Neos Contract

You can’t blame Jerry for trying to save Neos from the disaster that Tom and the others put Neos in. If Jerry and the board don’t do anything, bye bye Neos. Gone are the big Lebowski days of what is left of Neos. Maybe now we can get something done and turn a profit.

Nobody is blaming Jerry, it just sucks to be laid off before the holidays. I’ll be so drunk off of eggnog the whole month of December if I’m one of them so maybe it is a good thing that I don’t survive #NeosChristmasBloodbath

Biggest mistake that was made was creating so many territories in the first place. There were 6 reps in one city for God’s sake at one point in time. Do you remember when they split territories in half and hired another rep in some territories because they thought they could get more business from the area? Do you remember when they hired “overlay” reps. How about creating territories in Medicaid heavy areas with NO Medicaid coverage in that state?

Old Shire brass came in thinking that they had the next Vyvanse with no studies while Vynanse has 8. So they launch a product with a 505.b patent and decide the best plan of action is the good ole spray and pray method. If we have 150+ reps out there then we got to be profitable right? Hopefully Jerry realizes we have “Me too” drugs therefore will expect “Me too” results and be profitable by getting down to a “Me too” size sales force.

I hate to say it but no need for a sales force the size of ours with the products we sell. Nothing wrong with the way we performed but it’s the reality of this market saturation and the products we sell. Patients are on our products for an average of 4 months before they switch to another drug. So what does that say about our drugs? In honor of Tom, I’ll give an analogy that he will like. We are paid to get the dog to walk to the food bowl and have him taste. It’s up to the dog to like the food, eat the entire food and come back for more.

Good luck to all.

Nope! Nothing......except to be home and available to sign for a Fed X package coming at 8 a.m. tomorrow a.m. from Grand Prairie TX. Sure it's not for a Fruit of the Month Club shipment

This wo/man is a wizard. Everything s/he predicted was correct. They caught me with my pants down and now I get to use my pink slip as gift wrapping paper for Christmas. 4 weeks severance and a pat in the ass was what I got. On a lighter note I saw TM, JM, and BS at the unemployment line with me. They were trying to organize a party that night with everyone else at the line.

So the stock is at $2 and Neos is offering a public offering of common stock to raise $40 million. Aka they are broke because they have spent money on pointless concierge reps, a pointless consulting company, a pointless “me too” drug for drooling. DROOLING! They cut lunch budgets in half and aren’t backfilling positions. If I had to guess I’d say there are a lot of reps getting a pink slip for Christmas. Tis the season!

This wo/man is a wizard. Everything s/he predicted was correct. They caught me with my pants down and now I get to use my pink slip as gift wrapping paper for Christmas. 4 weeks severance and a pat in the ass was what I got. On a lighter note I saw TM, JM, and BS at the unemployment line with me. They were trying to organize a party that night with everyone else at the line.

I made a nice rip off the run today before it dropped. Happy hunting TM. Karma is a bitch!

never, in all my days, have I been involved with such a backwards ass operation as Neos. From launch til now, its been an absolute dumpster fire. every single step of the way.
#stop the flow
#feed the dog
#grow your monsters
#magic penny
and all the other bullshit that has come and gone is just laughable.
the complete and utter lack of communication has been an issue from day one. The fact that we still don't have a q3 bonus is beyond ridiculous. The RSMs that are forced to put a positive spin on all the nonsense and fuckery deserve Oscar awards. And the dumb twat on my team making 6 figures who couldn't sell ice cream to a fat kid annoys me to no end.
at least I got my options lololol

Well starting January it will be like working for a new company. One can only hope it will be for the better. But with Jerry’s Endo resume and PRISM’s industry reputation I have a feeling we are going from a “who’s running this ship” culture to the Hunger Games culture. PIPs will be flying like NYE fireworks.

never, in all my days, have I been involved with such a backwards ass operation as Neos. From launch til now, its been an absolute dumpster fire. every single step of the way.
#stop the flow
#feed the dog
#grow your monsters
#magic penny
and all the other bullshit that has come and gone is just laughable.
the complete and utter lack of communication has been an issue from day one. The fact that we still don't have a q3 bonus is beyond ridiculous. The RSMs that are forced to put a positive spin on all the nonsense and fuckery deserve Oscar awards. And the dumb twat on my team making 6 figures who couldn't sell ice cream to a fat kid annoys me to no end.
at least I got my options lololol

I think I know that twat! He’s the worst.