No more massacre friday?

I think people are missing the point. The fact is we have lost a lot of women in positions of power. And many of the women who have left voluntarily or not have said Acumed is not a welcoming place. Regardless of if there is an issue or not- Acumed has the perception of being sexist. That should certainly be investigated.

You are doing nothing but making up a cause for women. There has been equal opportunity firings. Go hang out with the other whiner s.


You are doing nothing but making up a cause for women. There has been equal opportunity firings. Go hang out with the other whiner s.

I think the poster is saying that if women are raising their hand to say there is an issue (and multiple women, not just one) then it is worth investigating.

Doesn't mean there is merit, but the fact that Acumed is just denying an issue exists instead of interviewing ex-employees or current women in positions of power- leads me to believe that they would rather belittle and shame ("maybe it's your skimpy halloween costumes" or "you should dress more professionally") rather then actually do the hard work of examining the business practices.

That’s how it is everywhere. Whoever has the power calls the shots. And if you want to waste your time investigating the hiring practices and business decision making, I can almost guarantee that you will be next on the chopping block. One thing people with power hate, is someone telling them how to use their power. Anyone who speaks up will be looked at as a trouble maker- in the eyes of the beholder. (it doesn't matter what sex you are)

Best thing is stay out of the spot light, look out for yourself, and learn to deal with the politics. If you are incapable of doing that then you may want to consider finding another place to work. One thing this posting board offers is a chance to voice your frustrations without putting your job at risk.

It's because of this that half the company is looking for new jobs. If you don't like it move on. We have all gotten the message.

That’s how it is everywhere. Whoever has the power calls the shots. And if you want to waste your time investigating the hiring practices and business decision making, I can almost guarantee that you will be next on the chopping block. One thing people with power hate, is someone telling them how to use their power. Anyone who speaks up will be looked at as a trouble maker- in the eyes of the beholder. (it doesn't matter what sex you are)

Best thing is stay out of the spot light, look out for yourself, and learn to deal with the politics. If you are incapable of doing that then you may want to consider finding another place to work. One thing this posting board offers is a chance to voice your frustrations without putting your job at risk.

No, that is not how it is everywhere. Take it from someone who left due to this very BS. The grass is indeed greener.

No, that is not how it is everywhere. Take it from someone who left due to this very BS. The grass is indeed greener.

Oh I could not agree more. I left by choice. I couldn’t keep drinking the Kool aid there. The grass is greener, people just have to believe that and know they don’t have to settle.

But look out! when you post how much better things are outside Acumed, you get a current employee telling you that you are bitter and pissed off because you no longer work there. That certain Acumed employee will never understand, until they become a static.

Oh I could not agree more. I left by choice. I couldn’t keep drinking the Kool aid there. The grass is greener, people just have to believe that and know they don’t have to settle.

But look out! when you post how much better things are outside Acumed, you get a current employee telling you that you are bitter and pissed off because you no longer work there. That certain Acumed employee will never understand, until they become a Statistic .

we know what you meant.

No, that is not how it is everywhere. Take it from someone who left due to this very BS. The grass is indeed greener.

I agree. Acumed had an excellent culture for many years, and even though the former management wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination-they cared about people and would try to a fault to keep employees and help low performers turn it around- but that is no longer the reality. The culture of fear seems to be the new normal and it is not healthy. It is better elsewhere. And FWIW- I am not bitter, I just want things to improve for the many good people left there.

I agree. Acumed had an excellent culture for many years, and even though the former management wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination-they cared about people and would try to a fault to keep employees and help low performers turn it around- but that is no longer the reality. The culture of fear seems to be the new normal and it is not healthy. It is better elsewhere. And FWIW- I am not bitter, I just want things to improve for the many good people left there.

Very well stated, there are several great people at Acumed that deserve better.

Oh I could not agree more. I left by choice. I couldn’t keep drinking the Kool aid there. The grass is greener, people just have to believe that and know they don’t have to settle.

But look out! when you post how much better things are outside Acumed, you get a current employee telling you that you are bitter and pissed off because you no longer work there. That certain Acumed employee will never understand, until they become a static.

You didn't leave by choice. It must bother you real bad or you wouldn't hang around on this board whining. Glad they have green grass at McDonalds for ya.

You didn't leave by choice. It must bother you real bad or you wouldn't hang around on this board whining. Glad they have green grass at McDonalds for ya.

Guess that certain Acumed employee just proved my point

We log on for the entertainment factor

You always come back with fast food comment, much like your job, you need something new and insightful
But if you are happy at that shit box, more power to you

You didn't leave by choice. It must bother you real bad or you wouldn't hang around on this board whining. Glad they have green grass at McDonalds for ya.

Can you pry your lips off of BJ's, DG or LB's a** long enough to come up with an original comment? Your McD references are getting redundant- just like your career will be

You know, Karin and I don't always see eye to eye but she was very effective at driving teams. Frankly, we need more of her...and more people who will challenge her (and management who respects those challenges). That is the atmosphere that will allow ACUMED to really grow.