New Oncology Division

Received a call from an AbbVie headhunter. Lots of promises about pay, stock options and pipeline. How's this company's culture?
Abbvie is a great company. Pay/commission, 401K, Pension, and Restricted Stock Units are the best in the pharma industry. I've worked her for over 25 years, it was the best move I've ever made.

Does the leadership have Onc experience.?

Not really. Only a handful across home office in differing functions do, but they are very few and far between. That's why Genentech has such a large say in this program that abbvie is also hiring for. It's a co promote. Again, find something else. Abbvie is a horribly managed, dog of a company with no morale or direction except down. Oh, benefits are turning to shit too. No more pension, healthcare choices suck, 401K is decent, but not great.

Abbvie is a great company. Pay/commission, 401K, Pension, and Restricted Stock Units are the best in the pharma industry. I've worked her for over 25 years, it was the best move I've ever made.

Dude don't over exaggerate People aren't that dumb..Abbvie wasn't around 25 years I agree it's a good company as long as your not an HCV rep See you later



Dude don't over exaggerate People aren't that dumb..Abbvie wasn't around 25 years I agree it's a good company as long as your not an HCV rep See you later

What an idiot! Many Abbvie folks were with Abbott Labs before they divided the business. Wake up. Can't tell you how many times I've read this stupid comment. You guys are filled with idiots. Good luck you'll need it with employees who know nothing.

Dude don't over exaggerate People aren't that dumb..Abbvie wasn't around 25 years I agree it's a good company as long as your not an HCV rep See you later


I was hired by Abbott in PPD, then became an Abbvie employee when the spin off occurred. I'm surprised you didn't know that all Abbott PPD employees became Abbvie employees. You must be awfully new (wet behind the ears) to the company.

this company has botched just about every single one of their newly launched products. If you are looking for a smart company that is swift and nimble and knows how to negotiate managed care deals and play with the big boys ...this is NOT the company for you. Look elsewhere. This company holds onto ignorant and stupid leaders that repeatedly make mistake after mistake ...yet still maintain their jobs. Karma does not exist here .... Stupid ass people continue to do stupid and often times non compliant and harassing things to their employees. Managing through fear is the main objective here that is favored by Regional managers and it trickles down from there. This company is completely delusional in thinking it even compares to a Genentech, Gilead, Merck and it goes on .... Also people make promises here they do not keep. Anything they tell you you will get in the interview...make sure you get it in writing! They love to do a bait and switch ... But once you're here ...they do not deliver and will get angry at you for asking them to deliver on their promises. Culture has gone downhill through the years ... It's pretty bad now. This company will probably be bought out in a few years anyway ...stupidity cannot continue to survive in this cut throat business.

this company has botched just about every single one of their newly launched products. If you are looking for a smart company that is swift and nimble and knows how to negotiate managed care deals and play with the big boys ...this is NOT the company for you. Look elsewhere. This company holds onto ignorant and stupid leaders that repeatedly make mistake after mistake ...yet still maintain their jobs. Karma does not exist here .... Stupid ass people continue to do stupid and often times non compliant and harassing things to their employees. Managing through fear is the main objective here that is favored by Regional managers and it trickles down from there. This company is completely delusional in thinking it even compares to a Genentech, Gilead, Merck and it goes on .... Also people make promises here they do not keep. Anything they tell you you will get in the interview...make sure you get it in writing! They love to do a bait and switch ... But once you're here ...they do not deliver and will get angry at you for asking them to deliver on their promises. Culture has gone downhill through the years ... It's pretty bad now. This company will probably be bought out in a few years anyway ...stupidity cannot continue to survive in this cut throat business.

This ex-employee was probably a slacker that didn't want to put in an honest work week. Wonder where his is now. Abbvie is a great place to lay anchor and has many many benefits that will be realized in future years.

I worked for Abbott. Left for biotech spot 10 years ago. Still have good friends there. It's a hell hole. Pipeline gets a "c", management "d", CEO "A" for hot chicks. CEO performance "d+"!

You can see the rage in their posts.That's why they were terminated. They lack the skill and mindset to get the job done.

You're joking...right? You are probably a puppet on a string like most people of this company ... You do not have an original thought or ever speak up and say what you "really" think - you just nod your head and clap like all the other drones that do what they are told. This company was once a decent place to work, but now is a place that thinks they are so cool and innovative...but really they are slow and antiquated. Other companies laugh at AbbVie ....that is a fact! If the truth hurts...that's on you! You do not have to hate on others for saying what they think, but then're probably some kind of manager that squashes others thoughts and spits on them if they are not the way you think. No originality here ...

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