Recruiter reached out to me, whole song and dance, great money, manager, product, pipeline, blah blah blah.
Can't wait to present you. I sent resume and completed questionnaire and she went dark!!!
If you are unemployed, take the job and just keep interviewing. Biggest mistake you will make is shutting down your job search. This is an incredibly stressful job for basically just the (sort of) upper end of biotech pay scale. And that’s only if you hit plan, which ain’t no gimme.
You can hit a home run with other start ups and dwarf any potential Alexion earnings. And your quality of life will be tolerable. And you can certainly make more in device or CE... etc. just sayin.
Step 1: Take the job.
Step 2: Keep interviewing.
Step 3: Don’t put Alexion on your resume or LinkedIn until you’ve been there at least 6 months. By then, you’ll know if you were hosed on some “expansion opportunity” and/or if you’re manager is a crazyBird. Any cray-manager is really bad in biopharma. But combined with this company culture (emphasize—-> “cult”) and job demands, you will age in dog years, which will become painfully apparent when you show up to the trainings and frequent meetings.
Remember... dog years.
Not pretty.