News from WWSM

He has to be one of the most disingenuous air bags at this place. Like he really cares about his people, right!! All he cares about is grinding us all down to pad his pocket. Very poor leader, his attempt at being inspiring is laughable. I am speaking of CB, in case you were wondering.

He has to be one of the most disingenuous air bags at this place. Like he really cares about his people, right!! All he cares about is grinding us all down to pad his pocket. Very poor leader, his attempt at being inspiring is laughable. I am speaking of CB, in case you were wondering.

He looks ridiculous up there. Botox, tanning, teeth whitening. He's worst than my wife!

He has to be one of the most disingenuous air bags at this place. Like he really cares about his people, right!! All he cares about is grinding us all down to pad his pocket. Very poor leader, his attempt at being inspiring is laughable. I am speaking of CB, in case you were wondering.

I have worked in CB area for a few years. He is the real deal and cares about the long-term success of the company. Of course he also wants to make money - who doesn't? If you are this disgruntled you should find another job but you will be removed anyway. Anyone with an attitude like yours will always be miserable and unsuccessful. I'm sure you will prove my point with another immature response. You are most likely a twenty-something with much to learn...

I have worked in CB area for a few years. He is the real deal and cares about the long-term success of the company. Of course he also wants to make money - who doesn't? If you are this disgruntled you should find another job but you will be removed anyway. Anyone with an attitude like yours will always be miserable and unsuccessful. I'm sure you will prove my point with another immature response. You are most likely a twenty-something with much to learn...

Well said! Now, wipe that poop off your nose.

I have worked in CB area for a few years. He is the real deal and cares about the long-term success of the company. Of course he also wants to make money - who doesn't? If you are this disgruntled you should find another job but you will be removed anyway. Anyone with an attitude like yours will always be miserable and unsuccessful. I'm sure you will prove my point with another immature response. You are most likely a twenty-something with much to learn...

The poster you are referring to said he didn't care about his people. There have been no allegations made that he doesn't care about the success of the company. There is a difference.

I would have to agree that the management at ISI generally cares more about pleasing the faceless shareholders of the company than the people working for them. Which is fine I guess. That is their job. But when you have to listen to touchy-feely soliloquys every breakout session about what a difference everyone in the sales force is making in patients lives, etc, knowing what we know about the company, I can see where some would find this disingenuious. "Think about the patients when you go into Surgeon X's office to deliver the clinical pathway and how much better they will feel and do having an MIS surgery opposed to the open surgery they would've had without da Vinci." TRANSLATION: "PROFITS!!! $$$$ CHA-CHING!!! YAY MONEY!!!!"

ISI is a for-profit public company beholdnt to shareholders first. Let the physicians and Oprah deal with feelings and success stories, and ISI's sales force can handle driving profits.

The poster you are referring to said he didn't care about his people. There have been no allegations made that he doesn't care about the success of the company. There is a difference.

I would have to agree that the management at ISI generally cares more about pleasing the faceless shareholders of the company than the people working for them. Which is fine I guess. That is their job. But when you have to listen to touchy-feely soliloquys every breakout session about what a difference everyone in the sales force is making in patients lives, etc, knowing what we know about the company, I can see where some would find this disingenuious. "Think about the patients when you go into Surgeon X's office to deliver the clinical pathway and how much better they will feel and do having an MIS surgery opposed to the open surgery they would've had without da Vinci." TRANSLATION: "PROFITS!!! $$$$ CHA-CHING!!! YAY MONEY!!!!"

ISI is a for-profit public company beholdnt to shareholders first. Let the physicians and Oprah deal with feelings and success stories, and ISI's sales force can handle driving profits.

as you said - ISI is a for-profit public company - so why wouldn't management be about CHA-CHING and YAY MONEY?.....and any good salesperson should feel the same way. CB makes money when we all do as sales reps. And you know first hand that patients do much better. So if you are pitching the above story to docs - you can feel good about the outcomes and the money you are making. nothing wrong with that.

The poster you are referring to said he didn't care about his people. There have been no allegations made that he doesn't care about the success of the company. There is a difference.

I would have to agree that the management at ISI generally cares more about pleasing the faceless shareholders of the company than the people working for them. Which is fine I guess. That is their job. But when you have to listen to touchy-feely soliloquys every breakout session about what a difference everyone in the sales force is making in patients lives, etc, knowing what we know about the company, I can see where some would find this disingenuious. "Think about the patients when you go into Surgeon X's office to deliver the clinical pathway and how much better they will feel and do having an MIS surgery opposed to the open surgery they would've had without da Vinci." TRANSLATION: "PROFITS!!! $$$$ CHA-CHING!!! YAY MONEY!!!!"

ISI is a for-profit public company beholdnt to shareholders first. Let the physicians and Oprah deal with feelings and success stories, and ISI's sales force can handle driving profits.

every company does touchy-feely soliloquies - part of the turf. marketing runs these and thats their M.O. they do this big-time in pharma companies also. Except they bring in has-been musical acts and do parodies about how great their drugs are

as you said - ISI is a for-profit public company - so why wouldn't management be about CHA-CHING and YAY MONEY?.....and any good salesperson should feel the same way. CB makes money when we all do as sales reps. And you know first hand that patients do much better. So if you are pitching the above story to docs - you can feel good about the outcomes and the money you are making. nothing wrong with that.

what do you want from a r***** who thinks beholdnt is a word

as you said - ISI is a for-profit public company - so why wouldn't management be about CHA-CHING and YAY MONEY?.....and any good salesperson should feel the same way. CB makes money when we all do as sales reps. And you know first hand that patients do much better. So if you are pitching the above story to docs - you can feel good about the outcomes and the money you are making. nothing wrong with that.

Not saying there is anything wrong with that. I just see a descrepancy between the way we are told to sell, sort of feigning compassion for the sale, and management's treatment of employees. Doesn't seem to be much compassion or understanding there are all.

Just agreeing with whoever it was who said that someone in upper mgmt seemed disingenuous. I get where they are coming from.

And yes. "Beholdnt" isn't a word. Pretty bad for an english major...

Not saying there is anything wrong with that. I just see a descrepancy between the way we are told to sell, sort of feigning compassion for the sale, and management's treatment of employees. Doesn't seem to be much compassion or understanding there are all.

Just agreeing with whoever it was who said that someone in upper mgmt seemed disingenuous. I get where they are coming from.

And yes. "Beholdnt" isn't a word. Pretty bad for an english major...

Proving the point about generation gaps. Do you really need compassion and understanding out of an employer? Do you think your parents had compassion and understanding in their jobs? Well, you probably came from a broken home or were spoiled and are accustomed to being coddled. Many younger professionals have unrealistic expectations from employers. We are in the age of entitlement - where people want employers to pay them much money, take care of them personally and professionally, promote them and tell them they are wonderful. A utopia. You will be happy about what Obama is building. You can work for the government and fit right in. Some Managers and Upper Managers have flaws and some have low character and can be disingenuous but that is everywhere and in any company. That is a people issue not a company one. In my 4 years, I've seen them come and go. Just hold to your standards and don't concern yourself with "them". It's unhealthy.

So we have a 2 row stapler and no vascular load? I'll be in the bar

You better be back in your room by 10:00 or your CSM will ground you for a week! Mine kept repeated this all day at our break out sessions. No more the 2 drinks, everyone is watching you and opinions are made on how late you stay out. Give me a break. Please fire me....