One fucked up company

Here's the deal. They are trying to disrupt the contract they had when we were purchased from Nestle. So much of the contract was based on the biologic. Stop or delay the biologic they can dismantled Galderma slowly which is happening. They will make a fortune selling Cetaphil. Then soon off Aesthetics. Look for a buyer for Aklief. The rest wraps up into Galderma s generic company Glade.
Glade, hahahaha, wow!

Yes. Galderma owns Glade Drugs and Nutroceuticals, a private holding company. Galderma makes generics and still profits $$$$$ when the brands go generic.
Currently they are ramping up to flood market with their Soolantra generic by Q 3. Forte will be next.
The new theme will be 20 Sales reps added to virtual platform calling on Derm. You can be located anywhere and all RX gets shipped.

Happy Selling

People are leaving because they cannot work in this environment. Those left are either waiting for a severance or haven't had the right offer. Turnover is costly. Can't believe someone hasn't put together an economic model showing the price of constant turnover vs the much smaller cost of having a qualified CEO. When so many senior leaders leave after less than a year on the job something is very wrong.

People are leaving because they cannot work in this environment. Those left are either waiting for a severance or haven't had the right offer. Turnover is costly. Can't believe someone hasn't put together an economic model showing the price of constant turnover vs the much smaller cost of having a qualified CEO. When so many senior leaders leave after less than a year on the job something is very wrong.
The cancer is spreading. I heard TP(flowers) has his buddy joining the company. Glad I left when I did.

I was once proud to tell others who I work for. Galderma is now just another "churn and burn" place to be. I understand how little I am valued; I know it is not personal - it is just business; however, the respect and pride I once had for this company are gone. I appreciate the paycheck and am here till it ends, doing the best job I can in spite of the distractions and poor leadership. Flemming destroyed everything for us all.

This message board and those of us who come in here to write the truth are not the reason Galderma is horrible, it is because of the toxic and awful leadership destroying this company.

the highly paid captains never go down with the ship, they quickly grab the lifeboats for themselves and leave us grunts to go down with the ship into icy water like rats. That will happen again here. It’s only a matter of time. Galderma has been tethering on the brink of disaster for a while.

Ex-employees all have one thing in common - they really hate Galderma. They despise how they were treated like second class employees, emotionally abused, bullied and made to feel inferior all while the ones at the top are running this business into the ground. I have never seen current and past employees have the amount of hatred I see here for the pitiful lack of leadership. I know I will never work for a mentally unstable, psycho, money obsessed, clueless person such as Flemming ever again.

Big Big announcement. In person meeting coming soon and we will be promoting WINLEVI for Cassiopea. Great $ to be made. Bye Bye to Aklief .

I don’t think we are doing anything with Winlevi. But don’t worry, Galderma is really looking hard at multiple products right now.
I would like a corporate announcement on this product. A lot of higher ups talked heavy about this and love to hear if the news is true.....we did not get it.

Ex-employees all have one thing in common - they really hate Galderma. They despise how they were treated like second class employees, emotionally abused, bullied and made to feel inferior all while the ones at the top are running this business into the ground. I have never seen current and past employees have the amount of hatred I see here for the pitiful lack of leadership. I know I will never work for a mentally unstable, psycho, money obsessed, clueless person such as Flemming ever again.
I confirm. I HATE Galderma.

This company is not worth my time or talents anymore. The psychological abuse inflicted by our new leaders is unbelievable. People cannot believe what is happening. CEO and CFO are unnecessarily miserable, angry, vindictive, caddy, nasty and addicted to their stupid projects. Wakeup the company is collapsing!!! It is a horrible place to work.