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Novartis Oncology Realignment

The activity level on this topic certainly shows that the OBU is ather stressed.

Also, there is probably more than a shred of truth to the downsizing speculation for oncology.

Time will tell!

The activity level on this topic certainly shows that the OBU is ather stressed.

Also, there is probably more than a shred of truth to the downsizing speculation for oncology.

Time will tell!
Afinitor going for breast cancer
Watch out Onc 4. You don't sell Breast, that's where the $$'s are. Any ax to fall will cut you out. They don't care that you were first to launch this drug. No loyalty with Novartis.

Yeah right! Onc 1's and 2's are so old, you will be in retirement playing with your dentures by the time this gets approved. I wouldn't worry about us, I would worry about Amgen cleaning your clock right now. If you were so good, XGEVA would not be kicking your butts? We have kicked Somatulines, Sutent, Nexavar, Votrient, Torisels butt and you can't even kick Aredia's? Sorry Onc 1 and 2's sales force is the joke of the industry and all my accounts call you the "God's waiting room" sales force. Retire already, you are old, crusty, and lack any competitive spirit!! I see it every day, did a lunch with my Onc 1 today and they asked about XGEVA and pretty much sold them on XGEVA over Zometa!! I would have buried them so far, they could never take any of my share. All you do is lay down to the competition and complain!! Oh yes, wear a tie too, short sleeve dress shirts are not in style anymore old man!!

Yeah right! Onc 1's and 2's are so old, you will be in retirement playing with your dentures by the time this gets approved. I wouldn't worry about us, I would worry about Amgen cleaning your clock right now. If you were so good, XGEVA would not be kicking your butts? We have kicked Somatulines, Sutent, Nexavar, Votrient, Torisels butt and you can't even kick Aredia's? Sorry Onc 1 and 2's sales force is the joke of the industry and all my accounts call you the "God's waiting room" sales force. Retire already, you are old, crusty, and lack any competitive spirit!! I see it every day, did a lunch with my Onc 1 today and they asked about XGEVA and pretty much sold them on XGEVA over Zometa!! I would have buried them so far, they could never take any of my share. All you do is lay down to the competition and complain!! Oh yes, wear a tie too, short sleeve dress shirts are not in style anymore old man!!

Very well said!!!!!

Yeah right! Onc 1's and 2's are so old, you will be in retirement playing with your dentures by the time this gets approved. I wouldn't worry about us, I would worry about Amgen cleaning your clock right now. If you were so good, XGEVA would not be kicking your butts? We have kicked Somatulines, Sutent, Nexavar, Votrient, Torisels butt and you can't even kick Aredia's? Sorry Onc 1 and 2's sales force is the joke of the industry and all my accounts call you the "God's waiting room" sales force. Retire already, you are old, crusty, and lack any competitive spirit!! I see it every day, did a lunch with my Onc 1 today and they asked about XGEVA and pretty much sold them on XGEVA over Zometa!! I would have buried them so far, they could never take any of my share. All you do is lay down to the competition and complain!! Oh yes, wear a tie too, short sleeve dress shirts are not in style anymore old man!!

The barbaric attitude exemplified in the quoted posting only demonstrates a major factor that has led to the decline of "Pharmaceutical Representative" as a valued contributor to HCP's efforts. It was first seen in "mass market" primary care settings. But then, with Novartis' adoption of the "Pod' model in Oncology, it became necessary to elevate some of those from the barbarian ranks to Specialty Sales. No wonder that now access to HCP's has become more difficult with the price of admission requiring catering and cleavage.

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