Open Letter To Forest Labs Leadership

Dear Godless DM:
1. You need some religion to hold you accountable for your miserable life.
2. Immaturity and insecurity is visible all around you like the stench on Pigpen from Charlie Brown. (you can relate to children stories).
3. You think you are getting paid well for this "job"? You live in Loserville. Ha ha ha ha!
4. Good Reps. leave or are planning to leave this POS place. They will fire you.
5. You are just a turd in this pool of human excrement call Forest Pharmaceuticals.

Dear Angry Jesus Rep,

Does your God not promote charity, respect and above all forgiveness? You are aware of the abject hypocrisy of espousing the virtues of religion and then wishing ill on someone while referring to them as excrement, right? Do you not know how to turn the other cheek? I bet you know how to spread the cheeks though. When Monsignor Ham Hands calls you back into the Sacristy for those special services, I bet you spread them good!


Your Caring DM
Wow Sparky, you got me pegged. You've got to be at least 11% smarter than the average bottom-feeding PC Rep. Kudos to you! Unfortunately, you're not quite bright enough to realize that the root of all your problems is yourself. That's right, if you just got off your rear and worked you wouldn't have to blame all your failures here on us big bad DM's.

Work harder? Wow you have inspired the minions. You have the wisdom of a Neanderthal. Typical FRX douche DM.
This is the most entertaining board at CP. Serious fractures between the trunk monkeys and managers. Just wow!!!

Correct. This is what happens when there is no, "honest" conversation or transparency allowed. ABD, RD and DM ridicule us, we all know it. Therefore, we hate them and dread their voicemails, emails, field rides, poa's; really everything about them.
U hate us cause u r jealous of us and don't respect you're superiors. Get to work

Yes, I'm jealous of your miserable life. The ABD and RD treat you like their bitch and you slob their knobs. Then you are so angry that act like a prick. The everybody else hates you including your family. Nice algorithm you have going there big shot. You die alone. Now get out your websters and look up algorithum.
Oh yeah, get my expense report approved slack ass desk money.
Typing in the car pool line douche and yes I'm done at 1:30 every Friday.

Oh Sparky, you can do better than that. Surely even with your diminished mental capacity you can see the humor in the error. Here buddy, let me point it out for you. Your little diatribe contained a quip about your superior vocabulary. You then managed to misspell the word on which said quip hinged. That's funny stuff Sparky!

P.S.- Surfing the internet and posting on CafePharma in a motor vehicle, stopped or not, when there's little kids presumably running around outside your car at a school is a very, very stupid thing to do.
Hey DM douche, guess what? You approve expenses every week and half of them are fake lunches and snacks. Not only are you funny looking and hated, you dress funny too.

who said they are approved? Your error is that you think they are approved but if you think real hard you will learn that the auditors in STL look at your receipts not your DM. When you get the "urgent response needed" email thats when your fun begins. Don't think that your response will end it. Lots of luck.
you may (no I know you don't) know that maybe a phone call goes to random doctors to verify lunches, etc. Lots of luck.

see Sunshine Act for more info.
Hey DM douche, guess what? You approve expenses every week and half of them are fake lunches and snacks. Not only are you funny looking and hated, you dress funny too.
Hey Rep douche, guess what? HQ is now required to provide detailed info on EVERY reportable expense to each doc's offices before it's made available to the public via Sunshine Act. So all your offices are going to see those fake lunches and snacks you submitted for them. You better pray they will cover for you. And guess what else? When a doc get's word that you forged their signature on sign-in sheets and attributed fake expenses assigned to their NPI, he/she has the option to press charges. The best part- zero liability on the DM's side. Good luck Sparky!
Hey Rep douche, guess what? HQ is now required to provide detailed info on EVERY reportable expense to each doc's offices before it's made available to the public via Sunshine Act. So all your offices are going to see those fake lunches and snacks you submitted for them. You better pray they will cover for you. And guess what else? When a doc get's word that you forged their signature on sign-in sheets and attributed fake expenses assigned to their NPI, he/she has the option to press charges. The best part- zero liability on the DM's side. Good luck Sparky!

Idiot DM:
If you had a f'ing clue as to my relationships in these offices you would know it is all taken care of. You can not control us or our expenses. I know that makes you want to cry in the corner but it can not be traced. Go back to blowing your RD and while your at it, "remember ladies the secret to a good BJ is focus."
Barry the sex therapist
Idiot DM:
If you had a f'ing clue as to my relationships in these offices you would know it is all taken care of. You can not control us or our expenses. I know that makes you want to cry in the corner but it can not be traced. Go back to blowing your RD and while your at it, "remember ladies the secret to a good BJ is focus."
Barry the sex therapist
Idiot Rep:
If you really think these offices are that friendly towards you, I would think again. Once a doc sees those expenses piling up under his NPI for all the world to see, I'm guessing you'll get a different response. But hey, don't listen to me. I'm sure you're the Dr. Evil of drug reps and your scheme is bulletproof. But once you're terminated and unemployable in the industry, I'm sure I'll shed a little tear Sparky. BTW, I don't give a rat's ass how many expenses you fake but the days of doing so have finally come to an end.

Your Good Pal,

A Concerned DM
Hey Rep douche, guess what? HQ is now required to provide detailed info on EVERY reportable expense to each doc's offices before it's made available to the public via Sunshine Act. So all your offices are going to see those fake lunches and snacks you submitted for them.

Now all arguing aside, that is going to be an administrative nightmare. You could bring in doughnuts, staff eats them, doc does not touch them. Gets some notice a few months later that $5 was spent on them - if they ever even see it. Does not remember.

That could get muddy...
Now all arguing aside, that is going to be an administrative nightmare. You could bring in doughnuts, staff eats them, doc does not touch them. Gets some notice a few months later that $5 was spent on them - if they ever even see it. Does not remember.

That could get muddy...

Not sure how it works, but as I understand it companies have to start collecting data for submission on Jan 1. The submission is March 31st. Physicians will be able to view and correct anything for a 45 day period after that (I think). This is probably what the DM means by HQ providing info. Can you imagine offices flooded with calls and letters from every companies compliance departments over every lunch, snack, Snickers bar, etc? Could happin but doubt it.

The info for first 3 months of year published in September. This cycle repeats on a 90 day basis. This is how I understand things.

Some docs might never check or care how much it says they accepted from whom.

"Gee I accepted $5.50 in food from Forest on January 7th. Hmmm... I do lunches and let reps bring in treats all the time. It's now June 11th. Shoot guess I did. I don't know.."

This will probably be most often the case - if they look.

Now when anal MD who does not participate in lunches for the group looks and has an issue with his name in the mix, that could be a different story.

Finally, the idiot rep who expenses something to a doc who checks and knows they were on vacation back in January - now there is a problem.
How about when an office lunch costs 200. 10 people are there. Doctor eats a carrot off the veggie tray but declines eating a robust portion as most of the nurses were more than happy to claim his/her share. Doctor is of course on the expense report that the doctor was there. Doctor accepted a $20 meal. Doctor does this every day for months. When doctor sees the meal value he/she accepted, they are quite upset. Those were expensive veggies. See where I am going?

This reporting thing could be a mess for even the most honest rep.
Hey Rep douche, guess what? HQ is now required to provide detailed info on EVERY reportable expense to each doc's offices before it's made available to the public via Sunshine Act. So all your offices are going to see those fake lunches and snacks you submitted for them. You better pray they will cover for you. And guess what else? When a doc get's word that you forged their signature on sign-in sheets and attributed fake expenses assigned to their NPI, he/she has the option to press charges. The best part- zero liability on the DM's side. Good luck Sparky!

Sparky DM. I have never met anyone who refers to it as HQ. You know we don't use sign in sheets, right?