• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

My version of 15 by 15

On behalf of all reps---15s and non-15s alike---I want to say that well wishes from a nut job aren't worth much.

Viva la 15s!

Thank you. Best wishes to you and all other 15ers as well. Enjoy your time with family and friends. This Merck job is just a paycheck, it's not a cult to dedicate your life. Family and close friends are more important than a corporation that could care less about you. Let the kool aid guzzling haters find out the hard way. Be well.

My well wishes are not for the scum 15 loser depravity dirtbags!
Don't make that mistake!

To the 15s and their sycophants, I have gone out and purchased six notebooks. The notebooks will record everything I dig up on the slimes I know are risking my lively hood or family. I will list by date,time and place every infraction you make and see to it that all is forwarded to Upper Management. May you be gone!

To the 15s and their sycophants, I have gone out and purchased six notebooks. The notebooks will record everything I dig up on the slimes I know are risking my lively hood or family. I will list by date,time and place every infraction you make and see to it that all is forwarded to Upper Management. May you be gone!

Oh no. Say it isn't so.

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

I just want to thank you for seeing the light and showing the way. I hope all is well with you and your family. Take care.

<<sigh>> There is no 15 "outing", no lists, and no "meetings". These are all just psychotic fantasies of the lone loser who lives here. Yes, actually lives here. He fancies himself as a graduate of Hogwarts and casts spells like "be gone!" and "may you be burned in the fires of Hades". LOL. A frustrated, unrewarded soul, he roams these threads making potions and casting powerless spells. He will post a minimum of 2 delusions (or 5, he has plenty of time) in reply to this message, pretending to be different people. He is the reason psychiatrists have job security in any market.

<<sigh>> There is no 15 "outing", no lists, and no "meetings". These are all just psychotic fantasies of the lone loser who lives here. Yes, actually lives here. He fancies himself as a graduate of Hogwarts and casts spells like "be gone!" and "may you be burned in the fires of Hades". LOL. A frustrated, unrewarded soul, he roams these threads making potions and casting powerless spells. He will post a minimum of 2 delusions (or 5, he has plenty of time) in reply to this message, pretending to be different people. He is the reason psychiatrists have job security in any market.

<<sigh>> and you are his enabler. A nonsensical thread written a read by nonsensical people.

<<sigh>> There is no 15 "outing", no lists, and no "meetings". These are all just psychotic fantasies of the lone loser who lives here. Yes, actually lives here. He fancies himself as a graduate of Hogwarts and casts spells like "be gone!" and "may you be burned in the fires of Hades". LOL. A frustrated, unrewarded soul, he roams these threads making potions and casting powerless spells. He will post a minimum of 2 delusions (or 5, he has plenty of time) in reply to this message, pretending to be different people. He is the reason psychiatrists have job security in any market.

A response from a empty carcass of muted humanity. Fantastic chronic head in the sand knob sucker.
Back to the project at hand. Screw the losers and save your jobs!

All you do is just motivate more folks to follow the 15 by 15. We will not be bullied by a certified nut. YOU LOSE!

It is exceedingly rewarding to overview the empty attempted discourse of the neuronally challenged. I have observed this branch of bipeds in many of the valleys and creek runs within Appalachia. Society does need your types for honeydipper roles servicing the chosen upper Gentry.

It is exceedingly rewarding to overview the empty attempted discourse of the neuronally challenged. I have observed this branch of bipeds in many of the valleys and creek runs within Appalachia. Society does need your types for honeydipper roles servicing the chosen upper Gentry.

Oh yeah? Well I slept with your girlfriend last night and she wasn't that good. Now I know why she's your girlfriend.

Poor desperate unintelligible response from a morbid zombie mind. Develop a basic thought pattern if genetically possible.

Why would I do that? Then I couldn't be a mindless, mind controlled, Merck rep drone anymore.

PS: don't forget to use this time to memorize verbatiums so you can impress your babysitter, errr, boss next week.