
Not yet, but they will soon be.....make it easy to write, give it a fair price, take the time and get it covered on formulary.....let Amgen work out the bugs for us.....recipe for a big roll out in Primary Care where the migraine issues first show up. Sounds logical to me. Two sales forces at Lilly selling as a team vs. Amgen and Novartis fighting over who is the better company (good luck with that). Amgen/Novartis you might be first to market.....but first to market usually means finishing 2nd or 3rd as a commercial success in the years to come. Time to move over and let us show you how to roll out and successfully launch a migraine med. You only get one chance to make a first impression! Time will tell but I'm putting my money on Lilly!

time will tell but Lilly launches poorly. They have no presence in Neurology and relationships are tough to form in neurology. Access is poor. Primary care are not writing this--except a handful here and there. Very slow uptake in primary care. The jobs in PCP for this Lilly CGRP will be awful. Chasing your tail and scripts.

Successfully launch and Lilly?? Obviously you’ve never launched with Lilly. Even back in the day with blockbuster neuroscience drugs, Lilly never launched successfully. That is Lilly’s weakness. Along with that they never offer discounts in the forms of coupons to match competitors. Thanks for the laugh today.

Plans including Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Florida, Pennsylvania and Kansas confirmed with Reuters that they will only cover prescriptions from - or in consultation with - a neurologist or headache specialist, and specifically a member of the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties.

Only around three percent of U.S. neurologists have such certification, and they are spread unevenly around the country. Florida and Pennsylvania, for example, each have a couple dozen, mostly in or near cities. Kansas has none at all, although there are three in the Missouri side of Kansas City.

Successfully launch and Lilly?? Obviously you’ve never launched with Lilly. Even back in the day with blockbuster neuroscience drugs, Lilly never launched successfully. That is Lilly’s weakness. Along with that they never offer discounts in the forms of coupons to match competitors. Thanks for the laugh today.

Lilly does have poor launches. They only will do well in certain areas. They are not the sales Giant they were and have no neuro presence.

What a joke! We had an Account Executive position when we launched Xigris (another failed Lilly launch) that was supposed to be calling on "C Level Executives". These people made very large amounts of money, never saw anyone at the c level, and essentially contributed very little to the drug's promotion. In my territory, in the rare instance where the Account Executive actually was going to see anyone relatively important, he would bring me along to do all of the talking.

Eli Lilly- bringing back positions that failed. You just can't make this stuff up.

Has anyone had a phone interview with a hiring manager for these positions?

I only had a phone screen with a
HR person and I don’t think she even worked for Lilly was a contract company helping Lilly with the phone screens,
she said she was going to move me
to the next level/step, but haven’t heard
anything from anybody. Did the phone screen thing about a week ago.

I only had a phone screen with a
HR person and I don’t think she even worked for Lilly was a contract company helping Lilly with the phone screens,
she said she was going to move me
to the next level/step, but haven’t heard
anything from anybody. Did the phone screen thing about a week ago.

What geography or area?

Did a phone screen with the recruiter two weeks ago, she told me the following dates are as follows:
8/3-8/6 All applicants should be sent in
8/13-8/20 Interviews taken place in a centralized event place
8/30 Offer cutoff
9/17 Homestudy
1st week of Oct. Launch Meeting

Did a phone screen with the recruiter two weeks ago, she told me the following dates are as follows:
8/3-8/6 All applicants should be sent in
8/13-8/20 Interviews taken place in a centralized event place
8/30 Offer cutoff
9/17 Homestudy
1st week of Oct. Launch Meeting

I heard the same thing. Was told today that candidates moving forward in the process should know by end of week....