Nexgard Thoughts

Awesome you get ticks, but how quickly does it kill fleas? I heard 24 hours to get 100%....that is terrible flea control, laying eggs and reproducing during that 24 hours! Can't have it all I guess.

Awesome you get ticks, but how quickly does it kill fleas? I heard 24 hours to get 100%....that is terrible flea control, laying eggs and reproducing during that 24 hours! Can't have it all I guess.

Don't let the tick efficacy off that easy!

Nexgard is proven to kill ticks after 48 or 72 hours (depending on the tick species).
No thank you!

New speed of kill data for fleas - 85% dead within4 hours. 100%dead within 8 hours. It doesn't take 48-72 hours to kill ticks moron, we say all ticks are dead in 48 hours. We have 24 study With all ticks dead, too.

This is a funny one. Where do I begin. You can give it with or without food, chewable treat, less vomiting and now labeled to kill deer ticks, lone star ticks, and American dog ticks. Brown dog tick coming soon. Oh, and 4 sizes vs. 5 on the doctors shelf.

Oh, and 4 sizes vs. 5 on the doctors shelf.

That's how out of touch you merial reps are with how clients and vets operate. 4 sizes that stop at 88 lbs. that's not a selling point. Then your recommendation is to mix and match the sizes to hit the right weight if over 88 lbs? Most clinics sell,overpriced nexgard for $120 a six pack what dog owner is going to pay $240 for their 100lb dog to get fleas and most ticks oral product?

It's going to be fun watching Merial dump millions into marketing trying to overcome the first better product that they have faced. Won't be long before it magically shows up on Petmeds and SAMs/costco.

That's how out of touch you merial reps are with how clients and vets operate. 4 sizes that stop at 88 lbs. that's not a selling point. Then your recommendation is to mix and match the sizes to hit the right weight if over 88 lbs? Most clinics sell,overpriced nexgard for $120 a six pack what dog owner is going to pay $240 for their 100lb dog to get fleas and most ticks oral product?

It's going to be fun watching Merial dump millions into marketing trying to overcome the first better product that they have faced. Won't be long before it magically shows up on Petmeds and SAMs/costco.

As I stated earlier spreading lies about Nexgard isn't going to help your sales. You are even smart enough to get your facts straight. I thought you trolls from competing copanies were trained well enough on competing products to at least get the facts right! But than again that won't help your sales against a clean, efficient, easy to take to take product like Nexgard. I guess your right your only chance with inferior products is to , and Novartis trolls you have better things to accomplish, like what to do with those Novartis reps who want those Elanco positions. For Merck it is worrying who will be buying you and how you should pad your résumé so you can keep you position. The Nexgard train is rolling!

Obviously it's not for those of us who own dogs and who are looking for information, but it does affect the public perception of what is important to you and the constant lack of professionalism does affect my wanting to buy or recommend products of any of your firms. It may be a venting tool for reps but it is a public forum. I have copied these posts and am forwarding them to thr boards of all the manufacturers of the products mentioned. Let's see how funny they think this is.

I'm a pet owner and I work for a competitor (Merck, if that matters). I agree with this post in many respects. While the boards do provide those of us in an industry a place to vent, it is pretty appalling to see what people post and apparently value. This explains much in our society. We all drink the Kool Aid and then march to the Nexgard/Comfortis?Bravecto drummer. We just launched Bravecto. Good product? Yes. Best product in history? According to our reps who drink Kool Aid. Just like you seem to feel about Nexgard.

Bottom line is you choose to become defensive and petty about this nonsense and the poster quoted is right - it is very unprofessional. It also suggests what most reps really value is their commission check rather than serving the veterinarian and pet owner with information they need.

So, you are saying you chose this job because you like dogs?

No. I like dogs sure. I like ample compensation as well. I also like quality science, products, research, customer service, training, etc.

I didn't choose this position or industry because I like dogs or I worship money. I chose it to develop my professional skills, enjoy my career and earn a good living, while still feeling the products I'm representing bring value to vets and pet owners.

No. I like dogs sure. I like ample compensation as well. I also like quality science, products, research, customer service, training, etc.

I didn't choose this position or industry because I like dogs or I worship money. I chose it to develop my professional skills, enjoy my career and earn a good living, while still feeling the products I'm representing bring value to vets and pet owners.

What are you doing on the CP boards? We don't allow rational people here.

I'm a pet owner and I work for a competitor (Merck, if that matters). I agree with this post in many respects. While the boards do provide those of us in an industry a place to vent, it is pretty appalling to see what people post and apparently value. This explains much in our society. We all drink the Kool Aid and then march to the Nexgard/Comfortis?Bravecto drummer. We just launched Bravecto. Good product? Yes. Best product in history? According to our reps who drink Kool Aid. Just like you seem to feel about Nexgard.

Bottom line is you choose to become defensive and petty about this nonsense and the poster quoted is right - it is very unprofessional. It also suggests what most reps really value is their commission check rather than serving the veterinarian and pet owner with information they need.

I agree it about evidence based medicine which is based on outcomes and side effect profiles. I will tell you Nexgard has the best combination of positive outcomes and a very low side effect profile. Nexgard will be the number one product by the end of the summer based on the two points referenced above. Bravecto presents some significant concerns for vets that Nexgard does not. You don't need to take my word on it just ask your customers how excited about their results! Efficacy and safety are unsurpassed, add that to the ease of dosing due to the beef chew and not having to take with food and you have a hard to beat package. You heard it hear first that Nexgard will have the highest share of any other flea or flea/tick by the end of summer. Argue with me all you want it will happen regardless.

Thanks TZ for your input. But not going to happen. Call your boys in the OTC channel. Your going to have have to screw the DVM again to get your results. But that's the M O of your group.
By the way for all you Merial folks - If you're not diverting, you're not cheating and there will be no luxury trip for you and your spouse this year.
Moral of the story go find yoursrlf 4 or 5 accts that will divert for you before TZ does.