all around the POA and offices. You think you are a bad ass after that "big" promotion. Truth is, you were biggest kiss ass puppet out of the litter. They love promoting idiots around here.
Yeah you lost me with the "God" stuff. If you need someone to care and nurture you, go back to your mom's tit cry baby. This is a job, you get paid well to do it. If you suck at it or don't like it here, please leave. Thanks!

Dear Godless DM:
1. You need some religion to hold you accountable for your miserable life.
2. Immaturity and insecurity is visible all around you like the stench on Pigpen from Charlie Brown. (you can relate to children stories).
3. You think you are getting paid well for this "job"? You live in Loserville. Ha ha ha ha!
4. Good Reps. leave or are planning to leave this POS place. They will fire you.
5. You are just a turd in this pool of human excrement call Forest Pharmaceuticals.
You are an underpaid prick DM with an oversized ego. You never matured beyond the seventh grade b/c those bullies in the locker room were so mean to you about your tiny penis. Now you strut your 5 foot 2 attitude all around the POA and offices. You think you are a bad ass after that "big" promotion. Truth is, you were biggest kiss ass puppet out of the litter. They love promoting idiots around here.

Wow Sparky, you got me pegged. You've got to be at least 11% smarter than the average bottom-feeding PC Rep. Kudos to you! Unfortunately, you're not quite bright enough to realize that the root of all your problems is yourself. That's right, if you just got off your rear and worked you wouldn't have to blame all your failures here on us big bad DM's.