Of course the sales team is doing well, they are selling the most expensive drug in the world and people DIE if they don't take it. Real hard sell there! That's one of the most jack-ass statements I think I've ever read and you are an even bigger jack ass for making it.

I'm also assuming you are from Jupiter because you don't seem to realize that Boston and New Haven's snow is the same, jack ass.

This company is folding. They have laid off more than 25% of their workforce in less than a year and wiped R&D. That's TEXT BOOK SELL PREP. Oh, and there's more "re-structuring" on the way. Don't waste your time with this company, you will lose skill sets and not make enough money to make it worth it.

Ha ha ha! Shows how much YOU knew! The layoffs were strategic (including to bid adios to deadwood like you), the launch of Soliris for gMG exceeded ALL expectations, the sales force was not impacted, etc. Get a new Crystal Ball!

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