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Novartis Oncology Realignment

That is what I have been doing. I am working 2 jobs right now and using the car for benefits. Lay me off please! Show me the money!

Ive been doing the same thing for 4 months with a biotech in another therapeutic area. These morons have not laid me off yet. Still waiting but can't do both jobs much longer getting too difficult.

Oh, you must be working for the Carve Out in Florida, that is why you are getting double credit and only getting one script a week and looking like rock stars on the tracker?

I work for Mr. BS in the WEST, had to attend both meetings with 2 compaines. I got everyone fooled including my own counterparts. Please lay me off so I can cash in you muthafu*kers.

as long as Novartis treats Hem/Onc like all its general line divisions they will never be a major player. They are so concerned with call frequency, quality of call, seeing 5 MD's/day and all the other BS that hasn't anything to do with actual sales.

Also hiring the most incompetent, PC managers just because of race/gender as ruined and creditability with reps and accounts.

I would lso work 2 jobs as you can only see same MD's so much with nothing new to talk about

PS Do you consider it a call on an MD if its with your other job?

Just Kidding!

Very quiet. There has been little to know communication from the home office,RDs or anybody else and many of you still believe nothings going to happen ? Its coming October 1st not in January. Everyone hold on this is going to be a bumpy ride !

Herad that it will happen within the next 2 weeks. Onc division is over loaded with reps calling on same doc's and the POD idea is slowly going away. It is too much of an investment for corporate to have all these reps duplicating efforts with drugs that have been on the market for years.

with acess to MD's and accounts getting tougher it makes since to limit the number of reps. No account wants to do a lunch with 3+ Onc reps sitting there fighting for their time.

Its 2011 time to get with the program and loose the 1970's POD approach of selling.

Herad that it will happen within the next 2 weeks. Onc division is over loaded with reps calling on same doc's and the POD idea is slowly going away. It is too much of an investment for corporate to have all these reps duplicating efforts with drugs that have been on the market for years.

with acess to MD's and accounts getting tougher it makes since to limit the number of reps. No account wants to do a lunch with 3+ Onc reps sitting there fighting for their time.

Its 2011 time to get with the program and loose the 1970's POD approach of selling.

I hope this is true. Feel bad for the very good reps who will lose jobs but this is way past due.

We are supposed to take serious someone that uses the term "Dingbat". You are a complete embarassment. It is going to be Onc 1,2,3, Portfolio Selling with a Specialty Force as well.

Damn, I can't take this suspense anymore, looks like major layoffs coming up, why else would they not replace open territories!! Can't wait til the June bonus is paid out. I am taking my talents to Seattle Genetics!!

It will be funny to see how many people bail after this bonus, that is all we are waiting on then we are gone!! Novartis, enjoy your nursing home aged reps, us young guys are just like Lebron and taking our talents to Seattle Genetics, Celgene, and Incyte. Time to get paid, you only live once, why not make the most of our careers!!

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