New Hire Oncology Reps

Best part time job in the world! Have a side business that nets me the same income. Almost ashamed to go to the bank, but get over it once I see my monthly statement.

Amen brother (or sister). I do the exact same thing. The most successful, impressive, and ultimately wealthy BMS employees that I have met have all been reps that grew successful businesses on the side. It’s the proven way to beat the system and not be the chump manager traveling to POAs at age 58. This can totally be done, and it is very gratifying sitting across a table from my cocky but boring and ordinary DM as he appraises my “behaviors” knowing I’m considerably wealthier than him and poised for retirement before age 50. “Yah Yah, sounds good chump. Go read another management self help book”

Take it to the next level, just another cliche that means nothing. Company is in the crapper after how many very prosperous years? Where are we now? Who do you think helped build this now collosal shitshow? Reality is the company wants the cheapest reps available. For what the job has become any high school or GED grad could do it. Why pay tenured reps premium salaries theyEARNED by their cumulative business. It they weren’t performing they wouldn’t be here now.
Managers micromanage because that’s the only thing that justifies and saves their jobs. Useless reports, lists, one spread sheet after the other, ride-alongside, rah rah bullshit.
This business sucks!

And yes, The car is Chinese owned Volvo crap. Another car maker that cheapened the product.

Truth right there-and a couple of your newbies are sitting at home today. I guess they didn’t get the memo that it’s back to work. Maybe they forgot it’s an actual job

Huh? That’s what most days are like, since we can hardly see any doctors in many parts of the United States. Your post is out of touch.

What exactly is “out of touch” about it? That some slug is sitting at home collecting a salary for doing absolutely nothing, while a dying patient is financing that salary by consuming your drug. If there’s no access, WTH is 6 reps doing working the same territory? The sheer lack of integrity among the sales force is despicable. Do you not have any self respect?

What exactly is “out of touch” about it? That some slug is sitting at home collecting a salary for doing absolutely nothing, while a dying patient is financing that salary by consuming your drug. If there’s no access, WTH is 6 reps doing working the same territory? The sheer lack of integrity among the sales force is despicable. Do you not have any self respect?
the newbies are clogging up the offices with their silliness-stay away newbies you smell bad!

What exactly is “out of touch” about it? That some slug is sitting at home collecting a salary for doing absolutely nothing, while a dying patient is financing that salary by consuming your drug. If there’s no access, WTH is 6 reps doing working the same territory? The sheer lack of integrity among the sales force is despicable. Do you not have any self respect?

Who the heck are you to judge me? It’s not my fault that there are six reps with their thumbs up their butts every single day around here. A couple of us actually spoke up trying to stop the expansion to five reps a couple of years ago, and the regional business director idiot at the time ignored everything we had to say (and write), and went along with the expansion anyway. They want us to be “open and honest”, and “communicate directly”, but they don’t want our opinion and they admonish us against stating what reality actually is even though it’s plane as day in front of everyone.

So this is where a judgmental turd like you will tell me I should leave the company out of guilt or something. My answer is absolutely not after 20 years. If they refuse to listen, and management turns this into a part-time job in numerous geographies because they are in denial of reality, that’s not my fault, and I will enjoy my easy job

Who the heck are you to judge me? It’s not my fault that there are six reps with their thumbs up their butts every single day around here. A couple of us actually spoke up trying to stop the expansion to five reps a couple of years ago, and the regional business director idiot at the time ignored everything we had to say (and write), and went along with the expansion anyway. They want us to be “open and honest”, and “communicate directly”, but they don’t want our opinion and they admonish us against stating what reality actually is even though it’s plane as day in front of everyone.

So this is where a judgmental turd like you will tell me I should leave the company out of guilt or something. My answer is absolutely not after 20 years. If they refuse to listen, and management turns this into a part-time job in numerous geographies because they are in denial of reality, that’s not my fault, and I will enjoy my easy job

Just go with the flow my brother.