Novartis is the Worst Large Pharma Ever?

Definitely the worst place ever. "zero tolerance for misconduct" my ass...this place encourages misconduct and the ones who do it are the ones who get rewarded. Having Novartis on your CV will hurt your career. FUCK that was like escape from Guantanamo Bay when I finally left.

Definitely the worst place ever. "zero tolerance for misconduct" my ass...this place encourages misconduct and the ones who do it are the ones who get rewarded. Having Novartis on your CV will hurt your career. FUCK that was like escape from Guantanamo Bay when I finally left.

Remember - Never, ever call the BPO. Call an attorney. The BPO is not looking out for you, they are protecting the company.

This has got to be one of the worst large pharma companys in the industry. I cannot believe the corruption, disception, poor judgement, management, & leadership. The turn-over of good people and a general lack of experienced individuals to support the business is amazing.

The last place to work unless you are desparate and only need a short time gig to get back in the game. Spare your kids, family, or friends from the pain and suffering that all employees endure.

Ha! I was with NVS for years and happy, then moved to J & J - and let me tell you, NVS has some issues, but J & J is the worst big pharma out there.

At least in NVS, JJ is starting to clean things up - it would help if he had actual pharma experience, but believe me, NVS is not that bad

Novartis is a great company in terms of hiring sub par associates with big titles and for it's benefits.

My experience of over 6 years have made me realize that, in deed this company is truly troubled by internal politics, dishonesty, corruption, discrimination, gender inequality and abuse by HR and some managers.

BPO is of no use and in fact it is just a cover. BPO protects the managers and associates who are liabilities to the company unfortunately. Never consider BPO as that office is populated with incompetent investigators who have no formal training in conducting investigations to get to the bottom or root cause of the issues. Rather, BPO waste a lot of time and comes up with basically nothing substantial and aid in the exposure of very people who complained to BPO. These observations are based on experience of my colleagues. BPO also allow the very managers who were subjected to scrutiny to retaliate against the innocent trusting associates who complained to BPO in the first place with no end in sight.....if you want Novartis to be accountable, please hire a lawyer.

It is also shocking that some physicians who have no formal training in clinical medicine or have not completed any formal training in a therapeutic area are working as GPHs and clinical leads in some franchises. It is in stark contrast to other comparable big pharma who are strict on hiring the right candidate with the right training and back ground to be clinical leads in compound developments. Some examples; a lab trained physician is the GPH for malaria compound development...this person has no clue but has a loud mouth and complete kiss ass, dishonest... Apparently these are the attributes needed to be a GPH in established medicine development franchise, and there are many more examples...... This trend is sad, a joke and quite frankly frightening from a business and development stand point as these incompetent clue less people have no clue as to the unmet needs of the disease/ populations to substantially contribute to a compound development to meet the needs of the patients, etc. it is a sad story for Novartis and it's future is bleak if this trend continues.....

Novartis also harbors a lot of dishonest managers and associates and I am convinced that Novartis truly protects these people so that, Novartis can continue in dishonesty, irresponsible drug development and damaging behaviors .......

If you have plans to join Novartis make it goal oriented to just train yourself. This is the only goal and the get out.....
This is not a company for honest, smart people with integrity. It was a pleasure sharing this experiences for future employees, etc.

Never was like this until about 2008, that's when the outside consultants and people from outside the organization took over. Remember when employees were respected. It was recognized and celebrated when a co- worker achieved an honor( Masters Club, Quarter Century Club, Cornerstone) what happened to those you knew. Look how those of us who spent a long career here were treated. Everything that happens to this organization is deserving. Those who destroyed others got destroyed themselves. Karma is a bitch.

Yes it is, and in some countries they are not even employing, just taking trainees to do the worst job and fake they are teaching them something (when it is absolutely the opposite). The only way to get an internal position is to know someone in the organisation, otherwise you only have the chance to get in as external, no benefits, crappy pay, non respect... Human resources are retarded, they are hiring without a clue on the field, position... They just follow a script instead of thinking on the capabilities and potential of candidates. It doesn't matter how good are you in assigned tasks, and honestly, I'm really surprised about the lack of efficiency in almost all the internal people... As I said, in some countries, it's a waste of time to do an intership... you don't have a chance to get in unless you expect to become commercial delegate or MSL which is the same.

The original founder of Sandoz, Mr. Sandoz and whoever was a founder(s) of Ciba/Geigy must be turning in their Swiss based graves.
This nastiness of this Co has been exposed as early as 8 years ago by the Whistleblowers of Novartis unite and BPO threads. many did not believe this was the case. Now you can believe it for you experienced it on your own skin.
The best you can do, is to hit them back. Become someone who is watching them like a hawk, collect the evidence and expose them as soon as you have enough. Repeated exposures and fines and hopefully jail time for the fuckers, may break them down in the end. It just must happen. No way such crimes and injustice can continue for long, let alone ever.
So stand up for yourselves and hit them hard. You owe them nothing.

Yes you were told many times and asked to do the right thing, but few if any did it. The criminal org. continues and those who hopped this would change after the main mafiosi left; Don Dan Vasella, must be quite disappointed, while those who hopped things would continue as usual, must be having orgasms.
What this means is, that the whole capitalist/freemarket system is so corrupt, that it is no different than the true crime (designated by the very capital via their laws) except it is "legal". For someone like Vasella, to get away with hundreds of millions (if not billon plus) of loot and never see the inside of jail, is simply believable given the essence of the system.

'Yes folks this system is rigged for them and you who work here and are paid pretty good $$ are still far better off than yur fellow people in other biz, for you biz steal, defrauds,loots, plunders etc the most. Thus there is good money for you to be thrown at by the mafia that runs this biz. In fact, you should be given far bigger take considering what you "earn" for them via the crime they order done. Conservatively you should "take" 5-10 times more, for there is that kind of loot take in by the bigpharmafia.
Remember the movie Doni Brasco? In it the characted plaid by Al Pachino, says at one point how little he gets to keep of what he "earns" as a very good "earner". The Boss gets the lion's share while the "soldiers" (sales reps in your case) get few chicken bones. In your case, as already mentioned, these chicken bones are not bad compared to average, but far less what they should be compared to loot you brign in. Just like Lefty, his name was we believe.
Yes Lefty keep on criming.

Yes you were told many times and asked to do the right thing, but few if any did it. The criminal org. continues and those who hopped this would change after the main mafiosi left; Don Dan Vasella, must be quite disappointed, while those who hopped things would continue as usual, must be having orgasms.
What this means is, that the whole capitalist/freemarket system is so corrupt, that it is no different than the true crime (designated by the very capital via their laws) except it is "legal". For someone like Vasella, to get away with hundreds of millions (if not billon plus) of loot and never see the inside of jail, is simply believable given the essence of the system.

'Yes folks this system is rigged for them and you who work here and are paid pretty good $$ are still far better off than yur fellow people in other biz, for you biz steal, defrauds,loots, plunders etc the most. Thus there is good money for you to be thrown at by the mafia that runs this biz. In fact, you should be given far bigger take considering what you "earn" for them via the crime they order done. Conservatively you should "take" 5-10 times more, for there is that kind of loot take in by the bigpharmafia.
Remember the movie Doni Brasco? In it the characted plaid by Al Pachino, says at one point how little he gets to keep of what he "earns" as a very good "earner". The Boss gets the lion's share while the "soldiers" (sales reps in your case) get few chicken bones. In your case, as already mentioned, these chicken bones are not bad compared to average, but far less what they should be compared to loot you brign in. Just like Lefty, his name was we believe.
Yes Lefty keep on criming.

I heard they have a big problem with databases from a clinical assay for a new drug for heart disease, don't know if it is true, but it seams data integrity could be compromised.

I heard they have a big problem with databases from a clinical assay for a new drug for heart disease, don't know if it is true, but it seams data integrity could be compromised.

pics or it didn't happen!

you repeat an unfounded rumor on your company's anonymous discussion forum, that is aiming to do what...?

Yes you were told many times and asked to do the right thing, but few if any did it. The criminal org. continues and those who hopped this would change after the main mafiosi left; Don Dan Vasella, must be quite disappointed, while those who hopped things would continue as usual, must be having orgasms.
What this means is, that the whole capitalist/freemarket system is so corrupt, that it is no different than the true crime (designated by the very capital via their laws) except it is "legal". For someone like Vasella, to get away with hundreds of millions (if not billon plus) of loot and never see the inside of jail, is simply believable given the essence of the system.

'Yes folks this system is rigged for them and you who work here and are paid pretty good $$ are still far better off than yur fellow people in other biz, for you biz steal, defrauds,loots, plunders etc the most. Thus there is good money for you to be thrown at by the mafia that runs this biz. In fact, you should be given far bigger take considering what you "earn" for them via the crime they order done. Conservatively you should "take" 5-10 times more, for there is that kind of loot take in by the bigpharmafia.
Remember the movie Doni Brasco? In it the characted plaid by Al Pachino, says at one point how little he gets to keep of what he "earns" as a very good "earner". The Boss gets the lion's share while the "soldiers" (sales reps in your case) get few chicken bones. In your case, as already mentioned, these chicken bones are not bad compared to average, but far less what they should be compared to loot you brign in. Just like Lefty, his name was we believe.
Yes Lefty keep on criming.

nice narrative
enjoyed the read.

Novartis got away from hiring qualified people and hired and promoted kiss ass employees who took and spoke the company line. The promotions of some of these individuals make no sense, and really are just favors for those who keep their mouths shut and kiss ass. So now you have individuals that have no clue on what the are doing and the company continues to sink. First let's look at the outside consultants they brought in completely destroyed that company on the sales side. Second they brought in a lot of ex Pfizer research people that actually got fired for there and they are now running the show. Do you ever wonder why nothing ever gets approved now you know. I sit and wonder how certain people get promoted when they were unable to lead a sales team, now they run a department in house.

This has got to be one of the worst large pharma companys in the industry. I cannot believe the corruption, disception, poor judgement, management, & leadership. The turn-over of good people and a general lack of experienced individuals to support the business is amazing.

The last place to work unless you are desparate and only need a short time gig to get back in the game. Spare your kids, family, or friends from the pain and suffering that all employees endure.

I could not agree more OP.

A recruiter did a "no show" on me with ah phone interview!

Seriously not cool when I scheduled work around phone screen.

So unprofessional.

I applied for position in Dallas and recruiter says can't do cause we are only looking at candidates already residing in geography.


I am so sick hearing this statement! Recruiters and Managers!

"We need candidates already residing in territories" = dumb decision when candidates have over ten years in industry and anyone can pick up doing anywhere. We are realigned all the time and adjust to "new". Do they not get that part? = pharma DUMB 101

Some people on earth have lives and live them! We live, we move, we seek experiences, and grow.

Lesson 1:
I interviewed at another place and manager chose the safety route and hired a girl because she was residing in geography while I am relocating soon and had better solid history and successes to qualify.

Now I am LOL because the hired girl already quit and manager is back paddling. Managers should start looking at resumes and view HISTORY. If they went this route maybe they would find good candidates with experience........................................ IDIOTS.

This has got to be one of the worst large pharma companys in the industry. I cannot believe the corruption, disception, poor judgement, management, & leadership. The turn-over of good people and a general lack of experienced individuals to support the business is amazing.

The last place to work unless you are desparate and only need a short time gig to get back in the game. Spare your kids, family, or friends from the pain and suffering that all employees endure.

No, Pfizer is the worst, but we run a close second!