Neos Contract

Nah, it's almost over for the ENTIRE pharmaceutical industry! Think about it, all you do is deliver food, coffee, and cookies and in place ask for scripts. Especially all you "Specialty" reps that act like you actually bring anything of value. Shire reps, Arbor Reps, Merck Reps, Pfizer Reps, etc...... you will all be living in cardboard boxes by 2018. LOL!!

Cut it is right . It's almost over chumps

Nah, it's almost over for the ENTIRE pharmaceutical industry! Think about it, all you do is deliver food, coffee, and cookies and in place ask for scripts. Especially all you "Specialty" reps that act like you actually bring anything of value. Shire reps, Arbor Reps, Merck Reps, Pfizer Reps, etc...... you will all be living in cardboard boxes by 2018. LOL!!

You're posting on cafepharma.. Are you talking from experience posting live from your cardboard box?

Nope, from my vacation home with my mistress. I'm reaping the rewards of working a REAL job in Medical Device Sales and trolling the pharma losers that are cannibalizing and insulting their own like they are any different. That's like a high school senior making fun of a sophomore for not being able to drive and the college kids laughing at the high school senior for thinking he's a "big boy."

You're posting on cafepharma.. Are you talking from experience posting live from your cardboard box?

Nope, from my vacation home with my mistress. I'm reaping the rewards of working a REAL job in Medical Device Sales and trolling the pharma losers that are cannibalizing and insulting their own like they are any different. That's like a high school senior making fun of a sophomore for not being able to drive and the college kids laughing at the high school senior for thinking he's a "big boy."
Medical Device Sales are for strokes your just on your knees longer for the doc's that's all stop thinking your so high and mighty both industries are douchery at their finest.

True but at least they acknowledge it now. Before they were just raving about the drug only acting like it was God's gift to ADHD patients. Lets talk about rankings for a bit though. Paid speaker scripts need to removed from the rankings. If a high up exec is reading this.....level the playing field, Neos. Take away all those paid scripts and see who the real reps are. You think those scripts are coming the rep's messaging they are telling their speaker or the cash that is going in their pockets? Tired of my RSM praising a rep for doing so well when that rep has 2 damn paid speakers in their territory and 95% of their volume coming from 2 speakers. Then the RSM has the rep lead a conference call to give us tips on how to get us to perform to that level acting as if the messaging is working for those 2 PAID speakers. o_O

How about that new messaging? Everybody get out there and sell on cost. Like we haven't been doing that since day 1

You don't' have to say though after February- mr Phoenix university- you country bumpkin

You should have put a period after "Mr." You should have capitalized University as well. If that person is Mr. Phoenix University.... you must be Mrs. DeVry University.

Please exit the grammar nazi train and attempt to troll again.