Oh Richard. I've been trying to reach you. I want to be secretary to the CEO.


Please name some.
I love this company. I am a middle aged white male with a degree from a mediocre school. All I do all day is agree with those above me and sneer at those below me and every once in a while I say something about working smart , thinking outside the box, or embrace change and I get 200 K. I make sure to never put anything in writing which really saves time. It is really great here. I don't know why all these lazy assholes are pissing and moaning.

I love this company. I am a middle aged white male with a degree from a mediocre school. All I do all day is agree with those above me and sneer at those below me and every once in a while I say something about working smart , thinking outside the box, or embrace change and I get 200 K. I make sure to never put anything in writing which really saves time. It is really great here. I don't know why all these lazy assholes are pissing and moaning.

I love this company too. I got demoted a coupla years ago but still get the same pay, same title and best of all LESS WORK. Who could complain about that? Not me, that's for sure. This company is the best ever. I love everyone here who got me demoted and who demoted me this is the best outcome I could have had. Kisses and hugs, your demoted ex manager with no reports!

I love this company too. I got demoted a coupla years ago but still get the same pay, same title and best of all LESS WORK. Who could complain about that? Not me, that's for sure. This company is the best ever. I love everyone here who got me demoted and who demoted me this is the best outcome I could have had. Kisses and hugs, your demoted ex manager with no reports!

cant blame you buddy. management deserves you.

I love this company. I am a middle aged white male with a degree from a mediocre school. All I do all day is agree with those above me and sneer at those below me and every once in a while I say something about working smart , thinking outside the box, or embrace change and I get 200 K. I make sure to never put anything in writing which really saves time. It is really great here. I don't know why all these lazy assholes are pissing and moaning.

Go Northern!

Go Northern!

You catch my drift. Now its the Jolly Mean Giant who loves this job the best. I heard him mumbling incoherently as he scratched off names on assorted org charts in his corner office. I think he said Off with their heads like the Queen of Hearts. Then he said America is truly a Vonderland. Fi Fi fo fum I sure wish I had a degree in Physical Therapy, oh what it would have done for me.