One fucked up company

Too bad a once decent company will go down due to the greed and unethical behavior of new leadership. It's too bad that nothing will happen to these guys, they deserve to hang.

Weak whiners move along. Take your bachelor of sociology or communications degree and head out. You are worth $31.400 a year. Anything about that is a gift based on your low skill. You drive around and be with people, and you are t that good at it. We can replace you a thousand times over. Hit the road, Kack!

Weak whiners move along. Take your bachelor of sociology or communications degree and head out. You are worth $31.400 a year. Anything about that is a gift based on your low skill. You drive around and be with people, and you are t that good at it. We can replace you a thousand times over. Hit the road, Kack!
Ignorance is bliss my friend. You will be crapping your pants soon!

Crapping my pants soon? Jeez. I’ve been crapping my pants regularly since 1997. Ever since the accident.

Hey. If you can’t cut it here, go get a job a Starbucks and move back home with mommy and daddy. Obviously your communication degree didn’t prepare you fir the big leagues.

I have seen a fair share of bad management in every company I’ve worked for. I must say that I never expected to see so many incompetent and questionable leaders under one roof. I always heard great things about this company. I keep asking people what happened. Everyone seems to have a different answer but they all agreed that all the good leaders that made Galderma great left or were let go. But why?

The only thing that is working correctly at Galderma is the ticking of the Swiss clock and soon time will run out and there will be no more Galderma. Flemming will take his $$$ to the bank while we all look for new jobs.

Run!! Don’t walk... this place used to be an incredible company. It has since run itself into the ground, hiring egomaniacal leadership and backstabbing, self serving directors. There are so many HR violations that happen here, it’s disturbing. Many lawsuits from employees have been shushed & settled under the table... Didn’t realize until I left what a cesspool this place has become!! It is very sad, as it used to be a great place to work. All of the tenured, decent people left... and the mass exodus continues! Unless you crave manipulation & psychological abuse, or have a general lack of self respect/worth, run!!

When the entire management team is made up of snakes, clowns, backstabbers and idiots, it is almost impossible to pick the worst. It is like trying to find out what makes the sewage stink.