One fucked up company

Flem is a joke. Knows nothing. All sizzle, no steak. Finger pointer and blamer, but it all starts with his inability to lead and understand the business and the environment. Not a business or strategy bone in his body. Be very careful. Do as you are told and never challenge.

The present Galderma gives me no confidence. None. Really sad to watch how people are being mistreated, and how this company is being mismanaged. I am almost afraid to see how this will go down at the end.

Now head of EMEAC if fleeing ! He was one of the few assets up there! FO let go the good ones because they won’t take his crap. Wonder who’s next, but I bet it will be one that could have helped - we’ll see...

Now head of EMEAC if fleeing ! He was one of the few assets up there! FO let go the good ones because they won’t take his crap. Wonder who’s next, but I bet it will be one that could have helped - we’ll see...
Agree. EMEAC Head was a decent guy. Too good for Flemming. Anyone with an ounce of self respect will run for the hills. Wish him luck. A loss for Galderma.

How are Thomas and Flemming still allowed to remain??! How can our investors not see what is going on??! I mean these a-holes are f'ing with peoples' livelihoods & EQT turns a blind eye

Galderma would win top place in the toxic companies list. If you like to be blamed work here. If you like to participate in inane meetings where decision making does not exist work here. If you enjoy a psycho CEO work here. If you enjoy a leaderless company work here. If you want to burn out from madness and question the meaning of life work here. What the FUCK is going on in this company???!!!

Galderma would win top place in the toxic companies list. If you like to be blamed work here. If you like to participate in inane meetings where decision making does not exist work here. If you enjoy a psycho CEO work here. If you enjoy a leaderless company work here. If you want to burn out from madness and question the meaning of life work here. What the FUCK is going on in this company???!!!

I'm looking at an opening in the RX division is it really that bad?

I'm looking at an opening in the RX division is it really that bad?

No. It is not. Half the posts here are people that don’t even work here. Look at every company on here and you will see all negative posts. This isn’t the place to get answers. So the Worldwide CEO isn’t warm and fuzzy. You will likely never see him. If you like the RSM you interview with that is more important. Our customers love our products and your day to day will be good. We have best in class products, we get paid well and they don’t skimp on bonuses like other companies. There you go.

I'm looking at an opening in the RX division is it really that bad?
Employee here - the company is no longer what it used to be since sold to PE. Culture killed, CEO void of emotional intelligence. It’s hell at senior management level but OK at lower levels as you will be shielded from what goes on behind the scene. Everything is done for the short term. Give it 2-3 years before the company is split up or sold on to the next greedy financial investors. Products are good but pipeline is very much empty, especially in Rx. There could be an acquisition along the way. Given the bleak future, only join if you have no other options.

Employee here - the company is no longer what it used to be since sold to PE. Culture killed, CEO void of emotional intelligence. It’s hell at senior management level but OK at lower levels as you will be shielded from what goes on behind the scene. Everything is done for the short term. Give it 2-3 years before the company is split up or sold on to the next greedy financial investors. Products are good but pipeline is very much empty, especially in Rx. There could be an acquisition along the way. Given the bleak future, only join if you have no other options.

Debbie downer: you really need to leave. You are not privy to everything in the pipline because you can’t keep your mouth shut. So don’t make comments on things you know nothing about.Acquisition of other products, maybe. If you think there’s a bleak future step aside for the people that are trying to get in. There are easily over 100 applicants per opportunity.

No. It is not. Half the posts here are people that don’t even work here. Look at every company on here and you will see all negative posts. This isn’t the place to get answers. So the Worldwide CEO isn’t warm and fuzzy. You will likely never see him. If you like the RSM you interview with that is more important. Our customers love our products and your day to day will be good. We have best in class products, we get paid well and they don’t skimp on bonuses like other companies. There you go.