No more massacre friday?

It seems as though the tide has turned. Instead of terminations, very talented people are leaving on their own accord. Who's next?

Unless there's more trust, I will likely leave within a year...

Who are the people that Acumed can not afford to lose? Who are the key people, talent, that the company cannot lose from each department?

I know a few.

It's a moot point because it doesn't matter how talented you are at Acumed. There's no effort to retain talent and the goal of being on the 100 best in Oregon list has been completely abandoned. It's becoming a company of butt kissers who are not good at their jobs.

I may not be a key person in a key department, but the people I work WITH, not FOR, know the value I contribute. The problem is there is no clear direction for the majority of the departments. And what directives are given, do not match other departments.

The resume is updated and live. I may not make the impact the right way with the brass, but I know I make an impact.

It's a moot point because it doesn't matter how talented you are at Acumed. There's no effort to retain talent and the goal of being on the 100 best in Oregon list has been completely abandoned. It's becoming a company of butt kissers who are not good at their jobs.

So true! I haven't heard about the 100 best business stuff since before the last heads of HR left. they must have realized it was a lost cause and the two new managers are clearly not interested in being the best at anything

Wow...there have been 16 employees terminated or re-org'd out of Acumed. 11 of them (69%) are female. I wonder how Eeoc would view this.

Are we going to start this battle of the sexes again? Would you feel better if 69% were men being let go?
If you can prove there is any type of discrimination then go ahead and report it to Eeoc.

Chances are HR has substantial reasoning and evidence that the people let go, whether male or female, are justified.
Fact of the matter is they are gone and Acumed doesn’t give a crap what genitalia you have.