that just shows you how robotic you really are. If you have a mutation, you have a chance to prevent cancer from coming into play. If you have a mutation, you have a 95% chance of developing cancer by the age of 70. yeah, we tell the docs and office how to perform a simple blood test to test for this mutation, which if found will change the medical management of the patient. Oncology reps are the worst because you are making money off of making people more sick. did you know that people live longer when they are not on chemotherapy? try reading "the Politics of Cancer" by a leading oncologist, Dr. Epstein, and then spin it somehow that the way we treat cancer is helping anyone. You don't make that much more money than I do, don't fantasize. You probably make more money, but not twice as much. Bonus potential here is greater than any pharma company can offer with top reps earning $120k in bonus alone. It might not compare to your inflated salary, so yeah, you have a smaller penis than I do so tell me how important you are by the size of your wallet. As to your "don't these treatments already exist" comment. They do, but if the doctor doesn't know about the increased risk, it will be too late for advanced screening. How will the doctor know to increase surveillance if they show no signs? also, you don't treat the patient, the doctor does. He already knows about your pathetic drug that kills people and wouldn't care if you were telling him or he was learning about it at a conference. You are worthless. but, at least you have a lot of money. ass

This all might be well and good if all breast cancer was genetic. However, very few are positive for BRCA and even less are positive for BART (the only 2 assays available to anyone looking to be tested because of the patent) now even being optimistic for Myriads sake lets say that 25% of all breast cancer is genetic that leaves the majority still looking for other answers other than double mastectomies (the current most practical option for those who are positive for the mutations since one can not alter their own geneome). Myriad even realizes the limitations of genetic testing and has removed genetic testing from its health care benefits (other than its own, because that would look even worse for them). So obviously the company is only in it to make a buck. Get off your moral high horse of saving lives. IF that was truely the case for this company they would be doing more to get more assays out there to detect even more of the various mutations that exist for the gene rather than just the two that bring in the most money. snps and full exonic deletions/duplications just scratch the surface and myriad is struggling with just those. If you want to truely save lives sell off clinical rights to others that can make a difference since myriad is either unwilling or unable to advance the research needed to find more ways of detecting mutations in these genes.

I agree with the previous post that all Myriad executives care about is the almighty dollar. If they truly cared about making a difference in people's lives, they would release all of the precious prevalence data they have been hoarding. Myriad now has an extensive data base on the various mutations, the prevalence of breast and ovarian cancer associated with each mutation and the general age that cancer will strike with a given mutation. BUT because they are worried about losing their patent, they are not playing nice and not sharing thier data with gnentic counselors, oncologists, etc so that they will have leverage if they lose their patent. I hope the Myriad executives can sleep at night. As a pharma rep who has the BRCA 1 mutation, I am grateful for the information and have had several preventative surgeries. With that said, Myriad is going to have alot of explaining to do if I find out that my risk of breast cancer was really say 20% and not the 60-85% that I was told because my mutation was lumped in with every other mutation out there instead of data on my individual mutation. I hope there is one decent Myriad executive out there with compassion who will read this and do something about it. I have worked for a big pharma company for 20 plus years now and have seen the best of them come crumbling down. So sad that I look forward to the day that this happens at Myriad!


ACLU has filed a lawsuit against Myriad and its exclusive patent for BRCA testing. Hearing is tomorrow. Myriad will have seen better days if courts rule against them.


ACLU has filed a lawsuit against Myriad and its exclusive patent for BRCA testing. Hearing is tomorrow. Myriad will have seen better days if courts rule against them.

would like to know more about this company. culture? future? what can you realistically make in commission?

I've gone through a phone interview, and 2 face to face interviews. I really want this position. I heard there should be ANOTHER face to face, then a ride along, then another meeting with Director. How long will this go on? I really want this, any helpful tips?

I agree with the previous post that all Myriad executives care about is the almighty dollar. If they truly cared about making a difference in people's lives, they would release all of the precious prevalence data they have been hoarding. Myriad now has an extensive data base on the various mutations, the prevalence of breast and ovarian cancer associated with each mutation and the general age that cancer will strike with a given mutation. BUT because they are worried about losing their patent, they are not playing nice and not sharing thier data with gnentic counselors, oncologists, etc so that they will have leverage if they lose their patent. I hope the Myriad executives can sleep at night. As a pharma rep who has the BRCA 1 mutation, I am grateful for the information and have had several preventative surgeries. With that said, Myriad is going to have alot of explaining to do if I find out that my risk of breast cancer was really say 20% and not the 60-85% that I was told because my mutation was lumped in with every other mutation out there instead of data on my individual mutation. I hope there is one decent Myriad executive out there with compassion who will read this and do something about it. I have worked for a big pharma company for 20 plus years now and have seen the best of them come crumbling down. So sad that I look forward to the day that this happens at Myriad!
Or...instead of bitching about Myriad you could just say thank you to the company for working hard to get this informaiton into the hands of HCP's which probably saved your sorry ass.

I am grateful for the knowledge that Myriad has given me but obviously I am not the only one that is frustrated that Myriad is holding back information. Let's wait and see what the courts say. If I were you I would have a plan "B' in case Myriad loses their patent. One can only hope!!!!!

Salary is mid 70's for reps, bonus is 7-8k per quarter at plan. I made 22 k last quarter. Culture is strained right now, but hopefully will be getting better, most reps aren't making bonus so they aren't too happy

Why aren't reps making bonus? I'm interviewing soon and am trying to see if this is a good company to work for. I am bored with pharma but this seems more interesting. Do the doctors value the test for colon cancer?

I'm looking to interview for the Urology/Prostate Strategic Account Executive role and would love any info anyone is willing to offer.

* Is there really no car or car allowance?
* What is the 5th quarter bonus all about?
* Salary range?
* Commission range?

The position requires a good deal of traveling--are they difficult with regards to expenses? Is every penny watched for hotels/meals/flights? Not that I need to stay at the Four Seasons but will I be forced to stay at Motel 8s?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Is mindy Crawford still a manager? She ran everyone off when I was there. If you're interviewing make sure you don't report to her. Terrible!!! And then after you quit she will talk bad about you behind your back to physicians. Very unprofessional. She acts all christian but is really fake.

I just received a thank you for applying rejection letter for Myriad. I think I might have applied back in 2011? I couldn't even remember. I was desperate after a surprise layoff hit me. The fact they are contacting me years later makes me happy I forgot about this company years ago.

Myriad Genetics recently changed how they increase Account Executives goals that align with on how they are paid. Reps used to make money if they beat their goal according to comp plan. BUT not if the goal is to high and reps can't hit it!! They now increase their reps goals every 2 quarters instead of every year. So now, what used to be a short-term comp plan has become even shorter. If they were smart, they would make the comp plan to pay reps for what they sell and they would grab and retain superior talent across the industry. Instead, their greed will cannibalize them and intelligent sales professionals will leave, to be replaced by pharma reps. The caliber of sales person they want is not getting paid what they should in the high complex sales environment. My prediction... Watch it crumble horribly in the coming months.