Nexgard Thoughts

My Rottie has a really bad flea allergy. I have been giving Confortis for a couple years now. My Vet just switched to Nexguard...I tried it. It doesn't work. Yes he ate it..thats a plus. Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to double up with Confortis and Nexguard. Very unimpressed.

I'm a tech at a clinic and we got Nexgard a couple of weeks ago. How does the flea die? Does the flea or tick have to bite?
Our rep looks hot but she doesn't know her product.

I can say that all the dogs we sampled didn't eat like she said they would.

#47 .... Serious?? You purchased product and plan to dispense it to your patients because the rep is hot and doesn't know her product???? This clearly means your practice doesn't know it any better! SCARY!!!

Know him well too as an awesome gentleman, but you just admitted that diversion is rampant with you and your company.
Quit talking out of both sides of your mouths.
It's ashame quality people have to deal with your unethical policies and practices. Yes the money maybe great, good benefits, etc, but your quality of life must suck.

If veterinarians explained to their clients that any oral f/t product like NexGard, Comfortis, Trifexis, or Bravecto requires that their dog be bitten while topicals that repel and kill on contact do not, they would not be so popular.

How is requiring your dog to be bitten by fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes good medicine? That's how dogs get FAD, Lyme disease, and HW disease. Doesn't it make much more sense to repel these parasites and kill them on contact?

Wake up people.

My Rottie has a really bad flea allergy. I have been giving Confortis for a couple years now. My Vet just switched to Nexguard...I tried it. It doesn't work. Yes he ate it..thats a plus. Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to double up with Confortis and Nexguard. Very unimpressed.

If Nexgard did work you did no use it bottom line! Most likely you did not use it at all and are a Merck hoping posting lies will help your cause. It is amazing when you gave the best product on the market how deprite competing reps become. The only thing Rottie that has a bad flea allergy is you and your B.S. post. Please all you trolls go spend your time on your own sites posting lies about how a has been product like Comfartis is so great. Oh sorry you mentioned what should you do in your post I am sure you will say someone's product saved your dogs life. Go home troll!

Game over. Bravecto is looking good!!!!

Yeah the only game that is over Brocrapto. Smerck has never launched any flea tick that has been successful, lets look at your last product that you had to do a buy one get one to even get it clinics. That lasted for about 3 months before those clinics sniffed you out and dumped your product. Now that you got the left over product from DuPont you think 3 month dosing and a higher side effect profile than Nexgard will save you! Good luck with that and dosing with food, 6 month plus dosing etc. oh did I say 3 month dosing? Sorry my bad 2 month dosing? No wait it says 3 months but than 2 months for one tick, than take with food which will cut that time to????. Wow your right the fame us over before it started for Smerck. Oh did I mention no RV advertising! I rest my case.

Yeah the only game that is over Brocrapto. Smerck has never launched any flea tick that has been successful, lets look at your last product that you had to do a buy one get one to even get it clinics. That lasted for about 3 months before those clinics sniffed you out and dumped your product. Now that you got the left over product from DuPont you think 3 month dosing and a higher side effect profile than Nexgard will save you! Good luck with that and dosing with food, 6 month plus dosing etc. oh did I say 3 month dosing? Sorry my bad 2 month dosing? No wait it says 3 months but than 2 months for one tick, than take with food which will cut that time to????. Wow your right the fame us over before it started for Smerck. Oh did I mention no RV advertising! I rest my case.

Sorry for the errors. Spell check strikes again. That us no TV advertising etc.

Yeah the only game that is over Brocrapto. Smerck has never launched any flea tick that has been successful, lets look at your last product that you had to do a buy one get one to even get it clinics. That lasted for about 3 months before those clinics sniffed you out and dumped your product. Now that you got the left over product from DuPont you think 3 month dosing and a higher side effect profile than Nexgard will save you! Good luck with that and dosing with food, 6 month plus dosing etc. oh did I say 3 month dosing? Sorry my bad 2 month dosing? No wait it says 3 months but than 2 months for one tick, than take with food which will cut that time to????. Wow your right the fame us over before it started for Smerck. Oh did I mention no RV advertising! I rest my case.

Sorry for the errors. Another victim of spell check and a small I phone screen.

If veterinarians explained to their clients that any oral f/t product like NexGard, Comfortis, Trifexis, or Bravecto requires that their dog be bitten while topicals that repel and kill on contact do not, they would not be so popular.

How is requiring your dog to be bitten by fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes good medicine? That's how dogs get FAD, Lyme disease, and HW disease. Doesn't it make much more sense to repel these parasites and kill them on contact?

Wake up people.

Thanks Ceva rep! Quit trying to sell Vectra and start selling private label shampoo.

Bravecto is not going to be as difficult to sell against as I initially thought. Merck promotes a safety claim for pregnant and Lactating females yet on the PI 20% of the pups had deformities. The fact that it can't be given until 6 months of age should raise red flags in the vets mind with the conclusion being don't use on any dog that has not reached their adult stage. On large and giant breeds that can be as long as 18 months. Nexgard is doing well for me and it will continue to grow.

This garbage killed a dog in our clinic this week! Returning it all in the morning!

Troll alert! ask any clinic staff member that works in any capacity and you will find 100 percent have no idea or care what Cafepharma is or what employment demographic they serve. Except of course for me. I work in a clinic and Mometamax that we used on a canine otitis case made the dogs head swell up and his snout blew off? Another dreadful experience is when a client used and Adaptil plug in at her home to address behavioral problems in her cat and her teen age son inhaled all of the fumes and then lost all interest in his school work and now lives under a bridge in Washington state.We sent it all back. Merck did pay for a snout implant.

You my friend are a dumbass! It's funny how you clueless idiots like to blame every other company for what you are doing. For instance, if it was diverters supplying pet smart, pets smart would need a licensing agreement in order to create display stands or advertisements with the trade marked name of frontline. Otherwise they would be breaking the law and your crap ass company could have sued them. People like to blame Bayer, but at least Bayer doesn't deny it, in fact they made every customer aware of their actions. Your shitty company opted to continue their lies..... It amazes me that anyone would want to do business with your worthless company!

Get your facts straight. A retailer of a product has wide latitude to use copyrighted material and trademarks owned by the manufacturer of that product to help with selling the product. Why do people like you spout crap when you have no idea what you're talking about?

I have a 100lb doberman, Toby, the love of my life. Toby has several different health issues as he's a blue so skin problems, joint degenerative etc. Needless to say we take lots of trips to the vet to make sure Toby is in mint condition and comfortable so he can live a good quality of life :) That being said we live in South Texas and have BUGS GALOUR! So my vet gives me nexgaurd...OUCH EXPENSIVE but apparently very effective. So we have been using nexguard for 3 bugs but at the expense of Toby completely losing his appetite. We have had him evaluated and there is nothing else causing this and the symptoms began about a month after beginning Nexguard. Needless to say we are taking him off of nexguard but in the meanwhile I started snooping around blogs to see if anyone else has had this experience as there is so little known about it. Apparently there are lots of doggie mommies that have experienced these side affects and also vomitting up a yellow stomach bile more frequently than just on occasion. It makes me sad that studies are so less important when it comes to medications we give our pets.

My summary, I love my dog, I do NOT trust this product and will never again use it on my dog. I did a lot of research after this issue and found out that often times giving flea and tick every month is completely unnecessary and we are in fact over medicating our dogs. Therefore I'm moving to every other month to every three months and will just bath with a flea and tick hypoallergenic shampoo in between. I hope this helps. My not what the adds are but what other owners are saying about a product before you try it. I wish I had because poor Toby's stomach is very unhappy and this could have been avoided, my fault.