stock trading in the mid $15's when it was ~$45 - 3 years ago with an $80s high in between ... you decide ... Wall Street has decided that this company can't live on it's trademark BRCA forever ... increasing territory business by even 20-30%/yr is considered below average performance in other words management is busy blaming the sales force ... one wonders how long it will be before the For Sale sign is on the lawn at Wakara Way

re: the genetic counselor comment ... no I would suggest that sales reps who think they know more about genetics is the real joke

I interviewed aome time ago in Atlanta. It was for a DM job. I had a strong track record and proven success of building teams where people enjoyed what they were doing. This was reflected in the team's and its members performance. The manager was an ex-military guy who was transferring. He was absolutely clueless and it was obvious he was looking for someone with military background (scary). I later found out he did hire an ex-military chum. The real corker was meeting with some clueless female manager froma different salesforce. This woman had no clue. I write this not out of bitterness, but because I am grateful for not moving on in the process, based on what has happened to your company. I can tell you that there was a cockiness that was apparently misplaced. A few of my reps are at Myriad and they are miserable. Thanks for not hiring me, Susan.

I interviewed aome time ago in Atlanta. It was for a DM job. I had a strong track record and proven success of building teams where people enjoyed what they were doing. This was reflected in the team's and its members performance. The manager was an ex-military guy who was transferring. He was absolutely clueless and it was obvious he was looking for someone with military background (scary). I later found out he did hire an ex-military chum. The real corker was meeting with some clueless female manager froma different salesforce. This woman had no clue. I write this not out of bitterness, but because I am grateful for not moving on in the process, based on what has happened to your company. I can tell you that there was a cockiness that was apparently misplaced. A few of my reps are at Myriad and they are miserable. Thanks for not hiring me, Susan.

Have them work ar Eisai Oncology for a week. You will never complain again! No shit. This place makes Sanofi look like a picnic. Stop your bitching and be glad you are not there. Spoiled brat you are!


the once darling child of diagnostics with the undefeatable BRCA monoply now has a stock in the teens far cry from those days of $80+ a share ... people are running for the lifeboats those left will soon be waiting for the new owners to bring in their own management and sales force to replace them


the once darling child of diagnostics with the undefeatable BRCA monoply now has a stock in the teens far cry from those days of $80+ a share ... people are running for the lifeboats those left will soon be waiting for the new owners to bring in their own management and sales force to replace them

Been there, done that! That is a walk on the beach. At least you still have a job right now.

You're an idiot. It's amazing all the crap put on here that is completely NOT true. This is a great company with great benefits where you're more than a glorified FedEx or caterer (no offense to either of those professions). You actually get to SELL instead of bouncing in there showing your boobs or buying off staff with lunches. Meetings with DR's are quality and informative instead of some spiel about how your drug is on BCBS while the others aren't. Pharma is a joke and if that's what you want, then you don't need to do anything other than that. Make your check by dropping off samples and ordering lunches. Oh, and get laid-off every 2yrs or so. Have a nice pathetic life, losers!

the once darling child of diagnostics with the undefeatable BRCA monoply now has a stock in the teens far cry from those days of $80+ a share ... people are running for the lifeboats those left will soon be waiting for the new owners to bring in their own management and sales force to replace them

I interviewed aome time ago in Atlanta. It was for a DM job. I had a strong track record and proven success of building teams where people enjoyed what they were doing. This was reflected in the team's and its members performance. The manager was an ex-military guy who was transferring. He was absolutely clueless and it was obvious he was looking for someone with military background (scary). I later found out he did hire an ex-military chum. The real corker was meeting with some clueless female manager froma different salesforce. This woman had no clue. I write this not out of bitterness, but because I am grateful for not moving on in the process, based on what has happened to your company. I can tell you that there was a cockiness that was apparently misplaced. A few of my reps are at Myriad and they are miserable. Thanks for not hiring me, Susan.

Gosh, I can't imagine why they didn't hire a sorry ass, bitter pharma manager who complains on cafe pharma??

You're an idiot. It's amazing all the crap put on here that is completely NOT true. This is a great company with great benefits where you're more than a glorified FedEx or caterer (no offense to either of those professions). You actually get to SELL instead of bouncing in there showing your boobs or buying off staff with lunches. Meetings with DR's are quality and informative instead of some spiel about how your drug is on BCBS while the others aren't. Pharma is a joke and if that's what you want, then you don't need to do anything other than that. Make your check by dropping off samples and ordering lunches. Oh, and get laid-off every 2yrs or so. Have a nice pathetic life, losers!

what's funny is you making the 'ass'umption you're talking to a pharma person ... enjoy your koolaid .... "quality meetings with Drs" ??? now who's the idiot? ... you must either be in training or fresh out ... wait til you are told that a 30% growth in your territory is either just barely 'avg' or doesn't meet expectations .... not because there's tons more business but because the quarterlies are disappointing shareholders and/or the analysts ... keep riding that unaffected BRCA wave right into the brick wall ... the healthplans ain't buying the 9% number that Myriad pitches ... $14 a share from the once mighty $80 is all that management will care about no matter how much 'you believe'

I am a pharmaceutical rep with a major pharma company. Due to a strong family history of ovarian and breast cancer I was tested for the BRCA 1 gene and found out I was positive. I am freaking out. Looking for some feedback from the inside regarding the reliability of the testing. Is it 100% accurate? Should I have the testing repeated at my own expense before I start having prophylactic surgery? Thanks in advance for any sincere replys!

Thanks for responding. Sounds like the test is VERY accurate, especially if you test positive. Is there any way of finding out information on my specific mutation? When I called Myriad they just told me my mutation was "rare". I have been going on to the FORCE website and someone suggested I check the BIC data base which I did. Unfortunately it looks like this data base has not been updated since 2004. I did find 20 or so entries with my specific mutation and 2 of the entries had ovarian cancer ( no breast cancer ). I would love more information on my specific mutation. Any other suggestions where I might look. Thanks so much for your help and understanding!

my suggestion is that you do what Myriad doesn't want and other patients to do which is find a geneticists (M.D.) who specializes in cancer genetics (they are definitely out there) to discuss in depth your familial situation and test results as well as get a consult with a surgeon who is also versed in genetics or connected to the geneticist you end up seeing (Myriad will tell this doesn't exist but it in fact does)

No offense that the discussion regarding an individual test result is taking place back n forth on a 'jobs' discussion board is highly inappropiate in particular if the response to your question came from a Myriad source. But I see it was skyped so obviously the tracks have been covered up.

she must be better than the ny bitch i interviewed with. read the boards- i'd never work for this company. got offered the job and turned her down. 3-4 interviews with stupid questions, ridiculously low salaries, no one makes bonus, no car, major lawsuits....the job posting has been up for months- soon they will realize no one wants to work for them and they will change their our shit dont smell attitude

Just visit the FORCE boards ( facing our risk of cancer empowered) and you will see why this company is not trusted. Yes, the tecnology is wonderful and the Brca information helps peopkle make choices but Myriad is too secretive and selective as to whom they will share information with. What are they hiding? It will catch up to them eventually so I certainly wouldn't want to work for this company.

I work for Myriad. Been here about 2 years. High 70s, no car but .50c a mile equals about $1,800 tax free more dollars a month for me. This quarter bonus, almost $15,000. Fair benefits, no defined retirement plan, just 401K. Good boss and yes it appears Myriad is acting more like Pharma but in all a great company to work for if at the end of the day you want to feel like you did something besides cater a lunch and discuss Overactive Bladder or some other disease state.

You won't get rich, but it is a satisfying job that nobody can really complain about. ALL jobs have headaches and things to complain about, as does this one, but being elsewhere and knowing the difference, I would still choose Myriad.

she must be better than the ny bitch i interviewed with. read the boards- i'd never work for this company. got offered the job and turned her down. 3-4 interviews with stupid questions, ridiculously low salaries, no one makes bonus, no car, major lawsuits....the job posting has been up for months- soon they will realize no one wants to work for them and they will change their our shit dont smell attitude

Went through 3 to 4 interviews and then turned it down?? Right, sounds like someone didn't have the right stuff for the job and didn't get an offer.

There has been an open spot in Houston TX with Myriad for a while (unless there were multiple spots open or one spot opened and filled then another opened right after that). Pay sounds reasonable and I agree with the post about mileage (.50 cents being fair), esp in TX where the territories are large. I'm sure they have a zillion people applying, so why is it stiiiiiiillll open?

And I think there is a Dallas spot too, not sure how long that's been open.