News from WWSM

I am so glad I am no longer at that hell hole of a work place. I am sure that meeting is an a@& whip considering the Q2 miss, position papers, legal troubles, etc.. But hey, it might not be that bad....... JM, LS, MM, JA and all the other F$"&tards dumped their stock to the tune if over 280 million. All you common people that were "given" options over the last 2 years are sitting on $0.00. You have put up with all the BS and moral thievery all for nothing.

Drive The Curve!!!

You're no longer here, evidently so much happier, yet still trolling this page spewing your hate. Bitter much?

Ahead of the Vegas meeting, how many times do you think the poor and unfortunate had to hear the speech from their CSM and CSD. The speech that goes like this: " I know you are all mindless juveniles and have zero self control or discipline, but please behave in Las Vegas, not because I am concerned about you, but rather my own aspirations. I don't want your actions to affect my months and years of sucking up"

Drive the Curve!!!

DO you think your company is the only company having NSM in Vegas. He brain child its cheap and flights are economical. Any company function should be treated as a company function.

The csds and csms patrolling the breakout rooms like it was a prison yard. Sneaking up on everyone listening to the roll plays because they are too good to do them. Same damn role plays and questions meeting after meeting. All the jackasses falling over themselves trying to give their worthless aha moment bs. Unreal that a company this impressive has so many poor douchebag people in leadership positions. If you have a decent manager be thankful because most don't. Dont get too comfortable- clinical competency "surprise" meeting coming up in October! What value they are!

That wasn't English. If someone can translate tard, please do so.

The csds and csms patrolling the breakout rooms like it was a prison yard. Sneaking up on everyone listening to the roll plays because they are too good to do them. Same damn role plays and questions meeting after meeting. All the jackasses falling over themselves trying to give their worthless aha moment bs. Unreal that a company this impressive has so many poor douchebag people in leadership positions. If you have a decent manager be thankful because most don't. Dont get too comfortable- clinical competency "surprise" meeting coming up in October! What value they are!

This is hilarious, so glad I finally checked this out.
I've been here almost 4 years, Im young so you can all take that into account, but I love this job. I get frustrated over micromanagement, crazy quotas, etc, but the difference maker is definitely your CSM. I've had two, both have been great and treated me well. I feel bad for those with shitheads running their day to day. As far as all the negativity about the bot itself... If a hospital doing all MIS GYN converts it to dV, yea it's a huge loser and everyone will hate you. If you walk in the OR with an attitude and walk out when you've gotten the yes your looking for, they'll hate you. If you treat everyone well, stay until the end of the day, and contribute a little, maybe help the nurses once in a while, they'll love you and treat you well. We do every kidney, prostate, lung, some GYN and some colons in my accounts. they are all happy and are buying second systems. Intuitive gets shit because they're more focused on these simple cases and don't prepare us to really get the right surgeons on board. Get the high dollar open cases converted in addition to choles and no one will say shit!

A thoughtful, accurate post on CF? Let alone about Intuitive?! WOW!

This is hilarious, so glad I finally checked this out.
I've been here almost 4 years, Im young so you can all take that into account, but I love this job. I get frustrated over micromanagement, crazy quotas, etc, but the difference maker is definitely your CSM. I've had two, both have been great and treated me well. I feel bad for those with shitheads running their day to day. As far as all the negativity about the bot itself... If a hospital doing all MIS GYN converts it to dV, yea it's a huge loser and everyone will hate you. If you walk in the OR with an attitude and walk out when you've gotten the yes your looking for, they'll hate you. If you treat everyone well, stay until the end of the day, and contribute a little, maybe help the nurses once in a while, they'll love you and treat you well. We do every kidney, prostate, lung, some GYN and some colons in my accounts. they are all happy and are buying second systems. Intuitive gets shit because they're more focused on these simple cases and don't prepare us to really get the right surgeons on board. Get the high dollar open cases converted in addition to choles and no one will say shit!