What's worst department in Novartis?

DRA under Jorie Gatlin. She is a fucking idiot. Promoted to her next level of incompetence. She is following the Joanne Machalaba tract....another fucking idiot who has been promoted so many times to positions she has no clue how to run. They are both idiots and should both be promoted OUT THE DOOR!!!!!

I agree. Jorie Gatlin is going to destroy that group. She doesn't know what she is doing. She needs to be terminated.

Whats the worst department of Novartis........

I would have to say Novartis North America. But that is only because I have not experienced any of the international pieces of the company.

But from what I have seen, Novartis is a floating turd.

DRA under Jorie Gatlin. She is a fucking idiot. Promoted to her next level of incompetence. She is following the Joanne Machalaba tract....another fucking idiot who has been promoted so many times to positions she has no clue how to run. They are both idiots and should both be promoted OUT THE DOOR!!!!!

I agree that Jorie Gatlin has ruined DRA in East Hanover. Its funny to watch her work, though. She puts on this huge façade when she is with upper management, trying to expel her stupid positions and opinion on issues that would effect the group. Without a doubt, somebody, probably from the DRA worker bees that know what they are doing, have to constantly interrupt what she is saying and make it right. I simply cannot believe that Novartis hired her into this position. She knows nothing.

Also heard she layed off one the better DRA reviewers.....the one with the most experience and longevity with the company. Another one left on her own because she can see the shit is rolling down hill very quickly. And I know there are several other DRA reviewers who are interviewing outside to get out from under her ignorant and fairly dangerous regime.

Yep...hate her

I completely agree. Jorie Gatlin is a fucking idiot. I can't believe Novartis can't see it. She needs to be let go before everyone that reports into her get the chance to leave. A complete idiot who knows absolutely nothing about Advertising and Promotion, or anything at all within Regulatory Affairs. Get rid of her worthless lame ass. Hate her.

HR is by far the worst.

BPO - You do not want to contact them. Can't be trusted. If you report code of conduct violations you will be the one they will look to eliminate. No integrity

Whats the worst department of Novartis........

I would have to say Novartis North America. But that is only because I have not experienced any of the international pieces of the company.

But from what I have seen, Novartis is a floating turd.

Novartis [North] [America] HR Management

Side Effects:

lack of coordination
abnormal dreams
mental depression
double vision
vision changes
blurred vision
decreased vision
vision loss, temporary

Novartis [North] [America] HR Management

Side Effects:

lack of coordination
abnormal dreams
mental depression
double vision
vision changes
blurred vision
decreased vision
vision loss, temporary

That was funny and a tad cruel. I know very good people in HR that want to do what's right but are afraid of rocking the boat too much too fast. It's completely understandable, and you are just as afraid.

Just e-mail JJ your ideas how to care/cure patients, maintain a healthy profit margin, and also exemplify the core values/behaviors.

He's a good man who listens.