Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech


Another Monday, another week of masslayoffs. As they accelerate now, kiss goodbye the following people who are being marched out, boxes in hand, to the parking lots/structures by rent-a-security. About 13% of the total terminated today are:LC, SD, MH, RJ, TL, DN, NM, CR, YV, PW sr.proc.eng.;cnslt.brnd.mngr.;; res.sci.biol.;;sr.stat.;it.mngr.;med.fellow.;sr.sls.rep.;eis.cnslt.


Another Monday, another week of masslayoffs. As they accelerate now, kiss goodbye the following people who are being marched out, boxes in hand, to the parking lots/structures by rent-a-security. About 13% of the total terminated today are:LC, SD, MH, RJ, TL, DN, NM, CR, YV, PW sr.proc.eng.;cnslt.brnd.mngr.;; res.sci.biol.;;sr.stat.;it.mngr.;med.fellow.;sr.sls.rep.;eis.cnslt.


Job Destruction

Another Monday, another week of masslayoffs. As they accelerate now, kiss goodbye the following people who are being marched out, boxes in hand, to the parking lots/structures by rent-a-security. About 13% of the total terminated today are:LC, SD, MH, RJ, TL, DN, NM, CR, YV, PW sr.proc.eng.;cnslt.brnd.mngr.;; res.sci.biol.;;sr.stat.;it.mngr.;med.fellow.;sr.sls.rep.;eis.cnslt.


Masslayoff SHAME

Another Monday, and we bid adieu to scores of hard working people who spent their lives at Lilly. Now, rejected like garbage thrown into the gutter, they file out, escorted by security, to their parking spots for the last time. How's that BioScience job creation going? Oh, that's right...just not here by lly in Indiana. A sampling of the ~14% of the total let go today:RB, NC, TI, CM, SN, NO, ST, GW, MY, MZ;sls.spec.;brnd.mngr.;clin.res.phys.;it.bus.integ.cnslt.;eis.mngr.;qlty.eng.;corp.trng.;nsd.sls.rep.;sr.biochem.; dev.eng.cnslt.

Masslayoff SHAME

Another Monday, and we bid adieu to scores of hard working people who spent their lives at Lilly. Now, rejected like garbage thrown into the gutter, they file out, escorted by security, to their parking spots for the last time. How's that BioScience job creation going? Oh, that's right...just not here by lly in Indiana. A sampling of the ~14% of the total let go today:RB, NC, TI, CM, SN, NO, ST, GW, MY, MZ;sls.spec.;brnd.mngr.;clin.res.phys.;it.bus.integ.cnslt.;eis.mngr.;qlty.eng.;corp.trng.;nsd.sls.rep.;sr.biochem.; dev.eng.cnslt.

SHAME for producing a city of indigents!

Any business people or politicians reading this, your time is coming to it's end! The people are fed up with your policies and lies! We won't be downtrodden and abused any longer! Your reign of evil money grabbing no ethic lies is going to crumble into the ground!

Any business people or politicians reading this, your time is coming to it's end! The people are fed up with your policies and lies! We won't be downtrodden and abused any longer! Your reign of evil money grabbing no ethic lies is going to crumble into the ground!

So true. After I got cut loose, and found a hostile reception at the unemployment office (thanks, Mitch!), I scraped up all the spare change I could find, and bought a tent, so that I could camp out at the White River. During the days, sometimes I go to the library and post on this board. If it could happen to me, well, it could happen to you. Suck up.

It's a SHAME

Another Monday, and we bid adieu to scores of hard working people who spent their lives at Lilly. Now, rejected like garbage thrown into the gutter, they file out, escorted by security, to their parking spots for the last time. How's that BioScience job creation going? Oh, that's right...just not here by lly in Indiana. A sampling of the ~14% of the total let go today:RB, NC, TI, CM, SN, NO, ST, GW, MY, MZ;sls.spec.;brnd.mngr.;clin.res.phys.;it.bus.integ.cnslt.;eis.mngr.;qlty.eng.;corp.trng.;nsd.sls.rep.;sr.biochem.; dev.eng.cnslt.


Masslayoff Shame

As the masslayoffs continue without ceasing, this week begins an accelerated round of terminations, showing lly's true values. A sampling of ~14% of the total who end their careers today are:

Masslayoff Shame

As the masslayoffs continue without ceasing, this week begins an accelerated round of terminations, showing lly's true values. A sampling of ~14% of the total who end their careers today are:


Some of you guys in Lilly are good folks: trying your best everyday to earn a living and provide for your family. I can relate. After 12 years as a specialty rep, laid off and joined the contract side with Lilly. While I have encountered some fine people, I've encountered way too many back-stabbing phonies who think they are rock stars. You know who you are: "I bring in 3 million dollars for Lilly, so they can't fire me!" or, "the contract reps are idiots, we are the real sales force." Allow me to fill in the bloated and disillusioned Lilly reps, all of you are replaceable. MSK is not better than Neuro and Oncology doesn't have magical powers either. No one is safe in this horrific economy, and with most of the growth in pharma overseas, no one has job security anymore. My last point, show the "peasants" on the contract sales side a bit of respect. You never know when that might be you.


Help celebrate this company's US job destruction and Chindia's job creation by acknowledging a fraction of those whose lly careers ended yesterday, Sept. 5, Labor Day in the USA. A WARN-avoiding ~15% of those ejected are:

Re: LaborShame

Help celebrate this company's US job destruction and Chindia's job creation by acknowledging a fraction of those whose lly careers ended yesterday, Sept. 5, Labor Day in the USA. A WARN-avoiding ~15% of those ejected are:

>20,000 jobs lost in Indianapolis since 2008; how many are due to the LLY masslayoff extravaganza aka, "reallocation"?


Monday, Sept. 12, kiss goodbye those whose only mistake was to think this was a good place to work. So much for loyalty. Enjoy the goodwill.
Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY ) carries $5 billion of goodwill and other intangibles on its balance sheet. Sometimes goodwill, especially when it's excessive, can foreshadow problems down the road. Could this be the case with Eli Lilly?

A mere 15% of those being let go are:
biophrm.cnslt; sr.res.sci.phrm; cnslt.pharm.;dmd.realz.mngr.;sr.qlty.cntrl.cnslt.; nsd.sls.rep.;msk.sls.rep.;;bioanlyt.fellw.;


2500 additional net job losses in August for IN. A rise in unemployment of 0.2%--the third consecutive monthly rise. Way to Go, IN! Now, just how many job losses has the PharmaGrowth Company of The Decade™ contributed to the tally?

Re: Unemplillyment

2500 additional net job losses in August for IN. A rise in unemployment of 0.2%--the third consecutive monthly rise. Way to Go, IN! Now, just how many job losses has the PharmaGrowth Company of The Decade™ contributed to the tally?

It's the Mitch Man agenda. Mitch for President. (Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it?)

Him and Boehner can retire together in the Bahamas, just the two of them. I can see them sipping mint juleps, spinning tales about how they saved the middle class.

Out source the tea party!