Neos Contract

dont be fooled by the base salary. It’s actually typical for a specialty and totally used as a tool to keep the D Level reps who can’t seem this Shit (no one can) and to make up for the fact your bonus over the year will add up to a weekend in exotic Cheyenne Wyoming. And yes FUCK this place. Do not take a job here!

Of course he’s from Salix. Because nothing qualifies you more for selling a completely unnecessary ADHD drug than being an overgrown frat boy douchebag from GI

Let’s be fair here. I wouldn’t say ALL the former Salix managers are overgrown frat boy douchebags. In fact, i know one who is only about 5’5” and wouldn’t have been able to pledge Lambda Lambda Lambda. He is a douchebag though

MARK MY WORDS, because TM reads all of this and will attempt to detract from his lecherous frat boy sexist culture, the next ‘promotion’ will be female and he will make a huge deal of his ‘vision’ and plan for her. She will not be ex Salix and come from the South West. Call me Nostradamus. Of yes and she will be a part of the Kool Aid culture who walks around with a sense of being untouchable.

MARK MY WORDS, because TM reads all of this and will attempt to detract from his lecherous frat boy sexist culture, the next ‘promotion’ will be female and he will make a huge deal of his ‘vision’ and plan for her. She will not be ex Salix and come from the South West. Call me Nostradamus. Of yes and she will be a part of the Kool Aid culture who walks around with a sense of being untouchable.

any word if rolled in reps are going to get some Neos stock options at any point? that would be nice of them. otherwise the only thing that changed from being on contract is now my benefits cost me more.....

Benefits went up and so did your car allowance and mileage so shut up and sell something. Whiny ass mofo.
How about a ribbon at the end of the day for making calls. Is mommy going to tuck you in at night too? If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Oh wait, there aren't many pharma jobs anymore. Based on that, make some money for the company that takes care of you.

I as well as others in the region got a pay raise too so there is that also. Not going to go as hard as this guy but after interviewing with a couple other companies and visiting the other company threads, I think I truly am in a good spot right now. Was interviewing at a different company then I found out they had a massive layoff the next day!?! We may always worry about getting bought out but it’s better than being in a big pharma company that cleans out their salesforce ever two years like a high school girl cleans out her wardrobe.

Benefits went up and so did your car allowance and mileage so shut up and sell something. Whiny ass mofo.
How about a ribbon at the end of the day for making calls. Is mommy going to tuck you in at night too? If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Oh wait, there aren't many pharma jobs anymore. Based on that, make some money for the company that takes care of you.

Lol, I love the above posters remarks. I'm one of the above 25 yr olds at this company and couldn't agree more. The grass isn't always greener and this place treats us decent. I've been micromanaged and it's not fun. I like working for people who stay off my back & keep me employed. This is a start up company that is staying in business, enough said. We have jobs, car allowance, and bonus checks.

I as well as others in the region got a pay raise too so there is that also. Not going to go as hard as this guy but after interviewing with a couple other companies and visiting the other company threads, I think I truly am in a good spot right now. Was interviewing at a different company then I found out they had a massive layoff the next day!?! We may always worry about getting bought out but it’s better than being in a big pharma company that cleans out their salesforce ever two years like a high school girl cleans out her wardrobe.

I’m hoping for a BO personally. Good time to pick up more stock as the price dropped thanks to PDL dropping it’s shares. Make your own luck

Benefits went up and so did your car allowance and mileage so shut up and sell something. Whiny ass mofo.
How about a ribbon at the end of the day for making calls. Is mommy going to tuck you in at night too? If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Oh wait, there aren't many pharma jobs anymore. Based on that, make some money for the company that takes care of you.
I am absolutely rolling laughing at this post by Tom or a Neos Exec. Car allowance went up as it is cheaper than gas and insurance. Clearly the poster is taking advantage of people who need to break into industry by saying there are no jobs. There are other jobs out there. Wow