It would shock me if more people don't involve themselves in this lawsuit. If you have worked for Nephron and are no longer one of their employees, it is a no-brainer. If you still work for them, job security with them is a joke. Who knows when Lou will go off the deep end and fire you for some lame reason that she can justify at the moment. And everyone knows, the puppets whom she pays to agree with everything she does and says would never stand up to her and tell her what they truthfully think, that is assuming they are any different. Someone said something about "loyalty to the end", they should have said "loyalty all the way to the bank". Those folks are only as loyal as their paychecks, cut their pay, or let them go, and you'd see how fast they'd turn. They just have all used their various relationships to Lou and/or Bill to keep them safe. They all have repeated things about Lou and Bill that would sent them into orbit if they knew. They have also spend company money in ways that would have them sent packing yesterday if anyone really knew, they have been reimbursed for phoney receipts, and they know they don't do anything and have boasted too many times about how much they "really" work. And deep down Lou knows all this is true, but they are her "friends", if that is what you call people you pay to make you feel good about what you do onto others. Best to those who have drawn a line in the sand and are unwilling to allow this company to continue to negatively impact others with the way they conduct business.[/QUOTER
Yet management always seemed to be worried as to whether reps were working - damn you better believe your ganna work when you feel as though your job is on the line, no amount of money earned for the house is ever enough and your being encouraged to be out there early in the morning as well as late at night. Meanwhile you might see your manager once a year or possibly not at all. What does management do? Aside from attending a few national conferences yearly. What a bargain - paying managers to manage reps that they don't even manage or assist and attending two or three conferences yearly for maybe 150,000 a year. Bill your so smart but I think the wool has been pulled over your head by the "gold digger" or maybe you have gotten to the point where you don't care.