A real liar and conjob,
Yes you are!
A real liar and conjob,
I'm not the moron wasting retirement years on cafepharma.
I heard of a rep who put in 15+ years in the field. Worked smart, got all the awards and raises, big bonuses plus options and promotions. Then things started to change. More field visits, sample audits, odd questions from the boss about things that seemed to come from no where. The rep thought cluster mates were spreading lies and the pressure got too much. Rep ended up on long term disability with a decent pay check, full medical and dental, and continues to accumulate service years towards full retirement. You never know what's around the corner.
A real liar and conjob,
I have the time to waste. I'm retired. You don't. You're not.
My retirement is set yours is not. Or did you think you could play this game for another 10,15,20 years? You know, pretending to work, but not really, schlepping lunches, driving around looking at medical offices you can't go in, looking at your computer screen at an ever shrinking customer base that you have no access with, dodging, or hoping to dodge another round of layoffs every year? Can you imagine doing that for another 20-25 years? I can't. The rules have changed. Sorry, thats the harsh reality. I'll bet you are leveraged to the eyeballs. Big house, big SUV, to carry your 2.5 kids, wife who wants to take a nice expensive vacation every year, maybe a boat. How will you make your monthly nut every month for the next, oh, so many years. Oh well, enjoy that next " I wish I had that week of my life back" sales meeting. Next time you're in one of those rooms, listening to another marketing manager drone on about nothing and your meeting room is overlooking a golf resort at a course that Merck doesn't allow you the time to play, that guy lining up a putt on a green in the middle of the day, will be me. Or you could play the lotto, who knows?
I could care less what some alleged retired douche bag posts about his make believe life on an anonymous chat board. Use that alleged retirement money and get some counseling or some real friends to occupy your life.
Jealous much?
For someone who could " care less" about what someone says on an anonymous message board you sure are quick to answer every post. I am retired. At 57. Let me guess. You are the opposite. You're unemployed. Oh well, Darwin proves true. Everyday.
For someone who could " care less" about what someone says on an anonymous message board you sure are quick to answer every post. I am retired. At 57. Let me guess. You are the opposite. You're unemployed. Oh well, Darwin proves true. Everyday.
Right. Sure you are. The only thing true about you is that you are insecure, you want to feel important and you hate that people call you out on your nonsense. I love messing with morons who feel the need to brag on an anonymous chat board to feel better about themselves. That's all there is to it. I am not jealous of a fantasy lifestyle made up from some needy dork.
15's deserve to be at the top of the page-Always.
This post has gone on and on.
What was 15 by 15 really? I remember the now departed M.T. used to say it quite a bit.
Did the company do it? It is after all 2015.
" I love messing with morons..."
Now who is " insecure", " jealous" and has fantasies?
Besides what difference does it make if I'M retired or not? Even if your guess is correct ( which it's not, I'm just retired) I would be much closer to it than you.
The fact remains that YOU are not, since you're on here I assume you are following the "15" lifestyle. Not exactly a stellar career life plan, but hey life is about choices. Good luck with yours. You'd have a better chance with a lotto ticket than the current situation you find yourself in but maybe you've already exceeded your skill set and run out of options.
My option is to stay and milk Merck for all I can until a better opportunity arises. Buying a lotto ticket makes less sense but you making that suggestion doesn't surprise me. You are not that bright with too much time on your hands and few social outlets.
Well that's a sort of plan, I guess. You should ask yourself why no better opportunity has not arisen. Either you're too lazy to look or " milking" is all you are qualified for. Either way you're stuck. Good luck.
Stuck with a free car, great health benefits, work from home, 401k match, a pension and other various perks and all the while making my own hours with the exception of one CTL field visit a month. Not bad for being stuck as you say.