I tried to be optimistic about this guy but this new CEO is a tard with no product launching experience as a CEO. At least VG made an effort to show he cared about the salesforce and culture. All this guy has done is exponentially run it the ground. Moral is at an all time low and look at the turnover as proof. Neos is losing reps left and right. Why did we get rid of VG for him? Look at his background, it makes no sense. Typically Endo guy that thinks sales are down bc the salesforce isn't working. They are being cryptic with the Best Buy guys bc they are using them to hold us accountable to see if we are actually calling on our targets. Its a stupid model that will just confuse our docs and lose business. The last company I was with, hired these goons and all they did was create a shit show and ruined a lot relationships and lost a lot of scripts. If they haven't fucked up someones top account already they will soon enough. They are nothing but a bunch of kids straight out of college who are shady as hell that are desperate to break into pharma for 30k a year all while creating a cluster fuck in the territories. PRISM is here to weed out reps they feel aren't pulling there weight. I know all about these PRISM guys, 4 ex Sales Directors/Execs who last carried a bag in the 90's when you could take a doctor golfing and to Yankees games and preach to you how successful they were as a rep but fail to bring up the point that they last sold in the 90's when anything went back then. But surprise surprise PRISM and this new CEO have the Endo connection which shows who's stupid idea this was. Be VERY careful if they ride out with you, they are not your friends. Neos is stupid enough to waste money on hiring these clowns without looking at their history. All they do is run start up companies to the ground and move on to the next one. They promote a solution sell method that requires you to ask redundant interview questions and you need a full hour with the doc to just get to the close. Step 1 "So doc, what percentage of your patients come in for ADHD?" Step 2 "How do you go about treating ADHD?" Step 3 "Why do you prefer that over other treatments?" Step 4 "What would you say if I could (insert cheesy line here)?".... Did I get that right Mike the Magician?
I've said it many times and I'll say it again, Neos quit wasting money on stupid things. Save all that money and go fight the insurance companies for formulary coverage. You need an army of JSwalls to have a chance in this market. As much as you don't want to hear or believe it but COST IS EVERYTHING IN THIS SATURATED MARKET! AMP is AMP and MPH is MPH to these docs. Don't believe all the BS your RSMs are feeding you as far as what messaging is working. Docs are writing because they are being paid to or they really like the rep and nothing more. Trust me I've launched 3 competitor products that you are delusional in thinking we can compete with and have been in this space for years.
Better yet use the money you saved and go hire some ninja assassins and lay waste to the other ADHD drug production factories if you want to have a chance.
When they hired PRISM, I knew it was over. Heed my warning...the end is near