Neos Contract

This is so dumb, hopefully the new CEO can see the obvious and fix this sinking ship. I'll give him some tips and he won't have to even credit me when it works.

To new CEO,

If you want numbers that Vyvanse and Adderall XR put up for Adzenys then put your money where your mouth is and do some comparative studies to show how great it is. Walking into a high prescribing adult only office with an orange flavored ODT that was approved with a 505b and expecting them to write because you told a "good story" is as delusional as thinking Adzenys could still grow without the free 30 day trial back in December. If not, then be happy with "me too" numbers. Asking reps to make a chicken salad out of chicken shit does nothing but drive them away to greener pastures.

3 months free is nice but all you are doing is putting a bandaid over a gashing wound. JS is doing the best he can with managed care but he is only one guy for the entire country. You need more of him to work with as many insurance companies to get it on as many plans as possible. Can't tell you how many lost scripts I've had because of managed care. And before some exec says, "but the card will fix any payor issues..." put yourself in a docs shoes. Yes it will get fixed, you really want the pharmacy telling the patient it's $200, then pt calls office (pissed off) because they lied to them, office calls rep, rep calls ACE team (cause I'll be damned if I ever get the pharmacy to call ACE first or office to call ACE no matter how many times I tell them) ACE calls office and gets pt info, ACE calls pharmacy, then finally it's fixed but this is happening for majority of the patients they write our drug for OR just write a drug that is on 90% of insurance plans and be done with it. If I'm a doc, I'm doing the latter unless there is clinical papers/evidence showing that Adzenys/Cotempla is superior to Drug XYZ or the rep is hot and provides me favors in the sample closet.

These drugs are easy to sell but managed care is the biggest hurdle. There are too many options out there that work just as well for a doc/office to go through hurdles with getting a drug to a patient. Instead of wasting money to fly FAB team members for ideas that we all know are just saying things to just say things, save all that money to negotiate with big payors and MEDICAID. It's no surprise that Dyanavel is out growing us if you look at how many plans they are on vs. us.

(Side note: Who's idea was it to make and ship out a box full of Adzenys pocket folders for office staff to every rep?...Really?)

Don't get me started on Medicaid. Show me a rep in a state with medicaid coverage and/or a big time speaker and I'll show you a Chairman's Circle Winner. It's great for the rep but there is a serious problem for a company and frankly the products when your top performing reps come from medicaid states or the biggest writers are paid to do so.

Never seen a post like that in my career in pharma. JM you don’t need to self promote right now. Take care of your people and help them find jobs at other companies. Neos will be done in 6 months. But it looks like you are more concerned about yourself. Or just the ones that sleep with you.

JM posts basically says none of us knew what we were getting into, I’m sad I quit my job, we are all a little stupid and I should have applied for the MGMT program at Chik Fil a. Oh yeah and sex w an employee also not cool of me

Has it gotten so bad for women in this industry that they resort to sleeping with douchebags to retain their jobs and / or get promoted? Pathetic. TM and JM couldn’t get laid by a one legged, blind hooker in a whorehouse out in the real world, but give them a managentnt role at the worlds worst pharma company and they think they are Hugh Hefner

Has it gotten so bad for women in this industry that they resort to sleeping with douchebags to retain their jobs and / or get promoted? Pathetic. TM and JM couldn’t get laid by a one legged, blind hooker in a whorehouse out in the real world, but give them a managentnt role at the worlds worst pharma company and they think they are Hugh Hefner

This company is too funny. Even after everybody knows about their affairs, TM goes and throws an invite only, after hours party in a hotel room in Palm Springs for all the reps who shamelessly flirt with him. It’s hilarious!! Newsflash to the sleazy execs, this is a very small company and everybody talks. We know all about you - TM, JM, that little marketing douche. We know.

I can’t wait for all their shenanigans to come out in a lawsuit. I wonder what their wives will think?

This company is too funny. Even after everybody knows about their affairs, TM goes and throws an invite only, after hours party in a hotel room in Palm Springs for all the reps who shamelessly flirt with him. It’s hilarious!! Newsflash to the sleazy execs, this is a very small company and everybody talks. We know all about you - TM, JM, that little marketing douche. We know.

I can’t wait for all their shenanigans to come out in a lawsuit. I wonder what their wives will think?

TM did same thing at his previous co...

dang.. when I left last year I figured it was mostly good people just a shit drug. Now it looks like it’s shit everything. Is it really that bad or is everyone just sore they aren’t making any bonus? I mean didn’t they push that manager in the east out for doing the stuff that y’all are accusing JM of? Thought that meant they kinda frowned upon it. TM is a different story, that guy is definitely scum of the to him for 5 minutes and you know he lies so much even he believes himself. Honestly he should be in prison for ruining people’s careers and lives with fraudulent information.

This company is too funny. Even after everybody knows about their affairs, TM goes and throws an invite only, after hours party in a hotel room in Palm Springs for all the reps who shamelessly flirt with him. It’s hilarious!! Newsflash to the sleazy execs, this is a very small company and everybody talks. We know all about you - TM, JM, that little marketing douche. We know.

I can’t wait for all their shenanigans to come out in a lawsuit. I wonder what their wives will think?

this ‘company’really is the most emabarassing thing I will ever have on my resume. I was initially concerned but the behaviors, promotions and unexplained ability to pay commission on time is just enough already. Hopefully we can all sell out stock and buy a combo meal from Wendy’s with the profit. Joke.